Spring Fling 2016



  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Ellen.
    I have been involved with a similar board "Daily Healthy Habits" since January and find regular accountability for personal goals has worked well for me. I lost 12 lbs by logging my eating, avoiding emotional eating, regular exercise.... And learning to be PATIENT with myself. Somehow I have lost steam over the past few weeks and old habits are creeping back in, weight inching back upwards. I'm thinking I need to shake things up a bit for myself to get back on track, so if you don't mind me joining in late, your group sounds right up my alley...
    Here we go.... 84 days until June 20:
    1. By June 20, I will have logged my eating 84 more times (currently on DAY 103 of logging :smile: )
    2. By June 20, I will run 36 times (three times per week, Mondays/Thursdays/Saturdays). I considered adding distance here, but for me the real goal is getting back out there after a winter of sketchy running,,, distances will range between 5-10k
    3. By June 20, I will have logged at least 24 km in the pool (at least 1000m, 2x/week; on Wednesdays and Sundays). (Again, distances are not anything different from what I have been doing... It is just getting back to the pool regularly that is the real goal!)
  • Eunicakes
    Eunicakes Posts: 3 Member
    I am in! By June 20th I will:
    1. Log all food at least 5 days a week.
    2. Start by working out once a week, (either at the gym or at home) and eventually increase that to 3 times a week.
    3. Increase to walking 8,500 steps per day ( I work at a desk job and getting steps in is hard)
    4. Get my finances in better order (50% or more of debt gone is the goal)
    5. Do a stretch day 1x per week minimum.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    venus0143 wrote: »
    I am in! By June 20th I will:
    1. Log all food at least 5 days a week.
    2. Start by working out once a week, (either at the gym or at home) and eventually increase that to 3 times a week.
    3. Increase to walking 8,500 steps per day ( I work at a desk job and getting steps in is hard)
    4. Get my finances in better order (50% or more of debt gone is the goal)
    5. Do a stretch day 1x per week minimum.
    Well-thought out goals! We are here to support and encourage. Let us know about both victories and challenging times. - Bonnie
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    newbie2143 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm Ellen.
    I have been involved with a similar board "Daily Healthy Habits" since January and find regular accountability for personal goals has worked well for me. I lost 12 lbs by logging my eating, avoiding emotional eating, regular exercise.... And learning to be PATIENT with myself. Somehow I have lost steam over the past few weeks and old habits are creeping back in, weight inching back upwards. I'm thinking I need to shake things up a bit for myself to get back on track, so if you don't mind me joining in late, your group sounds right up my alley...
    Here we go.... 84 days until June 20:
    1. By June 20, I will have logged my eating 84 more times (currently on DAY 103 of logging :smile: )
    2. By June 20, I will run 36 times (three times per week, Mondays/Thursdays/Saturdays). I considered adding distance here, but for me the real goal is getting back out there after a winter of sketchy running,,, distances will range between 5-10k
    3. By June 20, I will have logged at least 24 km in the pool (at least 1000m, 2x/week; on Wednesdays and Sundays). (Again, distances are not anything different from what I have been doing... It is just getting back to the pool regularly that is the real goal!)

    Welcome, Ellen! These look like ambitious but manageable goals. I think you are wise to note that it's not so much taking huge drastic steps, but being consistent in the changes you are making. Let us know how we can help! - Bonnie

  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    jzdelona wrote: »
    I am new here, my goal for the next few weeks is to log all my food! Good or bad! I tend to give up as soon as I eat anything with sugar and stop logging whenever I have eaten "naughty" foods
    It works! No judging here! It's so hard to log the less-than-healthy choices, but I find it very important. You got this! -Bonnie
  • momtoeve
    momtoeve Posts: 3 Member
    so yesterday was a good day, I got in 10,202 steps made dinner at home, and got in 48 ounces of water-so close. I of course didn't have to work yesterday so that was good too :-)

    thank you for the warm welcome I hope to help as much as possible!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    edited March 2016
    mom2rpkp wrote: »
    Welcome, Ellen! These look like ambitious but manageable goals. I think you are wise to note that it's not so much taking huge drastic steps, but being consistent in the changes you are making. Let us know how we can help! - Bonnie

    Thanks, Bonnie.... First run out of 84 accomplished! Just having you to report to helps!! :)
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Great work, everyone! Crushing goals. I had a good day...13,523 steps, good nutrition, good attitude. I am doing better at spacing out my calories and getting enough fiber, but need to work toward less fat and slightly more protein. Although I gotta say, since I've been allowing myself a little more fat, I am more satisfied and less susceptible to binge. I'm taking the long view - balancing over several days. Wish I had something super inspiring to say, but I slept poorly last night and am going to practice good self-care by calling it a night to read to my little one, talk to my teen, and hit the sheets. Keep up the great work!
  • newbie2143
    newbie2143 Posts: 328 Member
    ... Aaack! Just noticed I said "first run of 84" last night. I too, have not been sleeping well. Should have read "first run of 36", just to clarify I am not completely off my rocker. Have a great day, everyone!

  • ds1415
    ds1415 Posts: 48 Member
    By June 20, I would:
    1. Get into a habit of drinking 4l of water everyday.
    2. Log food everyday.
    3. Do yoga and morning walk 6 days a week.
    4. Have better control on blood sugar.
    5. Learn healthy cooking.

    Looks a little overwhelming, but when the health situation is so bad, there's no other way out.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    ds1415 wrote: »
    By June 20, I would:
    1. Get into a habit of drinking 4l of water everyday.
    2. Log food everyday.
    3. Do yoga and morning walk 6 days a week.
    4. Have better control on blood sugar.
    5. Learn healthy cooking.

    Looks a little overwhelming, but when the health situation is so bad, there's no other way out.
    Hi DS1415, welcome! I am so sorry you are struggling with your health. It's exciting that you are taking steps to care for yourself. You are welcome to send me a friend request on MFP. Your goals are ambitious but you can do it. Let us know if there is any way we can help. I'm especially interested in your "learn healthy cooking" goal. It's a passion of mine. Do you have a plan for that? Anyway, welcome, let us know how we can help you. - Bonnie

  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    newbie2143 wrote: »
    ... Aaack! Just noticed I said "first run of 84" last night. I too, have not been sleeping well. Should have read "first run of 36", just to clarify I am not completely off my rocker. Have a great day, everyone!

  • Bryo4
    Bryo4 Posts: 22 Member
    Back from staying with family for Easter. Got a nice (albeit s l o w) run in this morning. Looking forward to setting back into a routine. I think my wrist is fully healed, too, which is nice. Hope everyone who celebrated had a nice holiday!
  • slinkroum829
    slinkroum829 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks to new work schedule, every weekend is now a 3 day weekend, 4 x 10's, Tuesday thru Friday. I logged all of my food for the weekend, did hot yoga all 3 days, and finished each day under calories. I am going to try to make another yoga class after work today.
  • reillysloss
    reillysloss Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join this thread. My goals for spring - 10,000 steps per day at least 6 days per week. I will try to track everyday and hope to lose 10 pounds over the next 3 months
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    So I've tried a few times to do personal replies to reillysloss, slinkroum82o and bryo4, but my app is being weird. Welcome, Reillysloss, great goals, let the grroup know how we can help you. Slinkroum829, you have great momentum built up - wtg! Bryo4, it's fun to get away but routine is really comforting. You got this!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Okay, I need to own up to poor choices in both exercise and nutrition today. My home page post has details, including what I learned. Gotta just get back up and move on, though. I was giving myself a big lecture about starting this thread and then being a poor example. Then I reminded myself we're all big and maybe someone can learn from my stumble. Biggest lessons: 1) Answer your body's call for rest if you've gone hard more than 5 days, and 2) recognize the very beginning of stress/frustration and take an immediate step toward relaxation.

    Onward! - Bonnie
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    PS: I still logged every bite!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Hope everybody's doing okay. I started to get off track with nutrition today, but got it together and finished the day under and my macros aren't bad. Yeah, me! That's huge progress....even a few months ago, if I ate anything off-plan, I would go off the rails for at least the rest of the day, if not several days.
  • momtoeve
    momtoeve Posts: 3 Member
    Good evening! I had a off day yesterday as I was laid up ill and didn't get cooking, steps or anything accomplished. Feeling better today and got my steps in (10691) nutrition was ok and my fluid/ water was not at 50 but around 40. I forgot my water bottle at home and without that at work I have a hard time keeping up. I did put in 11 hrs at work which is less than ideal but with losing yesterday shouldn't effect my goal. I didn't cook tonight but have tomorrow all planned for the crockpot while I'm at work.