Working out too much and not eating enough?

Hi All- I started my fitness journey in January eating 1200 cals and working out 4-5 days/week approx 35 minutes long.

Since the end of February I upped my exercise regimen to working out exactly 5 days/week at 65 minutes long.
This is what I do now:
-quick 5 minute warm up on spinning bike,
-strength train for 14 minutes,
-hop on cycle for 5 mins,
-strength train for 14 minutes
-and then hop on my spinning bike for the remainder of 20 minutes.

(*Sometimes I will go for a long hike one day of the week in place of the above workout)

This totals 65 minutes. I wear a Polar M400 heart rate monitor (with chest strap). I know this is pretty accurate b/c I compared it with the fitbit once while wearing both. The fitbit was grossly inaccurate. But I digress.

Here are my stats:
Height: 5'3
Current Weight: 142
Goal Weight: 115/120

I have lost about 10 lbs since January (with a 2 week break in the beginning of the March due to being sick.)
I am currently still eating 1200 calories. I eat clean, wholesome foods and drink water (and protein drinks). I log my food and weigh it as well (most of the time). The scale isn't moving as quickly as I would like it to. I want to lose 1-2 lbs a week. And for the past few weeks it hasn't moved. I have been hovering around 142. And yes, recently I do have 1 cheat day/ week that consists of a few alcoholic drinks or a dinner when I am socializing with friends. But usually I get so sick I end up throwing it up that same night, sorry TMI! But I do compensate my cheat day with eating clean and working out a lot during the week.

Question: Am I working out too much and eating too little? I really enjoy working out and don't want to decrease what I am doing, but thought I would ask you guys! I know some people say weight loss isn't through exercise, but food. But I am trying to lose weight and tone up my body, a lot! I used to be 115 pounds 2 years ago and have gained a lot since then. Help! What are your thoughts? What am I doing wrong?I want to lose the last 27-20 pounds by August/September (of course I am being realistic here, I do not expect to lose this weight in 2 months.)

Thank you!


  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    Are you weighing your food? Every single item in your meal? "Cups" are super inaccurate and you could be eating more than you think. If not, get a food scale and start weighing everything.

    How many calories do your cheat meal and drinks consist of? You can totally wipe out a weeks worth of deficit with a cheat meal and drinks. It doesn't matter if you're eating 1200 calories 5 days, if you're eating/drinking 3000 calories on Friday and Saturday and blow your deficit for the week.
  • WRLemmon
    WRLemmon Posts: 49 Member
    Just from what I have learned over the years you would be better and probably get more benefit from changing you workout a little, I would go with a straight 30 minutes of strength training then finish with 35 minutes on the bike one day and either a walk or an elliptical trainer the next. Also make sure you are doing your strength training properly, I see a lot of people in our gym come in do a couple of reps and hen off to the next machine. To really get a good benefit from most of the machines you need to do at least three sets of 12 reps, per machine.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Have you ever logged your "cheat day" calories... Wondering if you are consuming more than you think every week?
    Also if you are strength training every week, 5 times a week, the scale might move slower...
    I have no idea but those are the factors that I noticed.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Yes I do weigh my food. When I work out, I burn between 500-600 calories and that is with eating 1200 cals, so I am in a huge deficit those 5 sometimes 6 days. I would think one cheat meal wouldn't ruin 5 days of working out and clean eating. I have done it in the past and have it not make me gain. I am not big into junk food, my cheat is usually drinks with friends. My drinks are low sugar/low cal when I do have them one day/week ( think vodka tonic etc.) I normally don't eat much when I drink (so I can get buzzed and let lose and have fun with friends for that one day), usually after I am done drinking I will eat a small cheat meal. Think at 2am hamburger when I am going home. And most of the times I end up throwing up that night b/c I get sick sometimes.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Have you ever logged your "cheat day" calories... Wondering if you are consuming more than you think every week?
    Also if you are strength training every week, 5 times a week, the scale might move slower...
    I have no idea but those are the factors that I noticed.

    Yes, if I am not lazy, the majority of the time I am logging my alcohol and/or sushi/cheat meals. I try to be as accountable as possible!
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Eating too little and working out too much can be unhealthy and make you feel bad, but it isn't going to make you lose weight more slowly, or stop you from losing weight. Do you log your "cheat" meals? Are they enough to where it can be putting a large dent in your weekly deficit?
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Eating too little and working out too much can be unhealthy and make you feel bad, but it isn't going to make you lose weight more slowly, or stop you from losing weight. Do you log your "cheat" meals? Are they enough to where it can be putting a large dent in your weekly deficit?

    Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake. Not sure with my size (5'3) if that means a slower weight loss since I am doing weight training combined with cardio.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    I would eat back at least part of your exercise calories for health reasons.

    Can you try giving up the cheat meal and drinks for a couple weeks and seeing if the scale drops at all? When you don't have a ton to lose, every little calorie counts towards weight loss.

    And you're right, diet is for weight loss, exercise is for health. You can lose weight by just eating at a deficit with no exercise.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    Eating too little and working out too much can be unhealthy and make you feel bad, but it isn't going to make you lose weight more slowly, or stop you from losing weight. Do you log your "cheat" meals? Are they enough to where it can be putting a large dent in your weekly deficit?

    Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake. Not sure with my size (5'3) if that means a slower weight loss since I am doing weight training combined with cardio.

    **I do not think they are large enough to be putting a dent (well I hope not). Like I said, the biggest thing I am doing is having a few drinks (maybe 5) with friends 1 night a week, NOT EVERY WEEK. I do not hog out on junk food before hand. I usually will go and grab a hamburger when we are headed home at 12am-1am. I wouldn't think this would be such a big impact on my week considering everything I am doing. Some days I do not even hit 1200 cals, maybe 1100. Ya know? Uhh.. :/
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited March 2016
    jax_006 wrote: »
    Eating too little and working out too much can be unhealthy and make you feel bad, but it isn't going to make you lose weight more slowly, or stop you from losing weight. Do you log your "cheat" meals? Are they enough to where it can be putting a large dent in your weekly deficit?

    Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake. Not sure with my size (5'3) if that means a slower weight loss since I am doing weight training combined with cardio.

    I will say that I don't think at you're size your burning 600 calories during your workout. I'm small in size too, and I'd have to bust my *kitten* pretty hard for much longer than an hour to burn 600 calories. It appears to be a mix of strength and cardio, your heart rate monitor isn't going to give you an accurate reading for strength training.

    Opening your diary would be good if you want people to give you more advice. If you're positive your logs are accurate and you're in a deficit, I would just give it a couple more weeks and see if you start losing again. Could be water retention from working out and drinking regularly.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Paiger816 wrote: »
    I would eat back at least part of your exercise calories for health reasons.

    Can you try giving up the cheat meal and drinks for a couple weeks and seeing if the scale drops at all? When you don't have a ton to lose, every little calorie counts towards weight loss.

    And you're right, diet is for weight loss, exercise is for health. You can lose weight by just eating at a deficit with no exercise.

    Yes, I can definitely ditch the cheat day/alochol. I did that the first 2 months of this year and saw nice results in terms of weight coming off. But I am not sure the closer I get to being in my BMI range for my height, the harder it will be.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    There is no way you're burning 500-600 calories doing that... sorry. It would require intense cardio for an hour to burn that much. Heart rate monitors are only accurate for steady cardio... not for an hour of different activities.

    I'm 5'5" and 135 pounds and I burn 350-450 calories in 90 minutes of relatively fast spinning - just FYI.

    I'm guessing you're just retaining water though (is your period due soon?) and the scale will move again soon.. if you're really eating 1200 calories... but with your cheat meals, you're probably not. Average your weekly intake and it will give you a better idea of how much you're really eating.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself?
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I try to do my official weigh in every 4 weeks, but I do sneak on the scale between those 4 week. I know I shouldn't and I probably will ditch doing that b/c it can be discouraging even though it's not always about the number. But for me it kind of is right now since I have gained weight the past 2 years. What would you suggest in terms of weighing yourself?
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    There is no way you're burning 500-600 calories doing that... sorry. It would require intense cardio for an hour to burn that much. Heart rate monitors are only accurate for steady cardio... not for an hour of different activities.

    I'm 5'5" and 135 pounds and I burn 350-450 calories in 90 minutes of relatively fast spinning - just FYI.

    I'm guessing you're just retaining water though (is your period due soon?) and the scale will move again soon.. if you're really eating 1200 calories... but with your cheat meals, you're probably not. Average your weekly intake and it will give you a better idea of how much you're really eating.

    I thought the same thing in terms of retaining water. That's why I am trying to stick this out for another 2 weeks and jump back on the scale. I have a Polar M400 which I know cant be 100? accurate, but with the cheststrap and comparing it to the fitbit, the Polar IMO is probably at least 90% accurate. :neutral:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    There is no way you're burning 500-600 calories doing that... sorry. It would require intense cardio for an hour to burn that much. Heart rate monitors are only accurate for steady cardio... not for an hour of different activities.

    I'm 5'5" and 135 pounds and I burn 350-450 calories in 90 minutes of relatively fast spinning - just FYI.

    I'm guessing you're just retaining water though (is your period due soon?) and the scale will move again soon.. if you're really eating 1200 calories... but with your cheat meals, you're probably not. Average your weekly intake and it will give you a better idea of how much you're really eating.

    I thought the same thing in terms of retaining water. That's why I am trying to stick this out for another 2 weeks and jump back on the scale. I have a Polar M400 which I know cant be 100? accurate, but with the cheststrap and comparing it to the fitbit, the Polar IMO is probably at least 90% accurate. :neutral:

    No it's only accurate for steady cardio, which is definitely not what you're doing. It way overestimates strength training, for example.

    I'd say that you're probably burning 200 calories doing all that... You should still be losing though. Watch out for a day when you have to pee a lot and weigh the next day...
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    As long as you're weighing your food and logging everything accurately, you will eventually see a loss. You can also be retaining water from your workout especially if you're doing heavy lifting (you didn't give details on your strength training)

    I personally thing you're over estimating on cals burnt from your workout. A heart rate monitor is really only accurate for steady state cardio.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    I opened my diary. The first 2 weeks of March do not have anything b/c that's when I was ill and not working out and hardly eating. This past weekend was my bad cheat weekend, so I didn't log that b/c it was bad. But that's been the only "bad" weekend since I started in January. Thanks all. Just trying to figure out what I am doing wrong and what to change. Yesterday I updated my macros. Not an expert in that but did it through IIFYM.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    maasha81 wrote: »
    As long as you're weighing your food and logging everything accurately, you will eventually see a loss. You can also be retaining water from your workout especially if you're doing heavy lifting (you didn't give details on your strength training)

    I personally thing you're over estimating on cals burnt from your workout. A heart rate monitor is really only accurate for steady state cardio.

    Even for a Polar watch? I heard those are the most accurate and why I stuck with that instead of keeping the fitbit I returned. Good to know. Do you log your weight training. I just do simple strength training with my own body weight and dumbbells.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I'm 172lbs currently and to get a burn of 600 calories I need to do an intense 70-80 minutes of constant HIIT and superset strength training with no breaks and active rests (boxer shuffle). I think your burns are inflated and therefore your deficit lower. Newer smart watches with gym specific apps linked to HRM can be a lot more accurate, that's what I use. Prior to upgrading my burns were about double according to my HRM, not accurate at all. So your bigger burns combined with cheat meals/drinks are decreasing your deficit.

    That and just changing your routine and hormones could be masking any losses.

    I'd be curious to know too what your intake is for a week on average (can be seen under the nutrition tab).

    As for weighing, I weigh daily and track the trends using a trending app, to take the fluctuations out. I'd be majorly disappointed if I only weighed once a month because there are days I can be up to 4lbs heavier just due to natural water weight fluctuations which would disguise a whole month of losses for me.