New Direction Meal Replacement

Hey All,

I'm in a medically-supervised weight management program. I've been on a 1000-1200 calorie diet and I exercise 4-5 times a week for at least an hour a day. I've lost 40 lbs and I have 40 more to go.

Problem is some months I plateau or even gain weight (I know some of it is muscle, but it seems like a lot to gain - like 5+ lbs in a week). So, the doctor recommended to try the New Direction program for a month.

Shake for breakfast, small protein snack, shake for lunch, New Direction bar snack, protein & veggies for dinner.

I've been on it for a week and I weighed myself and I seem to have gained weight.

Has anyone on here been on this program? Has anyone had this problem? Does the desire to eat real food for most of the day every go away?

I'm gonna give the program the month but I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. I don't have a thyroid problem/PCOS/etc, but I'm losing my mind!

Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Eat in a calorie deficit, that is all you need. Buy a food scale, best money ever spent :)
  • Nandini111
    Nandini111 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi SarahKerlin.. I am beginning week three of New Direction meal Replacements and I have lost 7lbs so far. My doctor says it a bit less that some people in their first few weeks however, I have an underactive thyroid. I think each of our bodies reacts differently... you have lost 40lbs already, don't give up... You're on a roll. There could be so many reasons that your weight has gone in the other direction. You stated that you have been working out 4 to 5 times a week and that can help build your muscles. Stay positive and thank you for sharing your story.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Sounds like an extra dose of scamwoo with a name cleverly designed to tap into the teenage-and-just-beyond girls obsessed with One Direction.

    Just my 2c.
  • zeusmom15
    zeusmom15 Posts: 3 Member
    I am on week two of the New Direction diet plan. I am doing the 800 calorie all meal plan program. I have found it really difficult to give up eating anything outside of the packets/bars. I would love to start our own chat group of people that are doing this also. =)
  • zeusmom15
    zeusmom15 Posts: 3 Member
    Nandini111 wrote: »
    Hi SarahKerlin.. I am beginning week three of New Direction meal Replacements and I have lost 7lbs so far. My doctor says it a bit less that some people in their first few weeks however, I have an underactive thyroid. I think each of our bodies reacts differently... you have lost 40lbs already, don't give up... You're on a roll. There could be so many reasons that your weight has gone in the other direction. You stated that you have been working out 4 to 5 times a week and that can help build your muscles. Stay positive and thank you for sharing your story.

    7 lbs is great! Which program are you doing? (800 calorie or cooking also?) Love your positive outlook! I agree Sarah...losing 40 lbs is a goal for most of us I would guess! My dietitian also said there can be gains depending on what exercise you are doing also. Keep it up!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You must talk to your doctor if you are in a medically-supervised weight management program and your doctor recommended this program. It sounds like what they prescribed doesn't work, and then they should fix it.

    If you want to lose weight sustainably, you could use MFP, just an idea, as you've already signed up.
  • sarahkerlin
    sarahkerlin Posts: 3 Member
    zeusmom15 wrote: »
    I am on week two of the New Direction diet plan. I am doing the 800 calorie all meal plan program. I have found it really difficult to give up eating anything outside of the packets/bars. I would love to start our own chat group of people that are doing this also. =)

    Hey zeusmom! I would love to be in a group for this! My plan is 2 shakes a day, bar for snack (and 1 more protein snack during the day), and protein & veggie for dinner. I definitely don't think I could do 100% shakes and bars. It's already difficult and the shakes don't really taste good!
  • sarahkerlin
    sarahkerlin Posts: 3 Member
    Nandini111 wrote: »
    Hi SarahKerlin.. I am beginning week three of New Direction meal Replacements and I have lost 7lbs so far. My doctor says it a bit less that some people in their first few weeks however, I have an underactive thyroid. I think each of our bodies reacts differently... you have lost 40lbs already, don't give up... You're on a roll. There could be so many reasons that your weight has gone in the other direction. You stated that you have been working out 4 to 5 times a week and that can help build your muscles. Stay positive and thank you for sharing your story.

    thank you Nandini! I appreciate the kind words! Best of luck on your weight loss journey and with this program! You got this!
  • daskaren
    daskaren Posts: 1 Member
    Zeusmom15 and Sarahkerlin, I'd also like to be in a group to discuss this. I'm currently doing 4 weeks on New Direction, 4 weeks on a nutrition plan, and alternating (currently on my second four-week set of ND). I've lost 42 pounds since Christmas on this so far. I haven't stepped off plan ONCE, which was challenging at first, but now is much easier and simpler. I really love this plan.
  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    I like to eat my calories, which means shakes are a big old nope. Women don't typically gain mass amounts of muscle. Not unintentionally. What I would do is plug your numbers into MFP and get a food scale. And log everything. It works just fine.
  • its4me232
    its4me232 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I am actually on Day 1 of New Direction- 800 Calories. I am to consume 4 shakes a day. I'm excited but nervous. I don't know how easy it will be staying away from food especially since I cook for my household. I would love to join the group as well. Did anyone get headaches?
  • kacowgill99
    kacowgill99 Posts: 43 Member
    I am just over 100 days on the New Direction program. I have list 58 lbs so far and my bloodwork has went from not so good to excellent. Feel free to add me.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I like to eat my calories, which means shakes are a big old nope. Women don't typically gain mass amounts of muscle. Not unintentionally. What I would do is plug your numbers into MFP and get a food scale. And log everything. It works just fine.


    Another great thing about eating actual learn portion control. I agree, almost zero muscle gain on 1200 (gross) calories.

    Maybe shakes are part of the maintenance plan (?)......or do you start measuring and logging real food when you get to goal?
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    800 calories? Sounds absolutely dreadful. And you don't want to eat a moose or your family's appendages? Weight loss does not have to be miserable or painful. :(
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I tried the shake thing once. I made it for one and one half days. I couldn't hack the liquid diet. I need to be able to use a spoon. Preferably a fork, sometimes a knife. Something about eating. Solely drinking, not ok.

    Waver: not meant as scientific evidence and was never meant to be.
    Comsult a doctor of you have any symptoms of anything anytime anywhere.
  • MrsMonster33
    MrsMonster33 Posts: 8 Member
    in my experience, you may not be giving yourself enough calories? Go configure your calories online and find your TDEE. I was doing 1200 cals a day and wasn't losing. I upped it to 1600 and I am losing fine now. Sometimes we actually need to FEED our body!
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    So. Much. Woo. In. This. Thread.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    ASKyle wrote: »
    So. Much. Woo. In. This. Thread.

    Lol, yup. Like the one above about not losing on 1200 but now is losing on 1600. That one alone goes against science...
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    800 calories? Wow.
    Sounds a lot like Dr. Bernstein here in Canada. Medically supervised VLCD. I had two friends on it. It cost them around $750 a month. They both lost a lot - weight, hair and fingernails. They also gained it all back when they could no longer afford it and went off the program, having learned absolutely nothing about how to change their lifestyle to something sustainable.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Seems like a good time to repeat what I said earlier in the thread:

    Sounds like an extra dose of scamwoo with a name cleverly designed to tap into the teenage-and-just-beyond girls obsessed with One Direction.