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Tips for me? Going on a 7 day cruise and I am scared of what will happen....

jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
edited March 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
I am trying to plan on working out 3 or 4 of the 7 days of the cruise. Who knows if this will actually happen or not, but I really enjoy exercise so I am hoping I stick to it during the cruise! My worry is the food!!!!!! Okay, so don't look at me like I am from a foreign planet, but I do not like sweets (candy, ice cream, cookies, pastries etc.) But I do have a weakness for say, a Pina Colada (especially while on vacation) or some amazing Mexican food! I am going to Mexico after all ;) I prefer salty to sweets.

So, here is the deal, I plan on staying on track 70% of the time on the cruise (fingers crossed). With the 30% coming from alcoholic drinks and some tasty Mexican food. This is the first time in my life (I just turned 28) that I am trying to lose weight- while going on vacation! So does anyone have any tips for me that they find helpful when you know you won't have access to cooking your own food, exercise equipment, and MFP while on a vacation??! (I know that they have a small fitness center on board) I still plan on enjoying myself but I guess I am just scared to be away from my routine (exercise, MFP and my preplanned meals) and gaining weight when I am back.

FYI...In case someone isn't familiar with how cruises operate, the food is preplanned by the cruise ship, available 24/7, all you can eat. :neutral:


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    You're going on vacation, this is not the time to lose weight. Eat at maintenance and call it a day
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Don't sweat it and enjoy your vacation. Perhaps instead of pina coladas, have one and then switch to a drink with fewer calories. Same with margaritas...the calories are in the mix. Maybe tequila shots, LOL. Go dancing in the onboard disco, use the gym, walk everywhere when you're in port, and you should be fine. Enjoy life. It's not worth worrying about calories every second, IMO.
  • Mandingo15
    Mandingo15 Posts: 10 Member
    Whatever u put on in that short time span, u can lose pretty cheap as fast when u get back. Don't sweat it, but do get the workouts in if u can.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    We're planning a cruise next summer. I have a LOT to lose so I'll still be losing next summer. I have no plans of "dieting" while on the cruise. I'll eat what I want, when I want. This is something that doesn't happen often. Maybe once a year or every few years. If I gain 2lbs, I'll work a bit harder when I get home.
  • SusanKKO
    SusanKKO Posts: 45 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in December and hope to lose 2 lbs/week up until then, but I plan to enjoy myself while on the cruise.

    Hopefully with some activity, you won't gain any, but if you do, just get back on the wagon we you get home. Good luck!
  • agalle202
    agalle202 Posts: 36 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    I am trying to plan on working out 3 or 4 of the 7 days of the cruise. Who knows if this will actually happen or not, but I really enjoy exercise so I am hoping I stick to it during the cruise! My worry is the food!!!!!! Okay, so don't look at me like I am from a foreign planet, but I do not like sweets (candy, ice cream, cookies, pastries etc.) But I do have a weakness for say, a Pina Colada (especially while on vacation) or some amazing Mexican food! I am going to Mexico after all ;) I prefer salty to sweets.

    So, here is the deal, I plan on staying on track 70% of the time on the cruise (fingers crossed). With the 30% coming from alcoholic drinks and some tasty Mexican food. This is the first time in my life (I just turned 28) that I am trying to lose weight- while going on vacation! So does anyone have any tips for me that they find helpful when you know you won't have access to cooking your own food, exercise equipment, and MFP while on a vacation??! (I know that they have a small fitness center on board) I still plan on enjoying myself but I guess I am just scared to be away from my routine (exercise, MFP and my preplanned meals) and gaining weight when I am back.

    FYI...In case someone isn't familiar with how cruises operate, the food is preplanned by the cruise ship, available 24/7, all you can eat. :neutral:

    I am goin ona cruise in June and actually thought the same thing but I will enjoy myself after all its a vacation. Jusy dont over indulge and you will be fine. Have fun then come back to reality and hit it hard again :) you got this
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Enjoy yourself but don't go overboard :lol:
  • mis1022
    mis1022 Posts: 109 Member
    Any vacation I go on I don't log early bite like normal but I try to be conscience of what I eat, think is this really delicious. So no mcdonalds etc... My mind set would not be a free for all cuz I would end up over eating and probably have a stomach aches most days. Have fun!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's vacation. The weight you gain in a week will be mainly water anyway. The last 7 day cruise I went on I gained 7 or 8 lbs and lost it all within 4 days of being home.
  • Monsterdog1114
    Monsterdog1114 Posts: 32 Member
    Don't try to lose weight on vacation. That would be a recipe for failure (at least in my book).

    You can try to maintain, but that may not be reasonable just due to water weight and a few treats.

    Personally, I work out everyday. A nice walk on the ship would be fun!

    I try to be reasonable or even 'good' for most breakfasts and lunches.

    I try to enjoy my dinner, dessert, or late night fun. But not go crazy!.

    I EXPECT the scale to be over after vacation, but not by lots.. that way the panic doesn't derail me..

  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    This was my weight log for a 10 day cruise I took last year (read from bottom up).

    I ate and drank whatever I wanted. I easily consumed double/triple my normal intake each day. The "weight" I gained was mostly water/poop and I was back to normal within a week.

    Unless you're taking a 7 day cruise every week, any weight gain is easily lost again.

    Take the stairs where possible, walk around the ports when you stop and have fun.

  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited March 2016
    I call myself a "Professional Cruiser". The following are a few tips that help me return home after 7 day cruises within 1lb of the weight I left home:
    *I take the steps 100% of the time, no exceptions(even in heels)
    *I eat 3 meals per day, no snack
    *At dinner it is either a dessert or a drink, never both
    *I snorkel at every location (when cruising the Caribbean)
    *Fill my water bottle up on the ship and take cruise in my bag when I leave the ship
    *Participate in free ship physical activities (skip the liver detox spiel)

    I struck up a conversation with one of the ship "physical trainers" they actually work for a company that the ship contracts with, that is why they sell the live detox crap. I told her that I was not interested in the detox but, she gave me 3 days of personal training, but I had to do it at 6a. No problem and she did not try to sell me the detox.

    I travel for experiences not food. My thing is if you are going to indulge, indulge on something that you can't get at home. $7 bottles of Bud, $20 bacon burger and fries and $13 Pina Coloda, all of that you can get at home.

  • Jams009
    Jams009 Posts: 345 Member
    You'll gain some weight, then lose it again. A year from now the 7 days off will seem totally insignificant and you'll wonder why you worried so much about it.

    Just go and enjoy yourself. Get back to tracking when you get back.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    I stick to my targets when traveling. Guess I don't understand why a cruise would be any different?
  • Weary33
    Weary33 Posts: 14 Member

    I just got back from an 8 day cruise (11 day vacation), and I had posted the same thing a few months ago. I had the same advice from everyone...it's vacation!!

    I did do a few things differently, from the past. I only snacked once or twice, other than that, had meals at 2-3 times a day. I drank a TON of water. The humidity, and the salt in the food is just a recipe for disaster for water weight. I only had 2 'sugary' girly drinks, the rest of the alcohol I drank was wine at dinner.

    I did go to the gym 3 times, on the sea days. I wore my fitbit....and although I couldn't sync it when I was away (Canadian and horrible roaming charges!), when I got home and synced, I saw I was putting in 12000+ steps a day!

    I got home on a Tuesday, my weigh in day is Friday. I knew I had some bloating, so I drank in a bunch of water, and weighed in on the regular day, and had only gained 0.8 pounds. Considering my last cruise I gained like 12 (including water weight), I figured that was good.

    Go to the gym, walk around a lot (they add up), take the stairs vs the elevator.

    Have a wonderful cruise!!
  • maria0104
    maria0104 Posts: 64 Member

    I'm off on a cruise next Saturday so know how you are feeling, and I'm off to Mexico too!

    As someone else said, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm travelling for the experience, not the food (although you can't get anywhere near as good tasting food here in the UK as Mexico and the US!). So I'm going to try and just experience that. I think it's a good thing having food available all the time- there is always a healthy option and many cruises now have special healthier menus available for the weight conscientious cruiser. We have a beverage package (thrown in for free) so I know there will be beer but I know my limits. If you're on a more port intensive cruise then you won't have time to constantly drink all the time!

    There are also running tracks and gyms on every ship I've been on, even the smaller ones. It's great to have an early run in the sun round the top decks, I've even done it one morning and found someone on the deck below with a party hat and a margarita from the night before!
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm going on a 7 day cruise in October. My plan is to eat at maintenance level, if possible, but not to worry if I go over. I plan workouts on sea days, and a lot of walking on the ship and in port.
  • thereshegoesagain
    thereshegoesagain Posts: 1,056 Member
    Go, enjoy, be active and don't worry about it. The weight will drop.off quickly once you get back on track.
    Speaking of tracks, my favorite activity is walking the track on board the ship while looking out at the beautiful blue ocean and watching for dolphins, whales and flying fish.
    Have a blast!
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    I cruised April of last year and gained 3 pounds. I ordered everything I wanted but only took a couple bites of each thing; never finishing everything on my plate. I ate two meals and a mid day snack. I didn't used the elevators always took the stairs. I had all the intentions of working out each day, but never did. I did manage to walk 30 minutes each day a lot of this was up and down stairs. Try to enjoy yourself and not worry to much.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,104 Member
    This ships are big. You will walk a lot. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Don't worry too much about the food. If you gain any it will just be a pound or two and maybe some water retention. A week after you get back any weight gained will be lost again. Enjoy your vacation.