
Hi all can any one help...!! I've lost 2 stone 2 lb... I. Now 12 stone 12lb
I want to reach 12 stone 7 lb... But last 2/3 weeks my weight has just gone static... I have started gym this week and doing good at that.... Can any one give reasons why I can't seam to lose any more weight ..?????


  • jacquifrench304
    jacquifrench304 Posts: 131 Member
    Starting new exercise especially if your feeling a little sore can mean retained water for a few weeks until your body adapts. With a 2st loss if you have not told MFP to recalculate your goal that may have influenced the scale movement too. Try these things out and start pulling out a measuring tape , if your building on your weights your scale may stand still but your measurements will change
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    For the same reason you werent losing weight before. You arent eating at a deficit...
  • therousehouse38
    therousehouse38 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi thanks for the info.... It seams that I'm not meeting my calorie count for the day... And when I add my gym work and calories burnt I'm well short of my daily intake ..?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    How are you measuring your intake? With only five pounds to lose, you have to be precise in your logging.
  • jacquifrench304
    jacquifrench304 Posts: 131 Member
    Are you using a food scale ? , have you re calculated your calorie allowance lately ? Both of these things can have a big impact. When you have lost a large amount of weight your body needs less to stay the same weight. A food scale for everything you eat and measuring all liquids will give you a much more accurate calorie amount as well.
    Also if your weight is now within a normal range for your height your weight loss will often slow this is normal . The last few pounds can take quite some time to lose.
    Bottom line is calorie deficit will work , you just have to create that deficit the above will help you do that
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Have you recalculated your calories since you've lost weight? A smaller body needs less calories to maintain.

    Also, as you get closer to goal you need to be extra vigilant about weighing your food and tracking accurately.
  • MelissaLimeKiwi
    MelissaLimeKiwi Posts: 121 Member
    The first week I begin exercising I always gain a pound. Always. Just keep going. If you are eating at your calorie goal you should keep losing. Just give your body a couple weeks to get used to the new workout routine.
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    eldamiano wrote: »
    For the same reason you werent losing weight before. You arent eating at a deficit...

    He is very close to his goal weight and it has been 2 or 3 weeks. He could very possibly be eating at a deficit given normal fluctuations.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I predict that there is not a food scale being used by OP. He has not answered @malibu927 question about how he is measuring his food intake.

    And I will second, the fewer the pounds you need to loose the tighter the food logging needs. A food scale is needed to ensure that the 1700 calories (OP stated he was on in later threads) is indeed 1700 calories and in a calorie deficit at this amount.
  • betuel75
    betuel75 Posts: 776 Member
    agree with the above about using a food scale and being precise with your calorie logging. I can go from 10% body fat to 7% just as easy as going from 15% to 10% if my logging is precise...
  • therousehouse38
    therousehouse38 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi all ... Well weigh in day ...!! YAAAY lost 1lb.....
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi all ... Well weigh in day ...!! YAAAY lost 1lb.....

    That's really cool. Just keep doing what you are doing.. if you made any changes since you started posting on MFP for advice, keep adhering to the advice you have received, keep doing those too. Patience and diligence to the process is your friend...
  • sehenson00
    sehenson00 Posts: 7 Member
    Plateaus are common especially after a significant loss. The body will generally adapt by slowing down the metabolism, but exercising will boost it. Sometimes actually eating more calories will boost it as well.