Starting the 5:2 diet today

Hi I'm Una, 45yo, live in Derbyshire UK and have tried losing weight with varies degrees of success and then losing momentum and slipping back into old habits.
After seeing Horizen program earlier this year about the right diet for you, I found out I was a Constant Craver and that the 5:2 diet was ideal one to try. I put off doing it as suggested menus weren't to my liking and couldn't see me being able to fast two days a week.
But now got the book yesterday and I'm hooked and taken the plunge today (was originally going to start on 1 April - but why put it off any longer). Cheating a little as clocks went forward an hour last night and had a lay in. This evenings meal not quite ideal as not planned to start straightaway, but I've skipped breakfast and had a banana at lunchtime and then evening meal yet to come and so far so good with regards to not bothered about touching the big bar of chocolate hidden away in a draw.
I'm hoping there are others starting/doing this diet that can get to know and share experiences and find some meals that I look forward to cooking and eating. Will be cooking for one as currently on own.


  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    Have done fast diet in past and lost weight ,unfortunately put some of it back on recently. I have been back on MFP since jan ,lost a stone so will keep going, hoping to start up my fast again in a few days. There are a lot of books on 5:2 recipes which you can get on amazon.
    Feel free to add me if you wish!
  • Tamie_Girl
    Tamie_Girl Posts: 218 Member
    5:2 -- is that the intermittent dieting? I like that... did it a few times.

    Please friend me if you wish.


  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    I do juddd which is alternate day. Can friend me if you would like ideas for meals on fast days.xx
  • vmchavira
    vmchavira Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome! Just started EOD juddd!