Need Help! No Energy to Workout

Hello Everyone

I find it very difficult to have any energy before I workout. Does anyone have any tips?



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I am lazy before I start off for my workouts but the fact that I know I will get into it once I get started and will be thankful to myself for forcing me into it is what gets me out the door. Like Nike says: Just do it! You will thank yourself for it later. Also prefuel with some protein and maybe oatmeal.. this helps keep me going one I am working out.
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks Amy
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I don't know what your schedule is, but find a time and stick with it. I go after work. I come home long enough to take care of what I need to, and I'm out the door. Sometimes I feel tired, but once I start exercising, I get a boost of energy.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    If I'm not feeling it then I will make a commitment to do 10 minutes of the workout and then reassess. Usually I'll end up doing the entire workout and sometimes I won't. Either one is better than no workout at all.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    And I agree with what others have said - I tell myself all I have to do is 10 minutes and if I'm beat I can stop. But once I get going I build up some energy or figure what the heck, I put on my sneakers, might as well get this done :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Sometimes lack of energy is due to not eating enough - are you adequately fueling your workouts?
  • mdc9665
    mdc9665 Posts: 1 Member
    I like to Power Walk outside , I find a park or a Lake that has a trail and walk a couple miles. It's more fun to walk past scenery and beautiful lakesides . See the ducks and swans or people fishing etc.
  • dknight36
    dknight36 Posts: 182 Member
    Try eating some carbs or drinking a pre workout shake.
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    dknight36 wrote: »
    Try eating some carbs or drinking a pre workout shake.

    Any recommendations on which shake that would work best?
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • Hjaye7512
    Hjaye7512 Posts: 116 Member
    Great ideas above and also honestly " fake it until you make it" sometimes I don't have the energy but I do it anyway and usually get into it after 10 min or so and feel so much better afterwards ..
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Sometimes lack of energy is due to not eating enough - are you adequately fueling your workouts?

    Let's just say I'm eating over....but i'm trying
  • JuliaHaleFitness
    JuliaHaleFitness Posts: 56 Member
    Make sure you are drinking enough water. When I don't, I can feel myself lagging. Also, have a snack 30-60 minutes pre workout. A balanced snack to give you energy!
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    I always carry a protein bar in my gym bag or grab a light snack before the gym. Black coffee helps too, haha
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    For me it is a lot of what some of the others have mentioned. I am a morning workout person so the night before I be sure to have an oatmeal snack of some sort for longer lasting carb release. When I wake up I drink 16 oz of wate first thing. After my coffee is done I pour a cup, mix it with hot chocolate, and tell myself it is only going to be a light workout-which is a lie. But I believe myself long enough to start and the more I get into it, especially after the first 5 minutes, the harder I work, sipping coffee for tiny breaks. That routine has worked for years.
  • deannaelaine1993
    deannaelaine1993 Posts: 65 Member
    This is going to sound a little weird but a tbsp or two of honey in a glass of warm water. I was using it for a cough and I got I huge energy boost so I did some reading and apparently it really does give you energy
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    edited March 2016
    dknight36 wrote: »
    Try eating some carbs or drinking a pre workout shake.

    Any recommendations on which shake that would work best?

    I use Amino Energy from Optimum Nutrition. It's amino acids with natural caffeine. Two scoops is 100mg of caffeine. The cheapest I have found it is at
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    Attitude goes a long way too. Reorganize and commit. Log the training. Try to get better at the training.
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    I love Legion Pulse as my pre-workout. Has the right amount of caffeine and theanine.
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks all