Body Pump

poptastic Posts: 151 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I recently started going to a Body Pump class with my colleague at lunchtime. It feels like a fairly good workout because a) my limbs are on fire and b) I am soaked in sweat by the end. Also I can really feel it the next day (and the one after that...)

But I've been reading some stuff online that says it's not really good compared to actual strength training.

I used to strength train with free weights, but I started to get bored once I reached a certain level. For unrelated reasons, I had to take a break from the gym for around a month, and when I went back I decided to do more classes instead of free weights. This is partly because I enjoy the social aspect but also because I found that although I was getting stronger, I was losing flexibility. I also didn't notice any substantial fat loss from weights (which I was doing for around 8 months) - I think this is mostly because of my diet but also the day after a workout I was always RAVENOUS.

I cycle at least an hour a day as it's my main form of transport, and I'm doing yoga classes twice a week (to try and regain flexilbiity), one session of body pump, and trying to fit in one other visit to the gym for whatever I feel like that day (strength training/jogging/interval training etc).

Does this seem like a good mixture, or is the body pump a complete waste of time?


  • I think body pump is awesome. :) I only took one class, but I love it and it's a great workout. The weight may not be much, but it's the reps that will make you burn. You can always increase weight if you need to.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I had great results with BodyPump a few years ago before becoming pregnant. But I did 2-3 times a week along with cardio almost daily. Just focus on form and increase your weights as you get stronger. I think it's a great addition for toning. If you're hoping to build some major muscles, then I'd look more into strict lifting and body building programs.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    i think its a good variety. Im always changing my routines just so that i dont get muscle memory, when muscles get use to something you tend to stop seeing results. I love body pump, but im always switching and bumping other exercises up a notch
  • daniellerp
    daniellerp Posts: 21
    I love love love Body Pump! The official website for Body Pump will tell you approx. how many calories you burn during class based on your physique and the amount of weights you use in class. The instructor has told us that doing the class for consecutive days isn't helpful but twice a week is perfect. You have to give your muscles time to repair after working them so hard and in that class you are working all of your major muscle groups.
    In my own experience doing Body Pump I have found that it is definitely helpful in weight loss and like you I am drenched with sweat and feeling it the next day. Ultimately I think Body Pump is a great way to tone up.
  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd be interested to know where you've read that Body Pump isn't a particularly good form of exercise? I only ask out of curiosity, as I do about 2 body pump classes a week...
  • blassite
    blassite Posts: 1
    I recently started doing the BodyPump classes as well (Lifestyle Family Fitness). I have been weight lifting for 10 years or so and I have to admit the class does a pretty good job. I've found you have to have just enough weight to challenge yourself, but not so much that you risk injury/pain. As far as a cardiovascular workout - your cycling will do you much better, as the BodyPump appears more towards strength. You'll still burn calories and end up working each major muscle group well, but mostly towards strength. I'd say it is good for two reasons: it is a switch from what you normally do (the body needs to be challenged to change) and it requires accountability in the class - you aren't on your own and can choose to quit, you have someone yelling for you to push.

    Cool? Keep up the hard work and watch your back - those BodyPump classes can be aggressive, but they'll do the job!
  • blueyed1
    blueyed1 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been taking body pump classes for 3-4 years and I love it. I have seen huge results all over my body, most noticibly in my legs and arms. I too was doing regular strength training prior to trying pump but I got bored with it. Seeing the results pump has provided me has kept me motivated. I used to go twice a week due to schedule conflicts, but now I go three times a week religiously. I personally think it's a great class to help you tone your muscles, and I will say that you will not see the results unless you also incorporate some type of cardio activity as well to help eliminate the fat.
  • samntim
    samntim Posts: 47 Member
    I used to do Bodypump all the time and mixed it up with cycling and Bodystep (at the moment I'm concentratin on Bikram Yoga so that's all I'm doing for the next couple of months as I'm participating in a challenge to go 6 days per week for 2 months). I used to get great results from it, strength increased and muscles nicely toned without the bulk (I have done a lot of heavy gym work in the past so am able to ghive a fair comparison).

    I always wear a heart rate monitor when I do any workout and the results were always good, even a light class I was burning around 350-400 calories (this was after I went back after a long break so was only using the baby weights) compared to 200-250 in the gym. So as you go more and increase the weights and effort, so too will the calorie increase.

    I also enjoyed the class aspect, I think you always push yourself a little harder in a group setting - unless you are one of those really strong willed folk, which I am most certainly NOT.

    So to meit sounds as though you have got a lot of good things going on, maybe increase Pump to 2 or 3 classes per week so you don't go through the 3 days of hell after and your weights and results will increase a lot quicker.

    Good luck with it all, hope I have helped some...
  • trimom63
    trimom63 Posts: 351 Member
    I take 2-3 Body Pump classes per week and I love it!! I definitely feel a difference almost every class, so it HAS to be working! When doing the squats and lunges, it also gives a cardio effect too! I would say that it definitely is not useless!! I mix that with cardio on the days that I don't do BP..... I'd say keep doing it!!
  • blueyed1
    blueyed1 Posts: 2 Member
    Would you mind posting the link that will tell you how many calories you burn based on your physique and the weights you use? The only thing I see on their website is that you can burn up to 600 calories. Thanks!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I'm a body pump instructor, I became a body step instructor a few years ago and went back 9 months ago to teach this too because I was in the classes anyway so I might as well get paid for it. It's been crucial for my weight loss. I'm a 5'4" female my weights are as follows:
    warm up, tricep, and bicep 25 lbs.
    squat 50 lbs.
    chest and lunge 25 lbs
    glutes,back, hamis 30 lbs
    shoulders I'm light, bar is 15 and free weights 5 aside

    Step and pump are my primary sources of exercise since I'm back to a desk job too, and I'm fit and fine. I'm back in a size 2 pant after losing 20 pounds (down from an 8/10) since March, I have definition all over, including a defined tummy. For me, this works, and I call bs on the source that said it doesn't. It just works differently from hitting the machines.

    To add: there is a cardio aspect to pump (heart rate goes up in squats, lunges, and back tracks), but this should not be your only source of cardio fitness. I think it's a great addition to your workout schedule.
  • poptastic
    poptastic Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for all the great replies :-)

    It seems like it does work then, so will keep at it! I will try and go more times in a week, the problem has been that for a couple of days after I literally cannot lift a thing, and my gym membership is near my work rather than my home, so I only go Mon-Fri. Hopefully as I get more used to it, I'll be able to go more times in a week!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You shouldn't do it more often than any other day because your muscles need time to repair. On the off days continue your cardio. Move to combat the soreness, warming up the muscles through movement will make them feel better (think of a ball of dough, you work it and it becomes loser, you stop working it and it gets cool and tight again).
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I have been doing it twice a week for the past 5/6 weeks and I am actually starting to notice a difference now.

    I am useless at doing weights on my own - and Body Pump really works all the different muscle groups.

    They also change the routine about every 6 weeks so your body doesn't get too used to one routine.

    I really love it- and can't wait until I am able to lift heavier weights.

    I normally do my cardio workouts on different days of the week - sometimes I do a bit after a class too.
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