Spinning and weight loss?

Does anyone on here currently incorporate spinning as a part of their weight loss/exercise routine? Just curious if anyone has had success. I ditched the treadmill b/c it was giving me awful shin splints and I think spinning is a lot more fun! So, that's what I do for my cardio. I have been doing it for maybe 7 weeks. I love the feeling of the sweat just dripping off of me! :) I could never get that from a treadmill, but that's just me.

Anyways please share your thoughts and stories if you have any :)


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited March 2016
    Opinion: Eating right is 90% of the battle to weight loss.
    Log diligently. Get a food scale at bbbeyond for $20. Eat healthy foods.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    Opinion: Eating right is 90% of the battle to weight loss.
    Log diligently. Get a food scale at bbbeyond for $20. Eat healthy foods.

    Thanks! I have a food scale and log my meals.:)
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    Spinning is excellent exercise and can be a helpful part of your total plan. Advantages include the music and the fact that you get to work out with others. I enjoy it a great deal.

    Early on the seat can be very uncomfortable, so bike shorts do help.

    As I look at my own progress, I think it's about 60% attributable to a reduction in calories, and 40% my training program-though they have to work together.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I haven't spun in a while. The place I go to/really liked is out of my way. But I did really like it when I did it.
  • Matthewdouglas0
    Matthewdouglas0 Posts: 13 Member
    Opinion: Eating right is 90% of the battle to weight loss.
    Log diligently. Get a food scale at bbbeyond for $20. Eat healthy foods.

    Losing is 80%-90% diet, but maintaining a healthy weight after weight loss is more like 60% diet and 40% exercise. Based on her avatar it looks like OP probably isn't trying to lose 30+ pounds.
  • Matthewdouglas0
    Matthewdouglas0 Posts: 13 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    Does anyone on here currently incorporate spinning as a part of their weight loss/exercise routine? Just curious if anyone has had success. I ditched the treadmill b/c it was giving me awful shin splints and I think spinning is a lot more fun! So, that's what I do for my cardio. I have been doing it for maybe 7 weeks. I love the feeling of the sweat just dripping off of me! :) I could never get that from a treadmill, but that's just me.

    Anyways please share your thoughts and stories if you have any :)

    I've definitely done spinning and do it once a week in a rotation with other cardio. If you get shin splints from running, try cranking the incline up on the treadmill to level 10+ and your heart rate will go way higher (which is the goal to getting that sweat going) at a far slower speed.

    A nice thing about spinning is that it has really conditioned my legs and body well for outdoor cycling now that the weather is getting nice!
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    While I agree that weight loss comes more from food than exercise, the best exercise is whatever you enjoy the most and will keeping going back to do and do with intensity.
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    I tried spinning a few times at the gym...
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I think spinning is a lot more fun!

    If you think spinning is fun, wait until you try bicycling!

    1) You can go from A to B
    2) You can see things
    3) Feel the wind in your hair
    4) For the same amount of perceived exertion, you will actually produce 25% more power!

    I ride around an hour a day, to and from work, to the grocery store, and even to the gym for weight lifting (no need to do an extra warmup).

    You live in LA, perfect. With that weather, why not :smile:
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    db34fit69 wrote: »
    I tried spinning a few times at the gym...
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I think spinning is a lot more fun!

    If you think spinning is fun, wait until you try bicycling!

    1) You can go from A to B
    2) You can see things
    3) Feel the wind in your hair
    4) For the same amount of perceived exertion, you will actually produce 25% more power!

    I ride around an hour a day, to and from work, to the grocery store, and even to the gym for weight lifting (no need to do an extra warmup).

    You live in LA, perfect. With that weather, why not :smile:

    I am scared to bike in LA. The drivers are...well...I won't comment so I won't offend anyone. lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I did spin class when I first started logging food and trying to lose weight. It allowed me to eat a little more because I was using the MFP NEAT method. Generally I preferred my physique after I stopped spending so much time on cardio, started lifting heavier, and took control of my deficit with very careful logging and tracking macros.

    But yeah, it was fun for awhile. Probably won't step foot in a class again though.
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I am scared to bike in LA. The drivers are...well...I won't comment so I won't offend anyone. lol

    You know what they say... "they're more afraid of you than you are of them."
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    Also, it might not be as bad as you think. I lived there for 5 years and biked all the time. Also, check out this map of bikeways in LA County . You're bound to live close to at least a few of those.
  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    db34fit69 wrote: »
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I am scared to bike in LA. The drivers are...well...I won't comment so I won't offend anyone. lol

    You know what they say... "they're more afraid of you than you are of them."

    Haha this made me chuckle
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    I'll go further: It's all about the eating, IMO.

    I've been going to spin class twice a week for years (plus rowing on-water up to 6 times a week in Summer, rowing machine several times a week in Winter, and more, including some weight training) - I've been very active for a dozen years. Spin is a wonderful form of exercise, improves your cardiovascular system, can actually build a bit of muscle, burns some calories, and lots more good stuff. (And I've never had it cause me an injury.)

    But I stayed fat until I changed how I was eating. Even at my fattest (mid-180s at 5'5") my heart rate monitor told me I typically burned something between 300-400 calories in a 45 minute class. I can easily out-eat that burn, and did. While losing weight, spin classes did let me add some calories onto my eating, since I did the standard MFP method & ate back exercise.

    Nowadays, the same spin class earns me only around 275 calories or so, because eating at a calorie deficit shrunk me. SW (last April) 183, CW around 120, heading into maintenance.

    So, I think you're doing a great thing for your health with spinning - keep up the goodness!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    db34fit69 wrote: »
    I tried spinning a few times at the gym...
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I think spinning is a lot more fun!

    If you think spinning is fun, wait until you try bicycling!

    1) You can go from A to B
    2) You can see things
    3) Feel the wind in your hair
    4) For the same amount of perceived exertion, you will actually produce 25% more power!

    I ride around an hour a day, to and from work, to the grocery store, and even to the gym for weight lifting (no need to do an extra warmup).

    You live in LA, perfect. With that weather, why not :smile:

    I live in LA. Most bikes I see ride on the sidewalk because they are afraid of the street. I avoid riding in the street. So many white ghost bikes by the side of the road indicating someone died. I like my spin class just fine. Much safer, IMO. OP, spinning is good for burning calories so you can stay within your calorie deficit and perhaps eat more. Hiking is great also.