30yo recovered anorexic with 30lb to lose..

Wondering if anyone else is in a similar position? I suffered from eating disorders in my teens and early twenties. Recovered now but weight has crept up this last year! 5'9 and 162, want to get back to 130 (I'm tall but with small frame I think? I have skinny wrists!) But I need to do it slowly and carefully and not start getting obsessive disordered thoughts. :)


  • lalaleelou
    lalaleelou Posts: 35 Member
    My oldest daughter is actually a recovered anorexic in your shoes. She now has 30 lbs to lose but is afraid to try MFP because she's afraid she will just revert back to her eating disorder (only recovered 2 years). If you would like a sympathetic ear you can feel free to add me. I actually have A LOT to lose so I'll be around a while.
  • drcrusher
    drcrusher Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you so much! It's great to hear from you :) I've been tracking for just over a week and it has triggered a depressive episode -- but the difference is that now I can identify what's going on and take healthy measures to get through it. This is huge for me! I think depression/disordered thinking is most damaging when it takes you by surprise. If you know something's going to be a trigger, you can take steps preemptively (kind of like how the moment I get my period I take ibuprofen before the pain hits...)