Troll Posts: 922 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I am so fed up with people! While out jogging with my dogs today a woman that lives down my street stopped me with her husband to ask me this:

"You look so fit! How do you do it?"

To which i replied, "I don't eat junk, i don't drink anything but water and protein shakes, and i work out for at least three hours a day."

I was told that i have to be miserable because you "can't have a life if you work out like that." and that my fiance must hate going out to eat with me because "i hate going to restaurants with healthy people. They never order anything but a salad."

I informed them that we can't afford to "date" anymore and when we do go out it's a treat. I typically get the worst thing on the menu, followed by the most horribly decadent dessert imagineable. I work out before geting dressed for the date, and we typically walk around all sorts of stores/putt-putt golf places, etc afterwards.

And i enjoy working out because if i didn't do it every day i would be a raging monster, what with my temper and all.

After telling them this, they simply stated, "Well, your life sounds pretty aweful. We're going to go get icecream. I'll just find some other way to get skinny."

My jaw? On the ground.

This isn't the first time i've gotten this remark. Look, if you hate working out and eating right just isn't for you- DEAL WITH BEING FAT. Otherwise, don't look shocked when i tell you i never eat tacos, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, pizza, or cupcakes unless it's a VERY special occasion (FYI? I didn't even have cake on my 21st birthday last month. I had BBQ beans and THREE WHOLE ROLLS and it was DELICIOUS.)

Also? When someone tells me they exercise every day and are still overweight and i say 'well, what do you do?"

"Oh, i walk for 30 minutes."

In case you haven't noticed...everybody walks during the day. You have to in order to get from point A to point B...last time i checked...your heart rate won't go up just chatting away with a buddy and walking a mile.

People? Don't irritate me when i've had my NO Explode. It gets me all...grumbly.


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I only do 30 minutes to an hour a day. 3 hours does seem kind of extreme, Does that include walking around in the gym?
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    WOW! Slow down and take a breath. Is the full moon coming? LOL
  • sbpeters93
    sbpeters93 Posts: 37 Member
    Not everyone has 3 hours a day to go to a gym. Try working 40 hours a week and raising 2 very active kids/teenagers. There are most definitely some days where the only exercise I get is my 45 minute lunch hour walk. And yes, I do consider it exercise!
  • Hopeinanguish
    Hopeinanguish Posts: 101 Member
    3 hours is crazy...your poor muscles! I work out 6 days a week for an hour. I sweat like a pig the whole time and I'll be damned if I do three hours. I don't have that kind of time! lol
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    lol wow, some people are more dedicated to living healthy and working out than others and it is obvious that you are very dedicated :) good for you! my dad is the same way about the eating and does a 1200 cal burn 1 hr bootcamp 4 times a week plus training for tough mudder and he loves it. i on the other hand, eat less than healthy a little more than that and don't workout quit so much
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    Next time tell her it's from running away from all the husbands in the neighborhood that are trying to get with you....

    That should drop her jaw on the floor.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yeah, with my full time job there's no more 3 hour work outs, I've had to accomodate my life to it. I'm now a size 2 and last night I said to my husband, "I lost 20 pounds and gained a 4 pack all while eating Klondike and drinking wine." When people ask me how I do it I shrug and say "no secret, portion control and exercise (not diet, but portion control)." I get a lot of shrugs and brush offs, bach I'm living the lifestyle that makes me happy and they can make their decisions. Sounds to me like you're over sharing on a casual conversation and the result is frustrating you. As far as walking, you can walk off the weight if you do it right, but again it has to be paried with diet. Any how, ice cream isn't all evil, I just had the most delicious low fat vanilla fro yo with orange sorbet for a whopping 150 calorie snack . . . sigh . . . and I'd do it again in a heart beat. It fits into my calorie count for the day.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I'm not saying to work out 3 hours a day, i'm a homemaker and just have that kind of time ang energy.

    But if you weight 300 lbs, eat icecream at every meal, and think walking to your fridge is "working out" don't whine to me about how "you just can't lose the weight."

    And i personally don't eat crap unless its, like i said, a special occasion. I could every day with the amount of work i do and how i arrange my calories.
  • First off walking is exercise and its one of the best to do if your over weight and out of shape. I'm happy your so hard core and that neighbor shouldn't have said what she said, but most people don't got three hours to exercise
  • Carrots030
    Carrots030 Posts: 4 Member
    to each thier own.. i understand both sides & do admire you being able to workout that much.

    another note though- my doc says i should really work up a sweat 3-4 times a week, even if its on a 30 min walk. i think the leisurely walk your neighbor mentioned really wont do too much good- at least for me.

    I am tired of being fatter than i want- so im glad i found MFP to keep me on track! yay for heathy weightloss!
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    Really though, who cares? I know we all get frustrated from time to time with what people say but you're not doing this for them.

    Somebody telling me that my life must suck because of the amount exercise I do or the strictness of my eating habits obviously doesn't have a clue because they're flat out wrong, I love my lifestyle and the more physically, mentally and spiritually fit I am the better it gets.

    Take a step back from the situation and take a look at your reaction to it. Regardless of whether they actually believe it or they're just saying something with the intention of pissing you off, allowing another persons negativity to have an effect on your own mental attitude can be as damaging to your health as that second doughnut.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I eat everything you mentioned(in moderation), work out for 30 to 45 minutes 3 to 4 time a week, see my trainer twice a month and have lost 20 pounds since January. A lot of that exercise is walking and the elliptical because I hate running and don't really care for biking.

    If people would see how much I eat just to keep my body running, then they would def. know that my life does not suck. You can eat the bad things.. you just have to work for them first :)

    Don't let you neighbors get to you.. eventually they'll see the light.
  • cassmsta
    cassmsta Posts: 75
    First off walking is exercise and its one of the best to do if your over weight and out of shape. I'm happy your so hard core and that neighbor shouldn't have said what she said, but most people don't got three hours to exercise

    I agree we all have to start somewhere, i'm happy for you really, but some of use just don't have time for that, I work 2 full time jobs, if I get 20-30 minutes of exercise in there i'm happy, and another thing, i did'nt get FAT eating ice cream at every meal.
  • monkeefun
    monkeefun Posts: 271 Member
    While I agree that I do not have that sort of time in my day typically (juggling family + work + nursing school), and that 3 hours is a lot, I can understand the frustration side of it, too. When I first started working on losing weight, and saw RESULTS through exercise and diet, I got excited about it. At school we had a Biggest Loser competition, and a lot of people dropped out and lost interest because they just weren't losing anything at all and gave up. One of the girls almost started snubbing me, more or less, whenever the topic came up. She'd whine about how she was gaining weight still, but then would stuff several servings worth of Oreos in her mouth. Now, I like Oreos as much as the next person, but don't eat 8 of them on TOP of your lunch AND your snacks AND your soda while complaining about how you're gaining weight. It's not rocket science. I shouldn't even complain because I'm sure I used to fit into that category as well, but it's frustrating as all get out.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    i'm troll's mom---she is very hardcore---soooooo much so that there are days that i dread going home. LOL (love ya boo bear--but really i do dread it occasionally :P) she has helped me lose 30lbs and around 15 inches so far. i too work all day---heart surgeons office and even though it is at a desk all day--i get mentally exhausted and some times i do not have the energy to work out---like last night. troll has a great attitude except when she has had too few calories or she has hopped herself up on the NOexplode---LOL

    Kelsi: i have always told you to not worry about what other people say---the only opinion that matters is MINE. :D see you at home tonight and (whine) we will work out. have a great day my little exercise crackhead---do a couple of pushups for me so i dont have to this evening.
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