Losing 100 lbs -weightloss buddy?



  • ladytwilight72
    ladytwilight72 Posts: 70 Member
    I too have 100 plus to loose... if anyone needs friends feel free to add me. I'm on here every day
  • hrlemley8409
    hrlemley8409 Posts: 6 Member
    I've lost large amounts of weight before through the incorrect means of starvation and running. Weight always came back as quick as it left. April of 2014 I tipped the scales at 343.6. I am now of a journey I hope to conclude by April of 2017. A journey to 203.6 pounds being lost. My lifestyle changes have become permanent and I've already seen a loss from a dress size 34 to a dress size 20. Always looking for new weight loss buddies. Cheers!
  • Linziyo
    Linziyo Posts: 25 Member
    I would love for anyone of this journey to add me as well!
    I have 85 lbs left to lose! We can do it!
  • lostgoals
    lostgoals Posts: 57 Member
    My goal was a 100 pounds gone started over 300, lost almost 30 since Feb 13. Open diary and always looking for motivational friends (and food ideas!)
  • admckee486
    admckee486 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm relatively new here, too. Had 110 lbs to lose originally, and now have 81 left to drop. I started my plan (again) mid January of this year.
    Feel free to add me. I haven't really begun to add friends yet, and I'm just now starting to look into these community forums. I like the idea of support!