Devine Intervention hehe

PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Yesterday was one of thr hardest days for me but actually turned out ok...I found myself tempted several times to make the wrong choices and the temptation was hard to fight for sure but I def feel an outside force was steering me back n the right work I was ok til another lady mentioned getting a candybar from the vending machine and normallly I can ignore the cravings but I all the sudden got this rediculosu urge to eat a snickers bar I even went as far as to look up the calories figurrd it into my plan and told myself one time is ok...I got change together and went to the machine and when I got there all the sudden noticed I didn't have the right amount to get one...instead of going back for more change I figured that was a sign not to get one and went and had a spoonfull of peanut butter and that made th craving go away...I'm so thankful that happend becuz I know I would have regretted that candybar later when I wished I had more calories....someone up there's lookin out for me!! :)


  • XTurkishMamiX
    XTurkishMamiX Posts: 6 Member
    yeyyy bo pete you are doing soooooooo great i am proud of you!! give me some of your motivations!! :)
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