Re-introducing exercise after major surgery?

SaskyB Posts: 19 Member
I had abdo surgery 4 days ago and need to gently work back to being able to exercise. Did you dive back in or gently build up after surgery or injury? I am feeling a little anxious about it but know I have to plan and get back to having an active lifestyle.
Would love to hear your experiences.


  • KDar1988
    KDar1988 Posts: 650 Member
    I worked my way up over the course of a month or so after my doc said it was ok to start exercising. I lift weights too so I had to wait about 8 weeks to start doing that again. It does make you apprehensive but if you listen to your body, it'll tell when you've done too much. I was surprised at how easy it was to get back at it. Good luck!
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    Work up to it, but don't rush any abs right now. Talk to a Physical therapist about what you can/cannot do. Your Dr. should be able to supply information to you during your post op visit.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    You probably should ask the surgeon.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    What did your doctors say?

    I had a pretty bad injury in October. The doctors at the ER didn't really know what to make of it. For starters, they hooked me up to an ECG and it kept beeping every time my heart rate fell below 60 bpm, but they just had me laying on a table, so that was most of the time. When I told them I'm a cyclist they turned off the "about to have a heart attack" alarm. They told me that I should be able to run after a week but didn't advise it. We talked and they told me to take it easy but to do what I felt capable of. When the initial round of pain medicine wore off, I gave up ideas about exercise for a couple weeks. Then I started running.

    I had been in excellent shape before the injury and lost a great deal of fitness. Short runs (up to 30 minutes) mostly trained my anaerobic system but my aerobic endurance is pretty bad. I lost a lot of power.

    But, after being confined, it was wonderful just to get out. At first walking was very painful, it passed. I built back up instead of diving in, and I'm still working on it. On Saturday I did a 57 mile bike ride in 3 hours 45 minutes. =)

    Do something you enjoy, something that's been calling to you. Go gently until at first, pay attention to what your body is telling you, don't do anything that hurt. All this assume your doctor cleared you. I'm wishing you the best!
  • Jen58473
    Jen58473 Posts: 24 Member
    When you're cleared for exercise, start slowly and build up. Surgery is hard on the body. Jumping into exercise after a layoff is hard on the body. Combine the two and you might well do more harm than good.

    Your doctor should be able to advise you, or direct you to someone who can, on how to ramp up your exercise safely.

    I found it difficult to go for a walk at first. My heart rate shot right up, I got light-headed, and my legs were sore after 20 minutes. When walking got easier, I started strength training again--but at a much lower weight, and lower volume. Took more recovery days, which helped a lot. Two months later, I'm just getting to the point where I feel comfortable pushing myself, and I'm still leaving extra days between workouts. I'm glad I've been patient with myself.

    I don't know if you're restricting calories, but if you're like me, you'll feel so much better if you eat more during recovery and while working back up to full exercise.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    My husband had 2 major ab surgeries in 6 months. His surgeon gave him very specific instructions on when he could resume any exercise. Walking was all he could do for the first 6 months. Now he's 24 days post op again and should be able to do some ab work in another month or so. As Jen said, you need to eat good to help your recovery. Increased protein intake is important for healing.
  • SaskyB
    SaskyB Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks team.. Both the surgeon and specialists have given me the nod to plan and build up exercise over time. It is the journey or process that people make both physically and mentally that is very helpful and inspiring. Thanks too for the protein tips =).
    I love ocean swimming - but it will be back in the pool (probs 4 weeks away) until my HR and breathing settles with walking.