Pizza FAIL. :(

sharidiane Posts: 212 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so last night my husband made dinner ... and well, it was just plain bad. I ended the day well beneath my calories, with about 200 left, because I hardly ate dinner. I thought I could handle it. Wrong.

About 10:00 the kids were in bed, and my husband and I were both STARVING. So he looked at me and said pizza? And I said ok, because since I had about 200 calories left, and one piece is around 300, I thought if I just had one piece, it would all be ok in the end.

It so wasn't!!! Once he brought the pizza home, I ended up eating three pieces. THREE PIECES!!! And this morning I have gained half a pound, probably mostly from sodium. Ugh.

But here's my question - can I just stay waaayyy under today? I'm not even all that hungry today. Will it 'work' to take off this half pound if I just guzzle water like a camel, and eat like around 1000 calories?

I know that's not a long term healthy solution, I'm just trying to make up for last night's pizza fail.


  • It was only one meal, honey, don't beat yourself up. Personally I prefer to treat each day as an individual, so would just carry on on plan now.

    If/when I do end up going over, I do my best to thoroughly enjoy it, as otherwise I feel annoyed at myself. At least if it's a coscious desicion, and I've relished it, it hasn't been wasted :) Food should NOT come with guilat attached, and for long term success, we need to get our head's around that xxx
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    Yesterday was yesterday. You're on a new day. Drink the water to flush out the sodium, and don't cut your cals today. You don't deserve to be punished for a couple of slices of pizza.

    P.S. I hope they were yummy. Makes it worthwhile. :wink:
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    i wouldn't worry so much about staying "way under" on your calories, but DEF push the water!!!!!!!!!!
    no worries!!
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    You didnt gain the pounds - some of that is still in your digestive tract. Just be good for the rest of the week. I 'fall from grace' all the time - but only 1 day a week. Reward yourself but only 1 day a week. I use Saturdays to do whatever I want to. I still dont drink sodas and I eat smarter, BUT, I can have pizza, chips/salsa/queso and I hit the Mexican food hard :)

    The rest of the week... I have to be good :)

    Just dont make pizza days a daily deal...
  • valleanna
    valleanna Posts: 9
    when i go over my calories i just work out harder the next day.

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  • lisdedieu
    lisdedieu Posts: 2 Member
    It's okay that you went over... It happens! It's happened to me many many times. If you're weighing yourself everyday though, is it also a possibility that you may just be retaining water? And of course, you can hold back today... Or you could just go work off those extra calories too.

    Just don't be too hard on yourself! Life's too short...
  • Caitie1986
    Caitie1986 Posts: 72 Member
    Nope, you can't. You need to eat at least 1200 calories in each 24 hour period. If you have the time, do some more exercise. What you want to do is AVOID starvation mode. Staying too far under calories causes your body to think its starving, and then it will hold on to any calories you put in your mouth, making weight loss even more difficult. Give yourself a break and don't feel guilty. We all have cave-in days. (or crave-in days). You can do this!
  • 3ball
    3ball Posts: 338
    I had a pretty massive fail last night myself, and have a similar plan today. Weird how I used to never care, and now eating like that makes me feel horrible.
  • Dornroschen
    Dornroschen Posts: 178 Member
    I'd say yes to the water, but do everything else as you would normally. Eat the recommended calories, because if you don't by the end of tonight, you'll feel either super tired and unable to do anything, or you'll crave something bad again. Also, I have a solution for pizza lovers (as I am one).

    1 piece of schwebel's whole wheat flatbread - 190 calories
    1 serving of ragu pizza sauce - 40 calories
    2 servings of mozzarella cheese - 160 calories
    1 serving of pepperoni - 140 calories
    Veggies, Veggies Veggies....

    Total is 530 calories for a fairly decent sized portion. Plus you have 1 PORTION in front of you instead of 8 slices that you have to have willpower to avoid.

    I eat this at least once per week with a small salad to kick my pizza craving in the butt.
  • thordisintho
    thordisintho Posts: 48 Member
    The best way to make up for a bad yesterday is to make today good. Eat your calories, but just make sure they are good calories. Eat healthy, drink your 8 cups of water and try to get some excercise done. Then eat your healthy excercise calories :)
    Don't let one "mistake" get you down. Watch your sodium intake from here on and you will get there.
    I had a bag of Maltesers last night, my tummy didn't like it this morning. Oh well, you live and you learn ;)
  • Larommi
    Larommi Posts: 25
    I don't do daily weigh ins. Its not worth the stress of a half pound here or there depending on the time of day, if you had your daily or if you drank too much.

    There is nothing wrong with having a treat once in a while. If you don't treat occasionally you will binge.

    My advice is don't sweat it.

    Starving yourself for a half pound or a bad day is not worth it and the beginnings of an eating disorder.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    What's done is done, yesterdays decisions are yesterdays results. Just move forward. Eat your recommended calorie amounts today, don't stiff yourself (especially under 1200) it's not healthy. Drink lots of water and move on. You did NOT gain .5 a pound yesterday. It's water retention from sodium. No need to "fix" your mistake.
  • TDeVittori
    TDeVittori Posts: 4 Member
    OMG! Please dont do that! It is never good to go below 1200 calories. Do some extra cardio today...Your body will love you more for it.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    You are most likely up this morning because you ate more food than usual. If you have any pizza left, weigh 2 pieces and it will probably be close to 1/2 pound. This weight will go away in 2 days, don't worry about it. Eat like you normally would today and don't worry about what happened yesterday.
  • drink extra extra water to flush out the sodium the yumminess caused you to have and just add on an extra 10 mins to your workout the next couple of days. theres nothing you can do about what happened, and since im the queen of pizza scarfing late at night out of nowhere i will tell you it will happen again but thats okay becuase you know what, it's life and youre here to enjoy it, not beat yourself up about it.

    hang tight, drink water and amp up your workout!
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    If you went 700 calories over, and a pound of fat has about 3,500, the most you gained from the pizza is about 3 oz. You being over 1/2 a pound this morning is the up and downs of your daily weight.

    When I go over, I just drink lots of water, as many have suggested, and have a balanced, healthy day the next day. You'll lose the 3 extra ounces in no time.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    Just drink your water and plan to eat the calories you are suppose to. You will be fine.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I wouldn't cut calories your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories EACH day total even after a workout to function. Just increase your water for today and watch your sodium levels. I usually workout the next day if I was over the day before and couldn't get a work out in BUT I make sure to eat most of my exercise cal's back too.
  • LuvingLife
    LuvingLife Posts: 29
    Listen, it was a set back. However, you can redeem yourself today by starting new, focusing on today’s goals. You are human…I’m SURE most of us have had those days, days where we have given in to temptation. So, you ARE NOT alone. Think about today and how you are going to make today’s goals your reality. Good luck!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Personally, I think it's better to just do your program as you have it planned daily. But, I also don't think it is the worst thing in the world to even it out over the rest of the week. An extra 100 calorie deficit daily for a few days isn't going to kill you unless you already push the lower limits of healthy intake. I had no idea how much I actually liked pizza until I started my healthy lifestyle. :o)
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