Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Did Push 3 today--gotta LOVE those boots!!!! Thanks for the heads-up on those Single Leg Sumos---I had such a hard time walking up the stairs after the workout--I should count that as a whole 'nother workout it took so long!

    We have so many new people--it's great!!!! And there are so many wonderful things happening to all of us. I'm sorry I don't have time to congratulate everyone individually but I am keeping up with the posts and sending everyone fist bumps.

    My HRM is recording much lower calorie burn than MFP. This is good to know because I have been eating my cals back--and stuck at the same weight FOREVER--well, no wonder!!!

    I'm finding it really hard to give myself a full rest day. I love working out and I miss the endorphin rush and the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Also, when I don't work out, I hate how much I have to restrict my eating...

    OK, back to real life..
  • JayelleC
    JayelleC Posts: 83 Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome! I actually have the Fat Blaster dvd and have used it for some time. I absolutely love it! I plan on using that often!

    I have a bit of a question regarding tracking Chalene Extreme workouts on MFP. I am currently waiting the arrival of my Polar HRM however it is not being shipped right now due to the Canada Post strike :( I am thinking about asking them to send it via Purolator. Anyways, any suggestion on how to track the Burn Circuits and the Burn Intervals/Burn It off workouts in the mean time?

  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Jayelle--when I'm not using a HRM, I usually only count burn intervals, and burn it off as cardio. I use the high aerobics option. It's been pretty close to my HRM. It's a good guess anyway. Good Luck!! Hopefully you'll get your HRM soon.

    I need to tell myself I CAN'T DO THEM ALL! So...I did my burn intervals and abs, then BBL cardio and hips/thighs, and then TF55 I crazy????

    I just couldn't not do the TF, I love it so!

    I liked the bum bum workout better from BBL. But that's mostly b/c I'm am so uncoordinated.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    This evening was Burn 3 and ran a mile.. Whew!! I went heavier than usual and feel like I can barely lift my arms. .I am lovin this!!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Burn Circuit 2 for me yesterday....I am on week 3.....anyone still kinda recovering from Father's Day dinners? It was held at my house on Sunday and the stinkin' fridge is full of leftovers...dangit! :grumble: I will:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Did Push 3 today--gotta LOVE those boots!!!! Thanks for the heads-up on those Single Leg Sumos---I had such a hard time walking up the stairs after the workout--I should count that as a whole 'nother workout it took so long!

    But don't you love the burn, Catniss? Doesn't it make you feel that it was worth it? I love that feeling.....
    My HRM is recording much lower calorie burn than MFP. This is good to know because I have been eating my cals back--and stuck at the same weight FOREVER--well, no wonder!!!

    I wear a KiFit (UK BodyMedia Fit) and for yesterday's Push 2, it only recorded 113 calorie burn.... which I'm not that surprised about... because it was mainly upper body exercises - even though I was sweating like a pig....!
    But it seems Chalene is correct, that the glutes & hamstrings are the major muscles in the body which are responsible for burning the calories. Because when I do the other circuits with a lot of lower body exercise, I burn around 150 - 170 calories.
    I'm finding it really hard to give myself a full rest day. I love working out and I miss the endorphin rush and the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Also, when I don't work out, I hate how much I have to restrict my eating...

    You should give yourself the full rest day, because when I do I usually drop 1 pound or more...

    Did my weigh-in today and I've lost 1.4 lbs.......... I'm finally under 15 stone (UK weight).... this is a big thing as I haven't been this low since I had my daughter 6 years ago....:happy:
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    :flowerforyou: Burn Circuit 2 for me yesterday....I am on week 3.....anyone still kinda recovering from Father's Day dinners? It was held at my house on Sunday and the stinkin' fridge is full of leftovers...dangit! :grumble: I will:

    ME!! I had a graduation cookout on Saturday and then Father's Day plus cookout leftovers to deal with. Let's just say I gained a few pounds and have some water retention I'm trying to get rid of lol

    I'm on week 3 as well and completed Burn Circuit 2 on 6/22/11. I'm still experiencing a slight dulling pain in my quads right above my knees. I iced them last night. I'm trying to work through it.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member

    I'm finding it really hard to give myself a full rest day. I love working out and I miss the endorphin rush and the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Also, when I don't work out, I hate how much I have to restrict my eating...

    Its hard for me to do also. I try to sit around and do nothing but I usually end up popping in a Zumba dvd. When I don't exercise I feel like I'm cheating myself instead of giving my body a well deserved rest. I guess I need to deal with that.
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    If you are really finding it difficult not to do something on rest days. You can still do stretches. Actually, if you have P90X, it does say on their calendar rest OR stretch. So...try that :bigsmile:
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    Good advice on the rest days--thank you--and the idea that the rest might actually help the weight loss--well, that's certainly motivating! I'll shoot for Sunday....

    Father's Day weekend really put me back too--and it seemed that most of my friends had a tougher time than with Mother's Day!!

    Keep your fingers crossed--leading my 1st Pilates lesson at the studio today---ready, but nervous!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day to all the CHX'rs out there--go strong!!!!
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    Thanks for the replies about the weights. I will definitely check some of those out. Right now I just have 5 pounders so I will test them out and see how much higher I need for now and go from there! It's hard with such varying movements to meet all of the weight requirements for each body area! :)
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    Marianne: Congratulations on the awesome scale movement!!! <3 the milestone! GET IT GIRL!!!! And keep those dates coming! You are rocking it in all areas of life! There is a girl on the move! I LOVE IT!

    Catniss: I'm glad you're stressing to us the difference between MFP calories burned as compared to HRM. When I first started MFP in January, a friend gave me a warning that MFP is extra generous with the burned calories count & not to trust it. I never let myself go above 1500 calories eaten (unless I have a bad girl day like yesterday- stupid doughnut! LMAO!). And Marianne is absolutely right! Rest days help your muscle re-build itself instead of putting more trauma on them. I was ALWAYS one who NEVER liked giving myself a rest day but have been doing a lot of reading on the subject & realized I was setting myself back this way. Now I give myself one rest day a week & I've dropped 2 lbs already this week when beforethis, I ws dropping NOTHING! I really think it's because of the rest day. I also find I have such awesome energy or my work outs now that I'm allowing that rest day. This rest day (Tuesday) I did what Bev was suggesting: I did Recharge to stretch my body & I did a light cleaning to my entire house for about 75 minutes. Yesterday I was SO back in action I did Push 2, Fat Blaster AND Turbo Jam 20 minute work out. I was on FIRE!So get that rest day, girl! Don't worry about teaching your class, just share the passion you have for Pilates & everyone will be inspired! You're on your way to something beautiful! Share that joy, girl! I'm so proud of you!

    Jayelle: I'm on the same boat with waiting for my HRM (not because of the mail thing, but because I haven't been able to afford one). I've just been logging how Bev suggests.

    Bev: You are going WILD, girl! Share your energy with me! Can't wait to get Turbo Fire & be as addicted as you! Get it, girl!

    Jenyfur: Keep rockin it out!!!!!!

    FabulousFifty: I wasn't too bad on Father's Day, but I've got a party this Sunday I'm SO worried about. Then next weekend is 4th of July weekend! Someone HELP US!!!!! I'm at 181 now & am gonna be freaking out if I hit the 170's by next week then have a bad weekend. I wish I knew of something that dulled appetites & desire to drink alcoholic beverages! LMAO

    Remisinforme: Tell me about it! I've been needing 25's & 30's for a week and a half now & can't afford to buy em! I wish Select Techs were a more reasonable price, like $150.

    Desirai: Be careful with that soreness & feel better! It sucs when you wanna go, go, go & your body is aching! Hope it clears up for you soon!

    <3 You guys! Keep pushing play!!! & "Guess what?!? YOU'RE NOT TIRED!" LMAO!!!
  • JayelleC
    JayelleC Posts: 83 Member
    Jayelle--when I'm not using a HRM, I usually only count burn intervals, and burn it off as cardio. I use the high aerobics option. It's been pretty close to my HRM. It's a good guess anyway. Good Luck!! Hopefully you'll get your HRM soon.

    I need to tell myself I CAN'T DO THEM ALL! So...I did my burn intervals and abs, then BBL cardio and hips/thighs, and then TF55 I crazy????

    I just couldn't not do the TF, I love it so!

    I liked the bum bum workout better from BBL. But that's mostly b/c I'm am so uncoordinated.


    Thanks for the help! It is really hard to gauge how much I am burning without the HRM. I am anxiously awaiting Canada Post's return to work!

    I did Burn Intervals today and Ab Burner. They were both really intense and I have been doing all the various Turbo Jam DVDS for 5 months now! I really pushed myself hard which I am proud of. When I woke up this morning, I was definately feeling muscle tenderness from Burn Circuit 2 (Wednesday's work out).

    I am pretty pumped for the next 3 months - I am looking forward to having a detailed program to follow.
    I will be taking my measurements and before pictures today :) Can't wait to see my results after the Burn Phase !
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm finishing up my second week of Chalean Extreme (mixed with some Turbofire) this week!! I used to be pretty active on the boards but have been away for awhile.

    I've done Chalean before and had awesome results the last month when I cleaned my diet up to near perfect. Hoping to keep myself on track this time! =D

    Does anyone have the deluxe dvds? I've been wanting them for forever now and my bday is just around the corner, wanted to know anyone's thoughts!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning, gang! How is everyone on this beautiful Friday morning??

    Hi, TByrd!! I don't have the advanced DVDs for CLX because they were so expensive and I didn't need them for the hybrid. I wound up getting the TF advanced DVDs because I needed them for my hybrid. Isn't it just one more DVD for CLX? I can't wait until I get to the lean month myself. I've been taking baby steps towards cleaning my eating up. I'm getting better. I do have the occasional relapses but it's definitely not that often. Right now, I'm in the HIIT month of the TF/CLX hybrid so it's mostly all TF. Tomorrow, I do, I think, Burn It Off and Extreme Abs though.

    Jayelle, can't wait to see your results too! You sound so pumped up!

    Janine, sometimes I scoff at Chalene when she says that because there have been days when I'm really dogging it out trying to get through the workout. So, every now and then when she says that, I'm like, WHATEVER! :laugh:

    You ladies have a fabulous day and an even better weekend!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    I don't have the advanced CLX either. I just thought TF was worth it more, so that's what I bought. I am also doing a CLX, TF mix mostly with some Brazilian Butt Lift and Hip Hop Abs thrown in.

    So...I finished the last week of Push today (except still need to do the recovery later (I really don't like it!)). I am so excited to begin Lean on Sunday.

    So...2 months of exercising...amazing for me!!!! My weigh-in day is Monday, so we'll see how I did then.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm finishing up my second week of Chalean Extreme (mixed with some Turbofire) this week!! I used to be pretty active on the boards but have been away for awhile.

    I've done Chalean before and had awesome results the last month when I cleaned my diet up to near perfect. Hoping to keep myself on track this time! =D

    Does anyone have the deluxe dvds? I've been wanting them for forever now and my bday is just around the corner, wanted to know anyone's thoughts!

    I have the first 3 from the list below (source:, but not the others...
    They will be part of my LEAN phase

    •Fat-Burn Challenge Push yourself to your outermost limits with this mega-calorie-burning workout. (33 minutes)
    •Get-Lean Intervals These ultra-intense intervals will have you huffing and puffing those fat stores away! (42 minutes)
    •I've Got Abs! Work all angles of your abdominals to reveal the 6-pack abs of your wildest dreams. (17 minutes)
    •NEW! Lower Body Extreme Zone Blast your hips, buns, and thighs with fast-paced cardio and strength circuits using your stability ball. (40 minutes)
    •NEW! Extreme Core Circuit Melt away fat with Chalene’s secret weapons—the stability ball and weighted gloves. (12 minutes)
    •NEW! Extreme Intervals This super-challenging interval program uses the stability ball to take calorie burning to the extreme! (40 minutes)
    •NEW! Dynamic Flow Yoga Lengthen and strengthen your muscles for a long, lean silhouette with this energizing workout. (40 minutes)
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    ceelove - I completely forgot there is a schedule for the turbofire/chalean! I was just doing taking it day by day, LOL. Thanks for the reminder!

    Bev - congrats on finishing the Push phase!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Started week three with Burn 1 and some yoga, hope everyone has a good one!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Hi everyone...

    Today I did Push 3 and 30 minutes of Turbo Jam - Kick, Punch & Jam....

    On the squat exercises, I'm actually lifting heavier than Chalene...... 38.5 lbs....!

    5 hours later, my KiFit display shows my metabolism is burning 4.1 calories per minute......!

    I normally only burn between 2 & 2.5 calories.

    Isn't weight lifting great......? :bigsmile:
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