Does your Husband/Wife/Roomate do this?!?!?!

Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
Im just curious if whomever you live with brings junk food in the house or wants to eat out at unhealthy places.

Do you find it hard to resist??? What do you do??


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    If I'm in the mode of needing something sweet, etc. I make sure to log it first thing in the an icecream bar at night or something, so I have that to look forward to the whole of the day. Makes me behave during the day knowing I get my treat later at night.

    As for eating out...thats a tough one. I do the cooking in my house so I'm usually the one who says lets go out. I just try to make sure I've got my cals logged an d have a good idea of how much I can eat.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My husband occasionally suggests a takeaway, but I have almost always cooked already so it isn't an issue. He doesn't do any food shopping, I do it all, and all the cooking, so I decide what we eat.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Yep, my whole family will suggest and want "unhealthy" foods. I never exclude myself from their outings though. I just research before I go, get the best thing within my alotment and enjoy! I'm still losing weight and loads healthier than I was when I started.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    My husband is really supportive of my efforts so if he has junk food, namely anything chocolate, he hides it in his man room. Half the time I don't even know he has it..he can eat 20lbs of sugar a day and stay thin, makes me soooo mad!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Don't have a husband or a roommate, but I know when I visit my family, it's really hard to find anything decent to eat because they don't eat the way I do. They don't go all "Let's have pizza for dinner" every night, but there are cookies and candy and soda and ice cream and donuts and Twinkies and lots of fattening deliciousness all over the place. It's really annoying because when my mom comes to visit me, she insists that I have certain things on hand for her, but I rarely ever ask her to do the same for me because I think it's rude when you're staying at someone else's house. If I need anything special, I usually bring it with me.

    Temptation wouldn't be a problem if there were other options. Like if I want a snack, there should be a piece of fruit around SOMEWHERE. That's all I need to keep me from reaching for the cookies. But if you're hungry and that's all there is, what can you do?
  • FaerieMoon
    FaerieMoon Posts: 50 Member
    Happens to me almost daily. And they get mad when I go shopping and don't buy junk food or ice cream.

    gotta admit, sometimes I give in.... I just do small portions

  • smiley01x
    smiley01x Posts: 93 Member
    thats would by my question! what do you do when there is no other choice?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Im just curious if whomever you live with brings junk food in the house or wants to eat out at unhealthy places.

    Do you find it hard to resist??? What do you do??

    :mad: My son lives with me and he does that. Sometimes he'll hide the junk food but knows good and well I'll find it. Sometimes if I suspect he's bought junk food and hid it but he denies it, I'll walk into his room and start to make myself at home so he'll tell me where it is. :devil: Works every time.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I buy stuff for my kids that I do not eat. I got them some REALLY yummy looking cookies last week.

    Prior to Jan. 17. 2011 I would not have resisted eating some myself, now it doesn't bother me at all. I remember being AMAZED when I was a month or so in and go them a carton of Ben and Jerrys (my fav) and didn't not touch it.