Lost 65, gained 35. Ready to get back.

Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
Hi everyone. I was very active here a couple years ago and this app has improved so much! I was at 200lbs (I'm 5'2) went down to 140. Shortly after reaching my goal weight I got engaged to my bf of years, and slowly started drifting away from eating healthy. I just had a baby (Jan23rd) and now I'm around 175. I'm ready to lose weight again, but this time instead of having a goal of 140--I want to get to 120. I feel like it's the best weight for my short height. Feel free to add me, I could use some motivation. :)


  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    Good luck! You can totally do it! I just started back again at Christmas...I was over 100lbs down from my heaviest and then 2 years of grad school happened. I didn't know that the freshman 15 applied to grad school...as well as the sophomore 20, lol. But keep focused and the determination that got you where you wanted the first time will come back quickly! I'm already back to within 10lbs of my goal again!
  • Celebi03
    Celebi03 Posts: 310 Member
    Thank you so much! We can definitely get to where we want to be. I always remind myself that it doesn't happen over night. Good luck :)
  • Yoyo_Abs
    Yoyo_Abs Posts: 4 Member
    welcome and hoping reach your goal fast