Just a big kid?



  • jenkins1103
    jenkins1103 Posts: 50 Member
    1. I still run up the basement steps as fast as I can, becasue I just know their is someone lurking under them.

    2. I still keep both of my feet under the covers at night when I sleep because I just know someone is going to get them

    3. I still get very excited on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day...(even though I am 32 and have 4 children)

    4. I still love to color in coloring books..haha
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    When I was a kid, I'd fantasize I was on a cooking show and talk to the "camera" about what I was "cooking" (usually dirt and rocks!). Today at 32, I do it all the time. I pretend there's a camera and I talk about every step I'm taking. :blushing: Hubs thinks I'm nuts.

    All my family thinks I'm disgusting but I like playing with my chocolate, especially Olive Garden's minty chocolates! I will hold it between my thumb and index finger and squish back and forth until it melts. Meanwhile my sisters are giving me the WTF look. They don't know what they're missing! Once squished and melted I proceed to lick the chocolate off my fingers. Yum.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Pretty much everything, just a more extreme version of it. :laugh:
  • stephelan
    stephelan Posts: 81
    I'm the biggest Big Kid I know.

    But one small thing I can think of is that I peel my string cheese like a banana in order to eat it. EVERY time.
  • LaPistolaSexola
    LaPistolaSexola Posts: 243 Member
    As a kid, I wanted 2 things - 1. To fly. and 2. for it to rain skittles.

    For number 1, to get myself in the mode, I would sit upside down in a chair, with my legs verticle pointing to the ceiling. And then I'd imagine walking on the ceiling, just all over the house.

    I still do this sometimes :blushing:

    LOVE the .gif in your sig
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    When I was a kid, I'd fantasize I was on a cooking show and talk to the "camera" about what I was "cooking" (usually dirt and rocks!). Today at 32, I do it all the time. I pretend there's a camera and I talk about every step I'm taking. :blushing: Hubs thinks I'm nuts.

    Too funny! I used to do the same thing. We had the kind of counters that looked like a kitchen set. My kitchen today is not conducive to pretending I'm the Frugal Gourmet.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    But one small thing I can think of is that I peel my string cheese like a banana in order to eat it. EVERY time.
    Lol. I peel it as long as I can into the smallest strand I can make then eat that. Takes me forever to eat string cheese.

    I still dance a little whenever I hear music. My niece (who's 5) and I danced a lot on vacation last week.

    I still lounge sideways in armchairs, pretend I'm running alongside the car on roadtrips (only when I'm the passenger), and most people have to yell or wave something in front of me to get my attention when I'm watching TV. :tongue:
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    I hold my breath when going past graveyards so I won't breathe in any spirits. The boogeyman isn't as scary anymore, but he still sleeps under my bed, so I can't have any limbs hanging off, just in case. I still peel cheese strings. I still dance by myself to really loud music. I probably won't ever grow up! <3
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I just bought a skateboard not too long ago! :)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't leave my arms dangling over the edge of the bed because I use to believe that 2 wolves lived under there and wanted to eat me. I still have to watch the lightening and then count until the thunder hits to see how far away it is...if I'm by myself I hate the dark.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    I hate sleeping near windows because I had this fear and kinda still do that aliens would come and abduct me if I were by the window.
    Lol me too and sometimes I get a big stick and act like a ninja!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I love going to Toys 'R' Us

    I'll walk through the toy section in Wal-Mart and other places and if there's a fire truck or ambulance...it's going home with me

    Still play video games

    Like a lot of you, I eat my veggies first

    Love putting model cars together

    Love toy trains

    I don't think toys ever really get old they just get more expensive the older you get.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I will sometimes just start skipping instead of walking.

    I ♥ to go down slides and swing at the playground! I'm usually the only adult on the equipment with their kids.

    I still giggle whenever the car drives over rumble strips.
    Love skipping! I'll go to the playground across the street and swing by myself if I'm having a bad day. Always makes me feel better. :)
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I go see little kids movies at the theater. Then it looks like I'm a pathetic dweeb because I am watching a little kids movie without even a date.


    Yep, I totally do this too! If I want to see a movie, then I will go see it, date or not! (Far more often without date... have only ever been on 1 movie date to tell you the truth.) You are sooooo not a pathetic dweeb. I think doing things on your own makes you a stronger person.

    Hmm... I still collect lots and lots of penguin anything. I have a bunch of stuffed penguins and a few other assorted stuffed animals.

    The last time we had a big snow in Denver and all my housemates and I had work cancelled... we all put on warm clothes, walked to the park, and played on the playground alllll morning. Slides, swings, climbing, jumping, and laughing our heads off. It is great to be a kid once in awhile. =)
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    1.) i LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE all Pixar Movies and even love the cartoon disney movies!! I don't think I will EVER grow outta that!! (then again my dream job, and what i went to school for, is to work with Dreamworks, Pixar, or Blue Sky Entertainment as an animator)

    2.) I put my black olives on my fingers and eat them off

    3.) I too do the jedi hand waving thing in front of an automatic door and elevators

    4.) I dance like a fool, even when people are watching

    5.) I'd much rather stay home and color than go to work. ever.

    6.)OOOH, and i TOTALLY have an overactive imagination when it comes to getting out of bed in the middle of the night, and imagining something, or someone, grabbing me by my ankles, pulling me under the bed, and me never being heard of again.
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    My husband and I have a well stocked Disney/kid section of movies (might I add we have no kids and his 17 year old daughter has never lived with us).

    We like to go to Toys R Us, and the pet store to see the cute animals that need to be brought home with us, watching cartoons is a must.

    Oh and shampoo mohawks.. bubble bath mustaches. Still do those.

    I have to say though the eating food thing some of you guys put sounds more OCD ish then kid like, but thats just me, not saying its bad.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    We didn't have string cheese when I was a kid! But I still just can't take a bite of it, I have to peel it until I can't peel it any more!

    I still do the can't step on a crack thing.

    After watching a scary movie, I sleep with all the lights on.

    I still love playing in the rain and never use an umbrella! It seems like when you grow up you suddenly become afraid that the rain is going to melt you,

    When I was a kid I was always the first one to go into the pool when we opened it for the season, and I couldn't test the water with my toes, I had to jump right in. I still do that to the embarrassment of my kids.

    I still like to imagine the jacuzzi is a giant pot of boiling water I'm getting cooked in!

    The great thing about kids, is it gives me an excuse to stay a big kid myself. Watching cartoons, playing on swingsets, blowing bubbles, playing video games and generally anything they do, I do!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I feel like I should also add that I am eating alphabet soup for lunch today. I am trying to spell things but the letters are being difficult and not staying where I put them...
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I give swirlies to my coworkers and steal lunch money on a daily basis.

    For fun, I steal my parents car on Friday's even though I have one of my own.