
lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
what foods can cause bloating and how can u tell the difference between bloat or if it's just loose skin (cuz of fat loss) etc


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Do you track your food intake and notice when you bloat? Sodium? Not sure if loose skin is the same thing as bloating.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited March 2016
    If its lose skin, it will not change from day to day.
    Bloat can happen due to high fiber foods, high salt foods, hormones, even alcohol.
    To me, bloat can be painful and happens from eating more than 40 grams of fiber a day.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    Bloat makes me fart, fat makes me sad.
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    Bloat makes me fart, fat makes me sad.

  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Bread, and lentils bloat me. I've also noticed some highly processed protein products (protein mousse) can cause a bit of bloating - I'll be investigating the ingredients to see if I can identify which might be to blame.

    Telling the difference between bloating and lose skin- well I don;t tent to have any lose skin but I'd say that my stomach is pretty pronounced with bloating and I can feel more pressure there so that may be a useful indicator?
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    I've lost over 150lbs so I have a heck of a lot of loose skin, particularly on my stomach (full term pregnancy with twins, I'm 176lbs down from that top weight). The loose skin is squidgy and hangs, but when I'm bloated my stomach goes really firm and obviously distended. If I measure myself while bloated my stomach is usually 10cm (4 inches) bigger around than when I'm not bloated.

    There are a lot of foods that can cause bloating - some vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, but other foods as well. Highly processed foods can cause me to bloat, also some protein powders or protein enriched processed foods like muesli bars. I'm not anti-processed food but I AM sick of being bloated.

    A quick google will give you a list of common foods that can cause bloating.
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    Every body is different: what bloats one person won't have any effect on another, but folks here have hit the biggest culprits already.
    For me, wheat bloats my stomach. It distends and becomes hard, and can take anywhere from a day to 3 days to 'deflate' lol. Fiber used to make me bloat temporarily, but I've been eating high fiber for a long time, so my body has adjusted.
    Salt makes my entire body bloat, read: water retention. My skin gets a little puffier and squishier, if that makes sense. This also happens once a month, if you get my drift... My guess is that loose skin would kind of inflate and get spongy if you were retaining water.
    The best advice I can give is to really track your eating and find what your individual triggers are.
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    thanks for the advice. I am going to have a physical done to rule out anything. My tummy is bigger above the belly button and sometimes hard sometimes loose.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    lisa9805 wrote: »
    what foods can cause bloating and how can u tell the difference between bloat or if it's just loose skin (cuz of fat loss) etc

    I think different foods can affect each person differently. For my partner, if he eats any type of pasta - insta bloat. Me, not so much (although I don't eat nearly as much). If I eat any sort of bean or sugary food, that is instant bloat for me which continues into the next day. I know for some, high sodium content is a source of bloat. Drinking a lot of water, etc. Bloat for me is typically "puffy" in appearance versus just straight up fat. Not sure exactly how to describe it. I can't "pinch" it, my stomach is just puffed out.. make sense?