Exercising with anxiety and depression.

So over the past few years I have developed depression and my anxiety has gotten the best of me. And my doctor also told me I am slightly bipolar! Which came as a shock but as she explained made since. Anyways... I have gained weight and am no longer happy with myself which makes me unhappy in general. Are there are people out there who suffer from the same things I am? I am also a stay at home mother of three little ones. How do you do it? How can I do it? Motivation is key... having depression causes me to seriously lack in this department. I just need to feel like I'm not alone. Help me out yall. It would be nice to hear from people in my situation. Thanks. And please also try to refrain from negativity. Xoxo


  • SaaneRochelle20
    SaaneRochelle20 Posts: 1 Member
    You're not alone. I am the same way.
    Hello, I'm Sane. I'm a stay at home mother two, also anxiety and depression and mild bipolar disorder.
    I try to make a routine for myself. As much as I don't want to be up.. I do get up to make my smoothie each morning. Putting fruit in the blender cup night before. Add other stuff in morning. I sometimes don't workout until late afternoon. When kiddos are napping. I write in a journal each time. Workouts i want to do, goal and how much I actually did. Tally that toward my goal set. Random things really.. (Hover planks, arm extensions, high knees).Weight training exercises. Some cardio exercises. I do beach body programs myself.
    I don't look at the scale. Mainly because I don't own one lol they're nobodies friend!
    Meal prep? That's my hardest challenge so far and I get there of seven days in. I need help there!
    Sometimes my mind gets the best of me and I am defeated. I would also like a person to get my butt into gear as well.
    Hope nothing was too negative there!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have dealt with depression and anxiety since my teen years, though it took me over 10 years to seek help. It can be overwhelming.

    I'm doing pretty well right now with the help of supportive family (including my 3 older kids), regular exercise, "mood exercises" (positive self talk, meditation, etc) and finding the right medication for me.

    You're not alone. There are still days when getting out of bed is my achievement for the day. On the good days, do what you can to maintain the positivity and "fill your tank" so that you have something to fall back on when the bad days come. Even then, there may be days when waking up is your big success. And that's okay. Just try to not dwell in them.

    Get the help you need. Counseling can make a big difference. And, if you are bipolar, medication may be a necessity. (I was originally diagnosed as bipolar, but it ends up that it's more depression, anxiety, super high self-expectations, and ADD ... mental health can sometimes be tricky because there's not a blood test or anything to pinpoint what all is going on).
  • chaney3000
    chaney3000 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm here for moral support, if you need. Add me as a friend. I have an open diary and I'm almost always on here chatting, reading and viewing diaries. Shoot me a message if you feeling blue and I will send some encouraging words your way.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    hi, i have atypical depression and anxiety since fifth grade.
    sometimes it's hard to get going. sometimes, the brownie looks better than exercising.
    I've learned i need to be kind to myself. there are going to be successes and failures and it's just part of life. I exercise in the morning and get my lunch and gym bag packed the night before. if i'm running outside, i sleep in my workout clothes.
    i find new workout clothes can be a motivator too. cause i feel happy and comfortable in them.
    I also give myself permission to have mental health days(sick days) because sometimes, i just need to be at home and regroup.
    also, not all medications will work for all people. if you don't like one after a few weeks, let the doctor know and why you don't like it.
    I've been on nearly all of them and finally found ones that work for me. but it took a while
  • s_kelaris
    s_kelaris Posts: 7 Member
    I have anxiety and have been on medication for years. I have found that even though i have ZERO motivation, if a exercise regardless and am consistent, mentally I feel much better.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    s_kelaris wrote: »
    I have anxiety and have been on medication for years. I have found that even though i have ZERO motivation, if a exercise regardless and am consistent, mentally I feel much better.

    Zero motivation here. I exercise anyway, and enjoy it. I even look forward to it when everything else sucks.
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I suffered from depression and anxiety as well. Exercise and good nutrition were the main factors of me getting off meds and feeling more in control. Is it hard to start a healthy routine? Sure, but it has done wonders for me. Now, when i feel myself slipping, i know what my body needs (food, exercise, rest) and help myself.

    Find time for you. Even if that means getting up an hour before the kids do. Get a workout in ( even a 30 minute dvd will help) and plan out some healthy meals. This goes far beyond physical benefits. The mental/emotional benefits of taking care of yourself are amazing.
  • Lovee_Dove7
    Lovee_Dove7 Posts: 742 Member
    Taking a walk outdoors for an hour in the morning, then an hour in the late afternoon/eve is big medicine for both conditions. This is literally true.
  • CatherineElizabeth13
    CatherineElizabeth13 Posts: 212 Member
    I also have anxiety and depression. I'm not bipolar but I am agoraphobic with OCD.
    I can relate to the struggle.
    I am my biggest critic, which puts me in a food-hate cycle.
    I have set up a small support group for people who struggle with motivation if you want to join? Just pop me a message.
  • clmarlar
    clmarlar Posts: 26 Member
    Wow thanks guys. This has really helped open my eyes and show me I'm not the only one. So many great ideas and advice! If you guys can figure this out then so can i. Loving the support. Xoxo
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Nope you are not alone. I have never had a doctor that has told me anything is wrong, but I do know what it is like to go through depression and extreme mood swings. If you need a friend, feel free to add me. I am on here a lot and some days I need the extra encouragement as well.
  • sandydiane
    sandydiane Posts: 19 Member
    I'm bipolar 2 and have gained about 25 pounds since being put on mess. Most days I lack motivation to exercise or eat right. I need to get things turned around again
  • rebelriesling_
    rebelriesling_ Posts: 27 Member
    I am a counselling student and have lived with my own depression and anxiety for a few years now and am managing it rather well without medication. I have some pointers and tips if you're interested:
    -Since you're a stay-at-home mom you can try to incorporate fun exercise into your daily routine with your kiddos; since we're into spring now getting outside and getting some fresh air will be fun. :)
    -Lack of motivation is characteristic of depression; sometimes having somebody to keep you accountable is what is needed, even on days where you don't feel like doing much of anything. Try to find some friends on MFP or friend in your real life who are also on a weight loss journey.
    -As difficult as it is to get moving, people who exercise regularly experience less depressive and anxious symptoms and can learn to manage the symptoms more efficiently. Exercise causes a spike in several neurotransmitters associated with happiness! :)
    -On days when you are feeling well, make the most of it! Do your meal prep, get in a workout, and enjoy the day.
    -It may sound horribly tacky but affirmations also work for managing depression and anxiety. Simply saying some positive affirmations to yourself several times throughout the day will change your patterns of thinking and before long you'll believe the affirmation to be true. An example would be: "I am happy and healthy" "I am in control of my life" "I can achieve a balanced lifestyle"
    Hope this helps :)
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    There are lots of ways to burn calories. I hate to exercise but I love working in the yard, window shopping and walking around neighborhoods so I try to burn calories this way. I'm not having tremendous success but I am losing weight slowly but surely.
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    Ah I think we've all had those moments when it's just hard to get out of bed or off the couch and get going ..to different degrees ofcourse. What has helped me is setting up short and long term goals and create a routine that will help me get closer to those goals. You'll have good days and bad days but if you work your goals into your routine you'll turn around one day and realize inspite of everything your are doing ok.
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I got depression 5 minutes after I was born :( I had an unhappy childhood and now living a screwed up adulthood. But I got help from a psychiatrist at 25, now I am much better. I smile now. A good clean diet of raw vegetables and fruits have also helped. I also like to run in the evening. I am just very pro exercise and anti depression these days.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    clmarlar wrote: »
    So over the past few years I have developed depression and my anxiety has gotten the best of me. And my doctor also told me I am slightly bipolar! Which came as a shock but as she explained made since. Anyways... I have gained weight and am no longer happy with myself which makes me unhappy in general. Are there are people out there who suffer from the same things I am? I am also a stay at home mother of three little ones. How do you do it? How can I do it? Motivation is key... having depression causes me to seriously lack in this department. I just need to feel like I'm not alone. Help me out yall. It would be nice to hear from people in my situation. Thanks. And please also try to refrain from negativity. Xoxo

    I have general anxiety disorder and suffered from cyclical depression since 2008. Exercise is one of the two things that prevent me from relapsing into major depression, the other being mbsr (mindfulness based stress reduction)

    If you can join a gym, even better, classes are good and it embodies a social element to it, although I appreciate you're a mum.