Low mood - In need of support & advice and thoughts

harricoe Posts: 9 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
So recently my mood has been low for the past week. Have any of you experience this, change of diet has affected your mood? I'm on a low fat vegan diet.

This is not the first time I have experienced this, I remember the first time I wanted to change my lifestyle and diet. It was so hard at first because I wanted to eat my normal "junk" food but I refused. My mood was up and down, it was crazy, it was like something had snapped inside me. I didn't like it but I continued to eat a balance diet and exercise regularly. I was not happy at all with the way I looked and I knew that had to change. I did finally adjust and my moods stopped.

Okay 2 years later.. I'm on a diet again and execrise plan (unfortunately due to a injury I haven't been able to execrise for a week now). My moods are happening.. I'm feeling so low and so angry, angry with the way I look and I am in this mindset that all this is pointless.. I'm not shedding pounds as fast as I would like to..

Does anyone else share this feeling?


  • IsaCaliBel
    IsaCaliBel Posts: 99 Member
    What I do know is that low fat is not a good option for most women. We need fats to help regulate our hormones. Eating at a deficit is hard enough, throwing in low fat diet just made me a hot mess. Hopefully you will notice a change by increasing your fats, best to get them from healthy foods like avocados, nuts, etc.
  • xnearlytherebx
    xnearlytherebx Posts: 50 Member
    Try upping the healthy fats a bit e.g. nuts, and make sure you're getting your energy from good natural sources like fruits and whole grains/unprocessed grains! Make sure you stay hydrated as well, and as for exercises - make it fun! I tried a Bollywood workout the other day when I didn't want to exercise, and it made me enthusiastic again!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    I would not be able to eat a low fat diet. I think moderation, healthy eating makes you healthy and happy. It is much more sustainable for me.
  • harricoe
    harricoe Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    I think I should explain more into detail as I wasn't exactly clear with my description about a low fat diet. I meant I have cut out the "bad" fats, such as, biscuits, muffins, sweets (even know I never ate sweets nor chocolate), chocolate, fizzy drinks (cola, 7up etc) and other sugary foods that are bad.

    I will only eat good fats and avoid bad fat. I never was a big fat eater anyway. I do eat fish, cheese and eggs, milk and dairy products. I will sometimes add a vegan burger in, if I have run out of cod fillet. I do agree, I could be eating more nuts and seeds, which I'll definitely include in my diet.

    Avocado hmm I will try it, I don't think I have ever ate an avocado before. lol
  • harricoe
    harricoe Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    I probably should also add I do eat fruit, I'm not scare by eating carbs. I have bought more vegetables to include in my diet too! Soup is not filling enough for me so I'll add vegetables with my pasta. I do eat bread too. I understand when people say low fat diet, you assume they mean all FATs but I do not limit myself from carbs or good fats.

    I try to drink 8 cups of water too everyday! 1 glass of apple juice or orange juice.
  • TishTash1616
    TishTash1616 Posts: 22 Member
    If you eat dairy products, fish and eggs then your diet is not vegan, maybe you mean plant-based? If you are trying to be vegan then I can recommend several recipes which, in my opinion, are yummy and filling.

    However, there is no need to go low fat or vegan just to try and lose weight. You can still eat the things you like, if you can eat them in moderation, and lose weight at the same time.

    There is no such thing as a 'bad fat', as long as you aren't going over your calories, and you are eating a balanced diet then you can still be healthy and lose weight while allowing yourself to have all of the foods that you enjoy.

    If you find it easier not to go over your calorie goal by cutting out what you call 'bad fats', then as long as it makes you feel happier, healthier and it is sustainable for you, then carry on :)

    For fat in my diet, I personally love avocados, nut butters, olives and the occasional oily fish such as mackerel. I also eat dairy free chocolate and ice cream, and I bake cakes and biscuits.

    I've always found that when I change my diet drastically, then I experience mood fluctuations. These tend to smooth themselves out after a while, as long as I'm not depriving myself of any essential nutrients.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't feel great on a low fat diet. I'm moody and sad. Try upping your fat or taking fish oil supplements.
  • harricoe
    harricoe Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yeah sorry, I meant vegetarian, not vegan. I get the two words mixed up! I'm the opposite if I eat too much fat food (biscuits, muffins, take away pizza etc) my skin breaks out and I feel like rubbish!! I never really like chocolate much or cake, I don't have a sweet tooth so it is not really a restriction for me. The Diet Coke and fizzy drinks did exactly the same, break out and I feel crappy.

    Since this new diet, I just lack energy mostly and I'm constantly, I know, tracking my progress.

    I would be very interested tash to see your list of recipes please! When it comes to food I have no imagination. To me food is just a resource, not so much pleasure or a passion. But now and then it does get boring eating the same foods.

    Also to note, I was bought up as a vegetarian so it is not like I change my diet dramatically so I could lose weight. I have eaten meat when I got older and to be honest, I can live without it. I find meat too much for my stomach and I have had a lot of problems eating meat in the past.
    Sorry if I'm saying a lot but just trying to explain my history when it comes to food so you have a better understanding.
  • harricoe
    harricoe Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2016
    My fat intake for today was 14%, 19g which may seem low to you but I'm mostly fill up on 70% carbs. Which gives me an energy boost, I have included more vegs and fruit in my diet today!

    I know milk, eggs and cheese is not veg. I meant it has fat in it, especially cheese and I have cut down so much of it. I'm considering going dairy free, there is research about dairy free which has good results for weight lose and maintain weight. There is also other conclusions that dairy products is not needed, not natural (I won't go into detail) but I do live with somebody who drinks milk, eats cheese and eats egg so it be such a temptation. Do I have the strong will? I will think about it. I'm open to any advice about dairy free or whether if I should not go dairy free.
  • Stupiidbility
    Stupiidbility Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2016
    I think you most probably is suffering from the sudden depletion of blood sugar. I had been having cavities and decided to cut out refined sugar, and seeing I used to be a massive sugar addict (still is), the first 3 weeks was hell. My mood was simply unstable and I'm all over the place. I'll cry one second and explode in rage another second.

    The best advice I can give is to endure. I'm thankful I have friends who knew how important this decision is and how difficult it can be. So they will actively stop me from even staring at sweets and encouraged me throughout.

    It sucks but you'll just have to keep the bigger goal in mind and keep telling yourself you can last for 1 more day and repeat that. Take up the responsibility and accept it.

    You'll make it through!
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Don't get mad if you're not losing as fast as you want to. Just keep working on improving yourself and don't beat yourself up because you're not at your goal yet. Be kind to yourself and focus on what you like about yourself instead.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Almost no one loses as fast as they "want" to. We are impatient people. Use measurements, pics, steps, fitness metrics, etc. in addition to the scales. That way, if you're truly working at it day by day, something is always going well.