Exercising vs family/work commitments



  • CindyFooWho
    CindyFooWho Posts: 179 Member
    And all I will say is, don't be too hard on yourself. Do what you can, when you can. As I'm sure you know, this time with your little one is SO short in the scheme of things. Having your priorities straight, as you do, will pay off far more than a rigorous workout schedule. You have the right mindset, rest assured. You are clearly not neglecting yourself.

    Don't let people guilt you, either. There are only so many hours in a day and your rest is JUST AS important as working out. In fact, I'd say that it is even more so. Lack of sleep and rest makes you dangerous to yourself and your daughter. Society just pushes us to be everything to everyone. I mean, don't be a couch potato (haha, I can tell that's not you). Just keep on doing your best. :smile:
  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    The problem with the baby stroller (stairs) may be the solution - get a baby backpack and run/walk those stairs? I carried both of mine in packpacks on multiple hiking trips and they had a blast. The added weight will help make the stairs that much harder.

    Jogging/ running stairs with a baby is a very jolting experience for their brain. I would be very concerned about doing that. I have jogging strollers as well. (single and double) perhaps you can keep a collapsible one in your car. (If you have a car) Or take down the stroller first and then put your baby in it. I wouldn't recommend going up or down stairs with a baby in that kind of stroller. Also, jogging strollers can have a tip hazard so please have a helmet for your baby. It's a backwards fall that can be very dangerous. My little boy climbed forwards into ours and as I was running to grab him it tipped and he smacked his face on the concrete...

    It's great to be active, and I have two kiddos 1 and 5, that I have worked around and with. I count calories to keep weight off and exercise for fitness. This makes it easier to handle the ups and downs that comes with kids and personal health. You'll hit your stride and figure out a routine and back up plans. This is a great place for info. Congrats on your little one. Good luck!
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I am lucky enough to have a gym at work, so I work out during both my breaks and during my lunch. I take my lunch pretty late and pack an instant shower which is enough to get me by until I get home. I know that's not for everyone, but works for me.
  • natyack
    natyack Posts: 56 Member
    I also highly recommend Fitness Blender workouts- they are all completely free. However you can also pay $10 for a structured workout plan using their free videos. This was a lifesaver for me as a mom of an almost one-year-old.