what did you eat to lose weight?



  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I eat whatever I want to, within reason. I pre-portion my lunches for the week, and if I'm feeling squirrely I'll make something for breakfast, but I have to change it up or I will get bored. This week I had mini meatballs for my lunch protein, next week I'll have chicken thighs, I rotate veggies and try and use spices to change them up. If I want pasta, I weigh it out. I had some chocolate last night, could have had more but I was fine with 1 serving (when did that happen?). I had fries this weekend, still fit in calories.
    The moment I get to the point where I say "I can't have this" on a certain type of food is the moment I'm going to start wanting it greatly to the point of binging. I find ways to make it fit my calories, even if it's just not eating the whole serving of fries.

    When you have a will, you have a way to eat that chocolate cake. That's how the saying goes, right?
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    veliia wrote: »
    veliia wrote: »
    What did you eat to lose weight? I never stick to a diet longer than a week because I always run out of things to eat for lunch and dinner.

    Ate less than I burned. Works every time. B)
    veliia wrote: »
    So you burned about 1000 calories? If so how??? Lol i workput for half an hour n only burn 110. Calories so if i burn what i eat i have to do this 10 times

    At my current height/weight/age - I have my calorie counter at MFP set to 1520 calories a day (sedentary setting) with the goal of losing 1 pound per week. I have about 2 - 3 weeks to go (2-3 more pounds) before I rotate over into maintenance. I always then add my exercise calorie burn "guesstimation" for the day from whatever "gizmo" I use to measure my exercise (iPhone App, HR chest strap, power meter on the bike, etc.) for the day, but when losing weight I do not eat back all of the exercise calories. The calories in vs. calories out model (CICO) is what works for me and I use it for losing, maintaining, and gaining weight.

    So to sum it up - I eat fewer calories (calories in) vs. those I burn (calories out). That's the only known method to lose weight. You have to eat less than your body needs which is called a calorie deficit.

    Works every time.

    Yes ^^this^^. And don't call it a "diet." Use of the very word sets me up for failure every time.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    veliia wrote: »
    What did you eat to lose weight? I never stick to a diet longer than a week because I always run out of things to eat for lunch and dinner.

    Everything! Just less of it!
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    My dinners and snacks have pretty much remained the same, but my breakfast and lunch are different. The only difference to dinners is I don't help myself to seconds anymore.

    I used to get french toast or a fancy bagel with butter for breakfast - around 450-500 calories. Now I eat a protein bar that's either 200 or 250 calories (depending on the brand).

    For lunch during the week I'd go to my company's cafeteria and load up with a full meal - probably eating around 800-900 calories. Now I bring in a Lean Cuisine or WW Smart Ones and have a cup of fruit on the side. 350-400 calories. To make up for the heavy sodium from those frozen meals, I now drink a LOT of water during the day.

    Those two meals alone reduced my daily caloric intake by ~600-750 calories a day.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    Basically I eat whatever, but less of it. I am far more mindful and aware of what I am eating.

    I take lower cal substitutes where and when available. Bulgur for brown rice. Egg whites for eggs. Sandwich thins/lettuce or cabbage wraps for buns. Light chocolate syrup for regular. Stevia based sweeteners for sugar. Light English muffins for regular. The list can go on and on.

    I don't really eat out anymore because it is cheaper and less stress just to make food myself. I can control the calorie content and quality of my food this way a lot better. My pizza can be so on point that my husband openly wondered if we can honestly find better pizza in Italy when we go in May. I make the dough and sauce from scratch and use only fresh, high quality ingredients for my sauce and toppings. I think the only thing that could improve it would be to buy a dedicated outdoor pizza oven. Right now, I just use the grill.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited March 2016
    I eat everything I used to eat. Just a lot less of the sweets and/or salty "treat" type items. Breakfasts and lunch are pretty repetitious but I like it that way. Breakfast and lunch give me a great start on the macros/micros I want to maintain which allows me to eat whatever I want (within remaining calorie allowance) for supper. Fortunately I have no allergies or food sensitivities and I rarely eat out so have no problem managing my meals.

    My day starts and continues with a pot or two of decaf coffee with approximately 2 cups of 2% milk in the pot/s of decaf.

    Breakfast is usually non-fat Greek plain yogurt with fresh/frozen fruit and flax seed meal or a 5 egg white omelette with vegetables. Occasionally I'll have steel cut oats with dried fruit/nuts/spices.

    Lunch is usually seafood or leftover meat and a pile of veggies or a vegetable salad.

    Dinner is my more creative meal and I cook probably 350 out of 365 days. Meat/seafood/starch (sometimes)/vegetables. Could be beef/pork/chicken/fish/mollusks/shrimp/crab for protein. Pastas/legumes/taters/rice/quinoa/lentils for carbs. I'm wide open with vegetables since there are few I dislike.

    Tonight's dinner will be a Spicy Chorizo & Beef/White Bean Soup which is loaded with equal protein and carbs and has lots of fiber. Tomorrow's dinner will be an Alfredo with linguini/Proscuitto/Peas and probably a side salad. It will be loaded with fat.

    Macros end up pretty well balanced the way I like them though breakfast/lunch/dinner so then I throw them off with things like ice cream/peanut butter/peanuts/pita chips.

    ETA: That's how I ate to lose 60+ pounds and that's how I eat now in maintenance.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    veliia wrote: »
    So you'll eat pizza, hamburgers, fries, cake, chocolate, etc as long as you fit it in your calories?

    i eat chocolate candy, potato chips and pizza - i just make sure it fits in my calorie budget.

    btw, intense workouts burn more calories - walking uphill, lifting enough weight to make you work at it, using an exercise bike with a little more resistance, for examples.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I just eat less of what I normally eat. I'm an extremely picky eater, so anything that requires certain foods or band others was/is not going to work for me.

    +1 - this exactly.

    I'm also a very picky eater. I eat what I want/like, just a lot less of it than I used to. I also tend to make better choices if I log something BEFORE I eat it, so that I know if it is worth the amount of calories it contains. ;)
  • eyeshinebright
    eyeshinebright Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 2016
    I've basically focused on cutting my portions and raising my protein and fiber intake. I eat breakfast every day, and I try to get both protein and fiber in there -- that way I'm full until lunch. I stick to white meats such as chicken and turkey (turkey sausage is a godsend). Also fish such as tuna and salmon. I've cut down on my carb intake, but I still do about 120 to 140 g a day of whole grain and complex carbs. Simple carbs from fruits. I do have occasional cheat days, but even when I do that, I swap out things like fries for sweet potato and red meats for chicken/turkey.

    But to boil it down: smaller portions plus protein and fiber.
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    Yes, I eat those things. What I don't do is eat out. I make the food myself, so I know how many calories I am eating. I have a scale beside me, as I am preparing/cooking, so everything is weighed and recorded as it goes in/on. I try to eat high fibre and nutrient dense food to keep me full.

    I also tend to eat the same thing all the time. I don't get bored. Breakfast is bran-buds, milk, tea and water. Lunch is a salad. Dinner I get more creative. Snacks are usually fruit: apples pears, or oranges with an occasional banana.
    veliia wrote: »
    So you'll eat pizza, hamburgers, fries, cake, chocolate, etc as long as you fit it in your calories?
    Whatever I would normally eat...just less of it. Plus some foods that fill me up fast.

    +1 It's that simple.

  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    I eat ALL THE FOOD.