What is the best quick easy FILLING breakfast?

ojell Posts: 749 Member
I want something healthy, worth the calories, that will hold me off for a long time.

I need something quick and easy.

Any ideas?


  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    Whey Protein (mixed with 250ml of Skimmed milk.)

    It works for me & keeps me satisfied 'til lunch!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Hot oats porridge with some banana chopped in
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    omellete! mm.
    If you chop pre chop your veggies they are easy to toss in.
    Top it with fun things. I topped mine with salsa and avocado the past two mornings
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Got this one from others here but just had it today and surprisingly filling for me.

    1 toasted multigrain waffle, 1 TBS better then butter (Trader Joe's lower calorie PB), and 1/2 sliced banana (208 calories)

  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    definitely oatmeal
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    Orowheat Healthful english muffin with peanut butter. yum:smile:
  • Riotactor10
    poached egg on a high fiber english muffin....easy and filling
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Fiber One cereal is really good. I believe its 60 calories for a 1/2 cup.. I usually eat 3/4 cup with 1/2 cup skim milk and a half banana OR some berries in it.. sprinkle on some sugar just to sweeten it a tad. I really need the fiber so this is great and I am full for a long time! =)
  • mickie_on_my_way
    mickie_on_my_way Posts: 32 Member
    My most filling breakfast is from "The CarbLover's Diet" book.

    2 slices rye bread (I use a rye/pump swirl)
    1 egg (they suggest fried, I do it omelet style)
    1 slice cheddar cheese

    I add salsa to it and have a b'fast sandwich that lasts me a loooong time.

    Have a piece of fruit with it (or save the fruit for mid-morning).
  • Samantharose8akaDebbie
    Samantharose8akaDebbie Posts: 407 Member
    I have a packet of instant cheese grits with a cut up egg white in it and a tbls. real bacon pieces.......147 calories or the whole egg for 200 cals. It sticks to my ribs till lunch time.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    I typically eat oatmeal and eggs. It's very filling, and I think it's delicious. I microwave some old-fashioned oats (1 part oats, 1 1/2 parts water) while I cook my eggs on the stovetop (1 yolk + 3 whites is the ratio I use). I add 1% organic milk, sugar in the raw, and cinnamon to my oatmeal.
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    two eggs. any way you cook 'em. proven to keep your filled through the morning due to high protein content & take 5 minutes to cook.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'd like to know myself. No matter what I think up, I'm always hungry 2-3 hours later, and my lunch is waaay in the afternoon. :/
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    i alternate between
    ~ eggs on whole wheat bread/sandwich thin (on days when i get in an intense first thing in the morning workout)

    ~ strawberry/banana/yogurt/flaxseed smoothie (on those days when i dont want to chew so early in the morning!)

    both fill me up for hours!
  • michelleion
    michelleion Posts: 122 Member
    Porridge! It's sooo filling - mix in some fruit/nuts etc and it'll keep you going for hours!
  • msasbill
    msasbill Posts: 1
    I recently read an article about eating eggs for breakfast and weight loss. I have gone from not eating breakfast at all to eating two eggs (either pan cooked or microwaved) and one package of grits with just pepper added. It's a 210 calorie breakfast, not too heavy, not too light - but it keeps me full and has good protein. I probably should throw in some veggies or fruit too, but try to keep the calories low.
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    I have weetabix/store derivative - keep me full for about 4/5 hours. I'm weaning myself off the sugar I put on it and I'm down to half a teaspoon.
  • blumuse
    blumuse Posts: 52 Member
    my favorite is:
    - (1) large poached egg (no extra calories from frying in oil- I use a microwave-able egg poacher)
    - (1) low carb tortilla (Sonoma brand from Trader Joes)
    - (2) slices of turkey bacon (from Trader Joes)

    cook egg, break the egg up, mix in with turkey bacon (I microwave it - again, no extra oil from cooking in fry pan), sprinkle with spices (I use curry and garlic) or top with a bit of salsa, wrap in a tortilla and ta da! Breakfast burrito for 190 calories in under 3 minutes.
  • risaris2000
    Def. 1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal, with 1 scoop protein powder, 2 tbsps of flaxmeal!! Yummy
  • two eggs. any way you cook 'em. proven to keep your filled through the morning due to high protein content & take 5 minutes to cook.

    I agree. Oatmeal and waffles make me hungry an hour later due to the carbs but the two eggs...I have days where I have to force my lunch down my throat because I'm still full from the eggs...LOL!