Hi. Back for another try. Day 1

sueymomof4 Posts: 5 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there I am sue. Mom of 4. Trying this again for the third time. Scared lol


  • Tarkine
    Tarkine Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Sue, I to am on here again, just checked back in today! The difference being this is the first post in community that I've made. Previously I've used the calorie counter only. I need to get a little more support now to get motivated, mostly in the food department. Especially cheese! I hope you can also find what you need here. Sonnie :)
  • sueymomof4
    sueymomof4 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there. I wish you all the best and hope u achieve your goal. I have tried couple of times but failed and on the last attempt did really well and lost abit of weight but due to no support and getting lazy I gave up. Lost all motivation so I too am hoping this time it works. :#