Any good recipes for people with IBS?

megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
I have IBS and other stomach problems which restrict diet a lot. I have a hard time finding yummy stuff to eat that won't kill me and wondered if anyone else knew some good recipes.


  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    That would be a difficult thing for people to comment on as everyone with IBS may have different triggers, My triggers are onion and pasta so i avoid at all costs, other people will be spices etc
    I would suggest you think about what triggers your IBS and try to find recipes that work for you. Not much help really Sorry
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    That would be a difficult thing for people to comment on as everyone with IBS may have different triggers, My triggers are onion and pasta so i avoid at all costs, other people will be spices etc
    I would suggest you think about what triggers your IBS and try to find recipes that work for you. Not much help really Sorry

    It's okay. That is true. I just wanted some ideas on stuff that was just pretty bland but not gross.
  • steffioliver
    steffioliver Posts: 2 Member
    Have you tried quinoa? :) I find it is very gentle on the IBS stomach and you can add any ingredient to it depending on what suits you :) I often just roast some veggies and stir them in and it's very yummy and filling. Also if you have a look at recipes by Deliciously Ella they tend to be quite good for IBS as she suffered from similar issues :) hope that helps! I have cut out so many things for my IBS and still eat tasty and healthy meals every day :)
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Have you tried quinoa? :) I find it is very gentle on the IBS stomach and you can add any ingredient to it depending on what suits you :) I often just roast some veggies and stir them in and it's very yummy and filling. Also if you have a look at recipes by Deliciously Ella they tend to be quite good for IBS as she suffered from similar issues :) hope that helps! I have cut out so many things for my IBS and still eat tasty and healthy meals every day :)
    No I have never tried that but I'll give it a go. Thank you so much for the suggestions!
  • macelmer
    macelmer Posts: 55 Member
    I have Crohn's Disease and when I am flaring I tend to stick to a low-residue diet. Some things you could try are: spaghetti with marinara sauce, baked fish, baked or mashed potatoes with vegan butter, roasted veggies, fruit cups, scrambled eggs, baked chicken with any spice or marinade or bbq sauce you like...I could go on and on an on. It is really all trial and error. Best of luck.
  • Vampireneko
    Vampireneko Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there, you actually just commented on my post :) I too have IBS! (sucks, I know) and it sucks that everyone has different triggers. For me personally, I find that a lot of processed foods (Pasta, cheeses, pizza, etc) Also red meat, and high quantities of sodium tend to send me into an IBS attack. However, I've found quite a few delicious things that seem to help me personally. Raspberry granola, (breakfast) or a Special K nourish cereal (has almonds and raspberries I believe), almonds are a nut that are a good snack for protein as well in moderation and don't seem to bother me at all, I feel pretty good. Citrus fruits don't seem to sit well with me (oranges), but apples every now and then, along with greens such as spinach, brussel sprouts, etc. I mix these in with an egg or two to whole long grain brown rice (white rice tends to give me flare ups) and about a tbsp of soy sauce to get great yummy fried rice. Also can add shrimp or chicken breast to this. I find fish (pickrel, salmon) To be easy on my digestive system. As far as bread goes, I do not consume a lot but I find whole wheat or flax based are the easiest on me. Sorry this is a long post but I hope it helped atleast a little.
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    Hi there, you actually just commented on my post :) I too have IBS! (sucks, I know) and it sucks that everyone has different triggers. For me personally, I find that a lot of processed foods (Pasta, cheeses, pizza, etc) Also red meat, and high quantities of sodium tend to send me into an IBS attack. However, I've found quite a few delicious things that seem to help me personally. Raspberry granola, (breakfast) or a Special K nourish cereal (has almonds and raspberries I believe), almonds are a nut that are a good snack for protein as well in moderation and don't seem to bother me at all, I feel pretty good. Citrus fruits don't seem to sit well with me (oranges), but apples every now and then, along with greens such as spinach, brussel sprouts, etc. I mix these in with an egg or two to whole long grain brown rice (white rice tends to give me flare ups) and about a tbsp of soy sauce to get great yummy fried rice. Also can add shrimp or chicken breast to this. I find fish (pickrel, salmon) To be easy on my digestive system. As far as bread goes, I do not consume a lot but I find whole wheat or flax based are the easiest on me. Sorry this is a long post but I hope it helped atleast a little.

    Thanks. I usually eat a lot of fish. I don't eat much chicken I cook anymore. I just never like it. I was doing oatmeal but I think if I do that everyday it bothers me. Tomorrow I was going to try some scrambled eggs with spinach and tomatoes.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    For me the best thing I learned is to stay away from too much greasy food, and don't eat too much in one sitting. Whenever I pig out or have lots of greasy food it's bad. Also, eating yogurt regularly has helped a lot, even though other dairy can trigger it. Food doesn't have to be bland! You just have to figure out your triggers. Good luck!
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    For me the best thing I learned is to stay away from too much greasy food, and don't eat too much in one sitting. Whenever I pig out or have lots of greasy food it's bad. Also, eating yogurt regularly has helped a lot, even though other dairy can trigger it. Food doesn't have to be bland! You just have to figure out your triggers. Good luck!

    Well for me I don't just have IBS. I don't have a gallbladder and I have a hiatal hernia. So that makes everything worse and restricts me even more. It feels like I eliminate all this stuff and I will be fine then all of a sudden it starts bothering me. And so it feels like I'm just doomed to be super bored of food. Especially because I suck at cooking. Honestly, the biggest problem is I don't even want to eat my own cooking most the time. Some times I get part way through my dinner and just give it to my fiance.