Thunder Thighs???



  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Cellulite is just fat, so the more exercise you do and the more healthy eating you do, the better it will be.

    I struggle with the same issue as you re: the larger legs but since I started exercising more (cycle daily and lunges, squats etc), they are definitely looking leaner and more defined. To an extent it's genetics but you have to do the best you can with what you're given :-) I'll never have the smallest thighs, but since building up the muscle at least they look toned and less orange-peeled!

    I appreciate your response and it is refreshing to know that even if it does not all smooth out, it is possible to tighten up some of my jiggle in my thighs, lol!! very encouraging...
  • carolinefaith
    carolinefaith Posts: 46 Member
    Running, jogging, or jogging is the best way to trim down your legs. NO weights! Squats add muscle to your legs. Fast cardio for an hour a day will help you get the thighs you want. Also, following this diet will help you lose weight:

    2 servings of Protein (red meat only once a week)
    4 servings of Vegetables (no carrots)
    3 servings of fruit
    2 servings of starches (1 slice of whole wheat bread= 1 serving)
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    Try Tracy Anderson's Perfect Design Series. At least buy her book. It's a lean body workout.
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    Pilates and yoga are great for the thighs.
  • Kwosti
    Kwosti Posts: 6 Member
    Hiya! Ahhhh yes, thunder thighs - the bane of my existence!! I've been doing some heavy leg work, like leg-press (20reps @ 55kg, 65, 75, 85 (then 10 reps all the way up to 120kg when I feel like it) between sets I pump out 20 really quick reps of 25kg - 1x per week) I also do squats (10-20kg barbell weights 3 sets, 20 reps), and a really tough one my personal trainer showed me - get 2 step aerobic steps side by side and a heavy dumbbell weight (I started at 22kg, now at 26/28kg) between and squat like you're having a pee in the great outdoors and pull all the way up - (3sets of 20 reps). Remember to really hold your stomach muscles in for each of these coz you can hurt your back.

    I can really notice the difference now, my thighs and butt seem to be slimming down nicely AND I'm getting great definition. However..... there has been almost no noticeable difference on the scales (which is why I dont have a ticker!), but I've lost a dress size....
    I'm trying to do interval training at the moment to push the cardio to notice a difference on the scales - and that is getting really good results now.
    Heavy weights are the way to go!! You won't get big - you'll get strong and feel great.

    Have fun!
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm thin but actually have thighs. It sure makes buying jeans difficult. So I've heard men love curvy women. Maybe the thighs aren't all that bad!
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    I'm thin but actually have thighs. It sure makes buying jeans difficult. So I've heard men love curvy women. Maybe the thighs aren't all that bad!

    yes buying jeans.. not fun!! especially being tall and having chunky thighs... not a good combo .
    as far as men and thick thighs, I have heard that fact my husband as always referes to the ACDC song that says "knockin' me out with those American thighs" as his song about me... but I want to feel good about ME, not wether he likes it or not, I have to like it... lol and I hate my they are my focus from today on...
  • KaylaShianne
    so my post got alot of attention-

    dont get me wrong- i love strength training- for abs, back, chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps.... just not legs because my legs get enough work in my cardio sessions with HIIT + stead state cardio.

    as to the post about runners having stick legs not shapely muscular legs??.... uhhh well this is exactly my point- runners have thin legs! and it really tones the muscle without building muscle. and you can build muscle with a calorie deficit if you are eating enough protein.

    I like doing HIIT cardio which really burns the calories and gives an HGH flush if you push yourself enough. Then I like to run for some steady state cardio, and my legs and butt get sore and I know ive worked my muscles (especially if i do hills or add resistance on the machines). So you can tone your muscles with cardio.

    If your do lunges and squats for muscle toning just do body weight squats.

    Its mostly about fat loss though for getting smaller, so cardio and a calorie deficit it the best way. If you feel your not getting enough work on your legs with your cardio sessions then look to weight training or something.

    I also agree pilates is good for stretching your muscles and overall health :)
  • KaylaShianne
    Don't do any weight training for your legs. my muscles in my thighs balloon up when i do squats lunges etc. (and i don't want that at all because I also have bigger thighs) Also avoid cardio that creates a pump like stationary biking. you can get enough muscle toning in you legs if you just do cardio such as running, walking, or doing the elliptical or treadmill. but avoid the bike and stepper.
    A lot of workout video's for women have lunges and squats as a staple, but you really don't have to work on your legs at all if your doing cardio like walking and running.

    That is just the muscles retaining water it takes a lot of work to actually build muscle, not to mention a caloric surplus.

    ^^ Thanks for this.

    If all you need is running and walking, then why do long distance runners’ legs look like sticks with very little muscle mass? Strength training your entire body is important, regardless of your problem areas.

    marathon cardio (running at a moderate pace for 45-60 minutes or more)- such as long distance running- actually breaks down muscle as well as fat so the muscle size is decreased while the fat is decreased too. Boxers call this road work. Thats why i do 20 min of HIIT and 10 min of steady state cardio. I used to do marathon cardio as well as weight training, and it was all fine, but since changing I've really noticed a difference and have felt better.
  • adyukare
    adyukare Posts: 1
    oh i totally have thunder thighs battle!

    doing stair exercises seems to work the best - dont do the StairMaster or the eliptical- those honestly are too easy.
    I do actual stairs anywhere i can find them !!! like a stadium stairs - kicks my butt every time (literally) and i get a sweet cardio work out too.

    totally works the buns and the thighs the best.
    also lunges
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Thighs and butt are my problem area. I do extra strength training on them to build and strengthen the muscles under the fat and to get rid of the fat, i am also on 1200 calories a day eat my cals back. I lost 80 lbs 6 years ago and it was dieting and strength training that made my thighs and everything else go down i hated cardio. i have always worked on the areas that give me trouble to make them nicer and smooth them out, and reduce cellulite.
  • tsoto79
    tsoto79 Posts: 6
    Try the 200 squat challenge, Im going to start it on Monday.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Try the 200 squat challenge, Im going to start it on Monday.

    OH wow.. going to check that out. thannks for the link
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    If it hasn't already been mentioned, you can't spot reduce. Your body will release fat from all your excess areas as you get to a better weight. It always seems to take forever for it to happen where we want! :grumble:

    I'm also a "pear" who has always had thighs. Seemed to lose my first 40lbs from everywhere BUT my thighs. Actually, it wasn't true. I recently checked my measurements and compared them to a year ago. I've lost ten inches from my thighs, though I weigh about the same as a year ago. TEN inches.

    Do the strength training for your legs. You will eventually lose the fat from that area and have some awesome looking legs. :smile:
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I have that same problem! SQUATS SQUATS!. Those for me realyl worked!
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Joe's Jeans - Honey Booty Cut are awesome for women with thighs but smaller waist. Love them.
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    Joe's Jeans - Honey Booty Cut are awesome for women with thighs but smaller waist. Love them.

    Thank you :) where might I be able to try a pair on?
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Hmmm...maybe Macy's. Not sure. I have bought them at Aritzia in Canada and online at Bluefly. Waste is pretty accurate, and they're all long (34 I think). So expensive but the quality is great. I only have 3 pair of jeans. 2 Joe's and 1 pair of 7's
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I agree with the squats and lunges. I told my trainer that I wanted to work on my legs and thats like all we do for them in varying forms.. and so far it hasn't made my thighs in bigger but made them smaller. Remember that muscle is more dense then fat.. so once you get rid of the fat and have just muscle, they will be smaller. Women also can't bulk up like men can, so the weights won't hurt in the slightest, and in fact may actually help.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    Options and run some more. I had that same problem my whole life at one time I had a 28 inch waist and EACH thigh was 25 inches.......I started running and literally 6 inches fell off my thighs.