My first real diet. How do you stay motivated?

veronicastelo Posts: 29
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I have always been fit and thin but I gained a LOT of weight when I went backpacking and I can't seem to lose it. It's really annoying because I work out 5 days a week so it's not like I can exercise more. I decided to start getting serious about losing it and putting myself out there with my goals and keeping a closer eye on my food. I just hope I stay motivated.
SW 164
GW 130


  • rachelllk
    rachelllk Posts: 63
    MFP should really help! Feel free to friend me, I've found that with friends and keeping my diary public rather than private I feel more obligated to stay at/under my calorie allowance and exercise regularly. Good luck!!!
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    This site seems to help u stay on track.... adding ppl as friends can provide support... Motivation comes from within... i use a pair of pants, and daily affirmations to keep me positive about this journey
  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    Welcome, and this isn't really a diet, more portion control than anything. I eat a lil bit of everything and never deprive myself.. I don't feel like this is a diet at all, and whats even better is the more you workout the more you get to eat =)...
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    You have a goal and you focus on it! Motivation is truly an individual thing and you can make yourself real goal you can hold in your hand or intrinsic that you can feel in your heart. My recommendation is a little of each.
    You are looking to lose about 35 pounds - make yourself 5 small goals - at each 7 pounds off do something for you. For example, if you love going to the movies then don't go until you reach goal number three. If you want some new clothes that comes at goal 5. Wanting to go walk a new trail - DO IT don't wait for a goal - this will help you on your way, but do you get my drift? And it does not need to be something expensive. Have your very bestest friends help you come up with some idea. AND pat yourself on the back for every step forward you take. I have recently lost 16 pounds, but it has taken FOREVER to get here - I have 40 to go, but I am moving forward and keeping it off. Slow and steady.
    Also, Try mixing up your exercise. Your body gets used to routine - try some new and different stuff and see if you don't find some changes in how your body responds.
    Good luck. Please check back in some time. Would love to know how you are doing!
  • SandyEdge
    SandyEdge Posts: 72 Member
    I am in the same situation as you - this is the first diet I have ever done...
    I have been on MFP for about 3 weeks now and it has been really great for me.
    Not only have i lost weight - but I have learned alot about the foods I am eating.
    Getting under my calorie goal everyday has become a fun and exciting thing to do with the support of friends on the site.

    Good luck !!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    For starters, don't think of it as a diet, it's a new lifestyle. You will be changing your eating and exercise habits for good so you can stay healthy. Find motivations in rewards you give yourself for achieving goals like new jeans in a smaller size or a new haircut. Daily I use MFP as a motivation, making all the numbers work out is like a game to me.
  • bean177
    bean177 Posts: 75
    MFP should really help! Feel free to friend me, I've found that with friends and keeping my diary public rather than private I feel more obligated to stay at/under my calorie allowance and exercise regularly. Good luck!!!

    ditto, ditto, ditto!!!! :bigsmile:
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    For me, it's helpful to think about my halfway point. I have a HUGE end goal in mind, but losing 90 lbs, to me, seems like a LOT of work, and can be very discouraging. So I've come up with a first goal, and that's to get down to my high school size. Much more doable! And after that, I'm going to keep setting goals for myself until I get to my ultimate goal. Anyway, my halfway point is just under 25 lbs. So THAT is doable. If I keep that in mind, it's much easier to keep motivated. And being on here is a HUGE motivator. Looking at everyone's before and after shots. It's also helpful to have your own personal cheerleader. For me, it's my mom. Whenever I tell her that I've lost weight, or when she notices I've lost weight, it's a HUGE ego boost for me, and makes me want to keep going. I want to make her proud of me, you know? She also told me that when I lose 10 lbs, she'll buy me a new shirt, with is SUPER nice of her, considering I haven't lived with her in 6 years. LOL.
  • amalin84
    amalin84 Posts: 12 Member
    I set attainable goals for myself. For example, I know I'm going to a big 4th of July party where I will see a bunch of people I hardly ever see. I've always been in-shape but my body has fluctuated from toned/physically fit to not so toned/a little extra cushion for the pushing. So I've been a bit more hardcore at the gym and focusing more on my weight training than cardio because I definitely do not look as toned as I would like to look. I do 3 days weight training and 2 days cardio but recently amped it up to 4 days weight training (adding an extra leg day since the back of my legs are not looking too sexii :( ) Also, make sure you are switching up your routine and rep amounts so your muscles don't get used to your workouts.
    Going to the gym isnt enough, as you are aware since you are on this site but perhaps its the food you are eating? I try to maintain a high protein/low carb/ low sodium diet. I try to look at everything I eat as how it will affect my body and since protein "feeds" the muscles I try to eat high protein throughout the day. About 2-3x a week I'll add a traditional carb to dinner like brown rice but the other nights are typically chicken/fish/meat and lots of veggies and beans.

    I do "cheat" but not the entire day. If for lunch I have a burrito from my favorite place, I'll have grilled chicken, spinach and black beans (no high carb or starch) for dinner.

    It does take work and effort on your part but keeping up with the diary on MFP is also helpful. It makes a difference when you have to keep track of everything you eat. This site has really helped me keep track of everything I was shoving in my mouth and I love that you can change the diarty headers to what you would like to track.

    Good luck!
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