Really, what are you looking for?

laurabjennings9 Posts: 7 Member
I'm curious what people are really looking for when it comes to weight loss and physical health. I'm 24, happily married and my husband is perfectly content with the way I look, and he has been the entire 5 years we've been together. Suddenly I have this incredible urge to be thinner, because I think it will increase my looks. I want to buy cute clothes again and feel more attractive, even though I have no one to impress. Is this totally selfish? I also want to be healthier, but overwhelming so, I just want to look nicer. What are you trying to accomplish by being healthier? Looks or health? P.s. I think anybody can rock their appearance no matter what the scale says! It's just a number!


  • tcarp8
    tcarp8 Posts: 369 Member
    Be healthier and better able to be active
  • SasquatchMike
    SasquatchMike Posts: 12 Member
    Honestly, I get where you're coming from. There are days where my main (or sole) motivation is looking in the mirror. I definitely think that can be a good factor, and it's definitely not selfish as long as we don't push it on others excessively.

    In addition, for me, lot of the time it's little things that I can do better than I could before I started losing weight, like running up a bunch of flights of stairs when I'm in a hurry or fitting into old clothes. A few years ago, I never thought that I'd lose much weight, mainly because I never really got to a very bad point with it. I was just heavyset, not excessively (in my opinion), so I didn't think the motivation really existed to go the distance. A lot of experiences since then helped me to form new outlooks that led to more significant weight loss, some of them more personal than others.

    This is definitely a good topic, I'm interested to see what others have to say!
  • laurabjennings9
    laurabjennings9 Posts: 7 Member
    Mike! I'm assuming that's your name and not Sasquatch ;) that's what I'm hoping to accomplish. I feel that the sole motivation to "look better" can be dangerous if turns into an obsession. I hoping that as I lose some weight, the other perks will come along, and become more of a motivator. It's helpful to know that in time, that will come as long as we can keep it up.
  • cookielover_96
    cookielover_96 Posts: 177 Member
    I do it equally for health and appearance.
  • JessicaJS23
    JessicaJS23 Posts: 1,863 Member
  • kdtesoriero
    kdtesoriero Posts: 141 Member
    I have health issues, diabetes and primary for that... However, I am very seriously divorcing my husband and also am doing it to build confidence and to be "date" ready when I am "date" ready.
  • rpmuskett
    rpmuskett Posts: 22 Member
    I am hoping to lose weight back to my BMI.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I currently live on a sailboat and someday hope to sail it across many oceans. That will go a lot better if I am stronger.

    Plus, my husband has agreed to take an acroyoga class with me when I get down to his weight!
  • obedient670
    obedient670 Posts: 26 Member
    At first what I was looking for was to feel better. I wanted energy back and my joints to feel good again. I got that!
    Then, I found fashionable clothing again and that has been my motivation ever since. Maybe it's vanity too. I can't help liking what I see now when I look in the mirror. I'm proud of myself and that feels great!!
  • PandoraGreen721
    PandoraGreen721 Posts: 450 Member
    I did it for both..I like the strength I've gained and the way that I feel..and I also like the ability to wear what I like and how I look. The mental benefits that have come with this (I.e. discipline) have also benefited me elsewhere.

    Overall, just sorry I didn't make the choice to be like this sooner. But it is what it is...and I'm here now.
  • Ifitfits
    Ifitfits Posts: 46 Member
    A man cant rock the scale at 300 pounds of curvy curves and still look good , women can look good at heavy weights , many men actually find it extremely attractive

    So ya that is a BS story of looking good no matter what the scale says... does not apply to man . I looked disgusting at my peak of my fattest , doubt women turned their heads and went " wow damn that's a sexy curvy man " if they did I most definitely didn't hear about it and never have lol
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    There's a beautiful lady I've known for the past 35 years. Her husband loves her just the way she is and she has no one to impress. Her daughters are beautiful and successful and every one of them has always been perfectly slim, right in the middle of their healthy BMI. She's still gorgeous and pushing 90.

    I dunno, maybe that's worth the effort.
  • AmandaOmega
    AmandaOmega Posts: 70 Member
    I've always been overweight (5'6, 155-165lbs) and I've even fluctuated into higher ranges. My boyfriend and I started dating when I was 170lbs and he did nothing but compliment me even when I topped out at 186. My family is very heavy (think in the 250lbs range), and I've always been terrified of letting myself reach that weight and the health problems that I've seen accompany it. So I decided to lose, at a minimum, 36lbs to reach 150. But as it started to get easier and as I started picking up long distance cycling, I became determined to lose more and get into the 130-140 range, as being lighter makes cycling easier (especially up hills). Then I doubled down my efforts once I started buying clothes and actually feeling cute in them.

    So for me, it's a couple of things. I don't want the health problems that usually comes with being heavy, I want to be a better, faster cyclist, and I'm loving the way that I look and how clothes fit on me at lower weights. I'm 147 now and I want to hit 130.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    More energy. While I've always been bigger, I'm creeping up on 30 and just can't wake up in the morning like I used to. I'm exhausted and in turn, it causes more stress. I never minded being a little fluffy (I'm midwestern corn-fed as they call it)...but when I can't stay awake after the kids go to bed, or wake up bright and early like I used's a problem.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I started because I didn't like the way I looked, but it has become more than that. As the weight came off, it became more about feeling good and being physically able to do more things. Once I got the taste, I didn't want to go back. My weight still fluctuates more than it should, do to my eating, but I always stay active. Now I do mud runs, triathlons, stair climbs and other events like that. I enjoy them and wouldn't have done them before my weight loss.
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    I exercise so I can eat more bacon.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    In no particular order:
    - I love the way I feel when I'm fit. I hate the way I feel when I'm fat.
    - I like being able to play kickball with my kid and his friends without almost dying.
    - 90% of the men I see in daily life have a gut poking through their shirt. I like being the exception (yeah, maybe a little bit of vanity there).
    - I am single
    - I like fit women. . . fit women like fit guys..
    - My dad always tells me when I'm fat. . "You're gettin FAT.. you'd better get back to the gym!". .
    - I enjoy outdoor activities and if you're going to live in Florida and go outside. . it's much more tolerable if you're not carrying around an extra 20 or 30
    - Being strong feels good. Failing to do a single pullup is a humbling experience for a man.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm looking for strength, health, a fitter body - and some self acceptance/self esteem.
  • azlifah95
    azlifah95 Posts: 177 Member
    At first when I started working out, I did it to fit into this really cute dress that I bought and at the time, my life was a general down so I decided to work on myself. Through working out, my self-esteem got better, my health got better, I loved the look of me working out and looking at the changes in my body. TMI but my period got constant which is one of the best things to happen to me. I look for both looks and health to be honest.