200 zone, will I ever escape...

I've been gone for about 15 months and decided I want to come back today.
I lost about 30lbs over a year ago when I was using this site, making an effort to lose weight, exercising, fasting and full of motivation.

Once I got down to about 205, even though I kept trying and dieting I stopped losing the weight.
After a while I stopped trying so hard, and have been feeling depressed and "stuck" for the past year or so.
I weighed myself today. 204.
I'm tired of feeling depressed about my weight.

I'm willing to give it another real try for the sake of my self esteem and general happiness.
Anyone stuck in the 200 zone.
Any tips.. motivation of any kind really is welcome.
The struggle is real.


  • shellscriptr
    shellscriptr Posts: 34 Member
    The struggle IS real. I've been stuck at 209 for a year. I don't want to be the fat girl anymore. I feel like no matter what I do the scale doesn't go down. But I know that's not true. I know it's just simple math- if I burn more than I eat I will lose. That's why I started MFP last week, I'm going to really keep track of what I'm doing. I'm hoping if I see a little success it will motivate me to keep going. :)
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Weigh yourself in kg instead of lb. Then you'll be well out of the 200s and have a different goal to aim for :)
    (I'm currently just over 200 if I use those ridiculously large numbers!)

    As to how to keep up the motivation - I wish I knew. The only thing I know is that I can't sit around waiting for motivation to come to me, I just have to try to make the best choice I can in each single moment, and not agonise over what's already behind me.
  • sabrinalynn777
    sabrinalynn777 Posts: 14 Member
    Well, I ate horribly today. And I'm going to record every munchkin.
    Maybe just having to admit to my not so healthy eating will motivate me to not have to admit such things tomorrow. ugh. Let's get out of the 200 zone!!!!!!!!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    Forget about the fasting, and exercising for right now and concentrate on eating within your calories. Not 500, 600, 700 below it. Eat at your calories or within 100 calories of your set amount. Make sure you are weighing and measuring everything. If you want to rid yourself of something, Drink only water for 1 month. A lot of water. No juice, no soda and see if anything changes. Calories In Calories Out if you do that correctly the scale will start moving again