Carbs...Carbs...Carbs....OMG Carbs EVERY WHERE!!!!



  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    I have no time in the mornings either... so I do everything the night before.
    I put my 2 egg whites and 1 whole egg in a microwave safe container
    I use another container to soak my steal cut oats and have a little baggie for the dried cranberries and almond slivers to add later on.

    That way when I get to work I can just toss everything in the microwave and it's cooked by the time my water bottle is filled.

    It's all about planning. For me my breakfasts have to be big or I literally feel sick in the mornings. It's normally my biggest meal of the day.

    I agree with a previous post - if it's from a fast food establishment, or comes from the freezer section - AVOID!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    All I can say is try to make your own food at home before you leave. An Egg white omelet with spinach, tomato, peppers, onions, some low fat shredded or swiss cheese or Just salsa cooked in smart balance. Put it on a low carb tortilla or whole wheat low carb bread or pita. Low fat low sugar yogurt with some strawberries, cantalope, grapes or berries. It is great and lower in everything then what you get at subway. and a lot cheaper too. You don't have to give up a whole food group. Just find alternatives or smaller portions. 1/2 of a Sweet or White Potato. 1 oz. of Whole grain Pasta and 1/ cup brown rice. Instead of having pasta as a main dish have it as a side dish. 1 oz. with a piece of grilled fish or chicken or any meat and lots of Veggies and a salad. I would never be able to giive up a whole food group. I Just look for a better choice. Make a sandwich on one of Breads I mentioned and use 1 oz low sodium luncheon meats 1/2 oz good cheese. Put a lot of lettuce tomatoes and Hot mustard or olive oil mayo. You don't have to use a ton a little goes a long way. Snack on low fat popcorn, You can have 5 cups of that. Wheat thin crackers with 1 oz of good cheese or Tablespoon spicy hummus. I didn't think I liked humus til I tried it, the spicy one is great. Watch portions and if you can, log your food in before you eat it, you may dicide something else fits better in your day.
  • lizzil0
    lizzil0 Posts: 181 Member
    For breakfast this is what I make- it's really fast, low carb and filling-
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Re what your doctor told you about daily calorie intake, he's got it somewhat messed up. For breakfast, 200 calories is way too low! You need to "break your fast" from the night before and get fuel to start your day. Most doctors have not been well-educated in the field of nutrition either. A doctor I work for told me she had one class - her first year of med school!

    You should aim for your overall calorie count for the day, but make individual meals more sensible. I try to break my meals down into about equal calorie counts, while still leaving room for 2 - 3 snacks. You should be eating 4 - 6 times daily (small amounts are fine). This way of eating keeps your metabolism fired up, and also keeps blood sugars level. Level blood sugars are important, because dips and spikes cause hunger and cravings.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I can't and don't cook in the mornings (I have an oil powered range that takes an age to heat up, so I only put it on for the evening), I always have muesli or porridge for breakfast, no sugar, lots of protein and fibre, and quite a few complex carbs.
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    So I'm trying to (somewhat ignorantly-I say that because I fully don't understand the concept yet) watch my carb intake, it seems like I go over EVERY day... I've read that carbs aren't exactly great for you in abundance.... they give you a fake burst of energy that leaves you less than satisfied and hungry as hell later.

    So...I stopped by Subway this morning, thinking every where else in town has mucho carbs in everything....(I could think of anyway) I didn't want oatmeal again, (ha ha lots of carbs) the flat bread, egg white, bacon, sandwich, NO cheese (Yay - that was hard), and NO sauce! (again hard) I did put some avacado on there because I'm addicted to it, tomatoes, spinach, black olives and that's it. 475 CALORIES?!?! WTF?????

    I'm supposed to aim for 200.... so I just get frustrated with the lack of options, but I'm doing soo good right now and I'd really like to NOT F it up. Any suggestions, or could anybody give me the "laymans" version of how carbs really play into all this?

    This kind of is a vent, but kind of a reaching out for answers too. Thanks in advance.

    Go to HULU or netflix and download or rent "FATHEAD" it will explain how carbs help/hurt our weight loss efforts. Also the avocado was a healthy choice. Yes, calorie dense but so good for your body. Some times you need to eat calorie rich foods to get the good stuff. Also I don't every settle for just eggs whites anymore. I now know that all the goodness and flavor is in the yoke!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    200 Calories, somewhere along the way my doctor told me:

    200 Calories for Breakfast
    100 Calorie Snack
    400 Calories for Lunch
    100 Calorie Snack
    600 Calories for Dinner

    If you reverse this scenerio you will have the perfect days plan! Start out with 600 calories for breakfast! You can mix it up!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    It has taken me a lot of time and trial/error to get my carbs under control. I limit them to 40% of my diet (122g a day). You have to learn that if you have a pasta/rice/potato carb at dinner, you can't have one at breakfast and lunch also. You learn that no-sugar-added breads are lower in carbs. You learn that 1 slice of Ezekiel bread is more filling than 4 slices of white bread or 2 of whole wheat. You learn to balance fruits and veggie carbs with the occasional grain/rice/potato carb. I don't eat cakes, cookies, white bread/rice because it just makes me want more. I've learned that plenty of "healthy" foods are still high in carbs and calories and have to be limited.

    Yesterday, I had linguini for the first time in a long time, and was 27g over in my carb category for the day. Once in a while...ok. But it's a learning process.

    Keep playing with your food choices and you'll eventually find what works best for you! Good luck!
  • marybsalmon
    marybsalmon Posts: 46 Member
    I have been trying to watch my carbs and calories to. A friend of mine told me to get online and read about the Atkins diet, as it cuts down carbs.

    I asked my doctor about Atkins and she said the South Beach diet was better for you because it allowed for fruit (adding important vitamins & nutrients)...which is healthier for you than just meat and veggies.

    I just try to limit my bread and potatoes and that helps keep the carbs down to a manageable amount.
  • tanyaelise
    tanyaelise Posts: 28
    Mission Tortillas have a low carb version. I use them for.....ahhh here it goes, my mouth is watering.....Home made quesadillas, tuna wraps, ham and cheese with lettuce and horseradish, pizza crusts (very thin), hamburgers, hot dogs, etc...they have 7 carbs per wrap. Give them a try.
  • tanyaelise
    tanyaelise Posts: 28
    200 Calories, somewhere along the way my doctor told me:

    200 Calories for Breakfast
    100 Calorie Snack
    400 Calories for Lunch
    100 Calorie Snack
    600 Calories for Dinner

    If you reverse this scenerio you will have the perfect days plan! Start out with 600 calories for breakfast! You can mix it up!

    I never thought of it that way...makes sense to have lighter calories at the end of the day and energy in the morning...Probably lose more weight like that if I didn't have all the calories before bed/
  • marybsalmon
    marybsalmon Posts: 46 Member
    A carb is a carb the way a calorie is a calorie.

    Now for the long answer. Not all carbs are equal and different foods are better choices for different situations. Carbohydrates give us energy, how much and how quickly are the questions whose answers will give you guidance. Vegetables are mostly carbs, so is that muffin, oatmeal, and snickers bar. But you get a lot more volume and longer fullness from the veggies. The difference is how quickly they are digested and how nutritionally dense the item is. The less refined food is, the longer it takes your body to digest it and get the carbs into your blood stream where they can be used as fuel. Ideally, you want a slow steady stream of fuel. Sugar is the crack cocaine of carbs, it jacks you up and then you want more. Studies have actually been done that show it stimulates the same areas of the brain, the pleasure centers, as hard drugs. So it's all about moderation. Choosing carbs that slowly release their energy for sustained energy through out the day and small portions of sugary/refined items for pleasure or to smooth out a dip from going too long without eating. Personally, sweet potatoes, brown rice, Uncle Sam cereal, and oatmeal are my top quality carb choices along with veggies! Pairing carbs with protein is a good way to balance it out. I make oatmeal pancakes a lot, 1 egg + 1/2 c (not instant) oats + splash of milk/soy + cinnamon/ginger. It keeps me going a lot longer than just plain oatmeal because of the protein from the eggs. Conversely, post workout you want to give your body quick access to carbs so it doesn't "steal" protein from your muscles to repair itself. Post workout, 0-30 minutes, for intense sessions lasting an hour or longer, some sugar is ok because you don't want to waste all the work you did by letting your body tear it down. A fruit and protein smoothie is my go to post workout. Hope this helps. There is so much info out there, you can always ask a dietitian for a really reliable answer.

    I love your answer...very detailed. From what my doctor said, you are right on every point.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    So I'm trying to (somewhat ignorantly-I say that because I fully don't understand the concept yet) watch my carb intake, it seems like I go over EVERY day... I've read that carbs aren't exactly great for you in abundance.... they give you a fake burst of energy that leaves you less than satisfied and hungry as hell later.

    So...I stopped by Subway this morning, thinking every where else in town has mucho carbs in everything....(I could think of anyway) I didn't want oatmeal again, (ha ha lots of carbs) the flat bread, egg white, bacon, sandwich, NO cheese (Yay - that was hard), and NO sauce! (again hard) I did put some avacado on there because I'm addicted to it, tomatoes, spinach, black olives and that's it. 475 CALORIES?!?! WTF?????

    I'm supposed to aim for 200.... so I just get frustrated with the lack of options, but I'm doing soo good right now and I'd really like to NOT F it up. Any suggestions, or could anybody give me the "laymans" version of how carbs really play into all this?

    This kind of is a vent, but kind of a reaching out for answers too. Thanks in advance.

    The average american diet...or the vast majority of food choices out there are way too carb-heavy. So it's difficult to limit your carbs to a healthy level without preparing your own food. Anytime I do not brown bag my lunch, I'm relegated to pretty much screwing up my daily macros if I don't just buy a light salad and accompany it with my protein powder.

    Carbs go down so easily...hence they are so easy to over consume without realizing it, and the majority of us overweight folks are carb sensitive. Carb sensitivity plus a diet that is predominated by eating too much carbs will lead to weight gain. For me, the best way to control my diet is to prepare my own food.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Not all carbs are bad. They are not created equal, so don't fret too much. The carbs you want to watch for are the ones that spike your blood sugar. things like candy, soda, sugar, even some fruits. The other ones you need to watch will really depend on what you eat with them. potatoes, white bread, rice, pasta, etc. those will break down faster and cause a spike in your blood sugar,but if you eat them with a protien that will help. Whole grains like brown rice and wheat bread, sweet potatoes all digest slower and there for does not cause the spike in your blood sugar. Don't worry about the number of carbs if you are eating the right carbs and the right combination of carbs to protien.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I don't watch carbs cuz im never over. I also find it very difficult to stick with a diet when u put in pace too many rules, I begin to get frustrated at meal times with" can't have this can't have this" and give up.

    Avocado is a high calorie food, and so r olives, so u shoulda expected a higher calorie meal. I go to subway at times for dinner/lunch, I've never tried anything at breakfast but my 6inch sandwichs with no cheese or sauce r under 300calories (turkey or ham).

    Yesterday I had 3pieces of bread& pasta for dinner and still wasn't close to maxing out carbs.. today im having 2pieces bread, pasta, cereal bar& granola bar and still not close to maxing out... tomorrow im having pasta, rice, and a bagel, still not maxing out I really don't understand watching carbs
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It has taken me a lot of time and trial/error to get my carbs under control. I limit them to 40% of my diet (122g a day). You have to learn that if you have a pasta/rice/potato carb at dinner, you can't have one at breakfast and lunch also. You learn that no-sugar-added breads are lower in carbs. You learn that 1 slice of Ezekiel bread is more filling than 4 slices of white bread or 2 of whole wheat. You learn to balance fruits and veggie carbs with the occasional grain/rice/potato carb. I don't eat cakes, cookies, white bread/rice because it just makes me want more. I've learned that plenty of "healthy" foods are still high in carbs and calories and have to be limited.

    Yesterday, I had linguini for the first time in a long time, and was 27g over in my carb category for the day. Once in a while...ok. But it's a learning process.

    Keep playing with your food choices and you'll eventually find what works best for you! Good luck!

    You are the first person I seen on here I can agree with about carbs. It is all about educating yourself, trial and error. Not about cutting out an entire food group.
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    Carbohydrates are not evil, i promise. lol
    It's the highly refined simple carbohydrates (sweets and the lot) that are not "good" for you.

    Your bodies main source of energy comes from glucose, which is produced by your body from carbohydrates.
    Stick to COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES : whole grain breads, brown rice, oatmeal, barely :)

    Don't let watching your carbs let you down :) Embrace and enjoy them <3
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    You should eat 1,200 calories per day and to cut down carbs follow this system: (I have already lost 12 pounds in a short amount of time)

    2 servings of Protein (red meat only once a week)
    4 servings of Vegetables (no carrots)
    3 servings of fruit
    2 servings of starches (1 slice of whole wheat bread= 1 serving)
  • golden1215
    golden1215 Posts: 16 Member
    I had Subway for breakfast this morning: english muffin, egg white, pepperjack cheese, avocado spread, tomato, S&P and a few red onions and mine was only 265 calories....

    and the english muffin is my refined carbs for the whole day. I'm having some fresh strawberries for lunch but just meat, veggies and olive oil for dinner.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I sort of limit carbs, but I'm not afraid of them and I don't shy away from them. Why not make your breakfast at home? You can have that same sandwich open and cut a crap ton of calories while still being satisfied.

    If you must have bacon, make it turkey (but that's still high in calories)
    Have it open faced on a whole grain piece of toast
    I can't help you with the avacado . . . there's no substitute, but you can spread it instead of slicing it to use less but still get some in every bite.

    Egg whites are only 16 calories per large egg, all those veggies (minus the avacado) are neglegable in calories, your big killers in that sandwich are the bread, bacon, avacado. You take away the bacon and substitute 1/8 cup of shredded 2% mexican mix cheese for 30 calories. You can make it in advance, wrap it up, take it with you, put it in the microwave for 20 seconds when you get where you're going and voila!