Hello - elementary school teacher starting fitness journey

Hey everyone!

My name is Rachel. I'm a 31-year-old elementary school teacher from Minnesota. I have somewhat recently started working out regularly, and I'm loving my results!!! I've been working out to Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis, and I've lost a couple pounds and my measurements have started going down. I'm also drinking Shakeology everyday, which has helped boost my results even further! I'd love to connect with people for motivation, so please feel free to reply or message me! Thanks!



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • WolffEarl
    WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
    Hello Rachel
    As a fellow elementary school teacher I know how hard it sometimes can be to find the time to exercise and focus on us rather than our neverending obligations to our students. However I have found exercise to be a wonderful stress reducer (I do most exercise before school and than a bit after to wake me up again). I am glad you made the decisions to look out for yourself a bit more, as it will also be a great example to your students and loved ones. It is nice being able to still outrun and outplay one's students (I teach Gr.8), so that also is fun. Enjoy this journey, you are bound to learn a lot which we, as teacher, enjoy anyway. Be well.
  • rachelmof
    rachelmof Posts: 51
    Hi and thanks! Nice to meet a fellow teacher! It is hard to find time to exercise during the school year... major props to you for working out before school! I might need to start thinking about that for next year. Take care!
  • Jamazurunner
    Jamazurunner Posts: 132

    I will be teaching elementary PE this upcoming school year (first year of teaching)! I would love to swap tips and workout ideas with you. Feel free to add me- I'm sure you have some great elementary school tales to better prepare me for what lies ahead...
  • ashleydawn519
    ashleydawn519 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello!! I am new to the site too, and I am also an elementary teacher - I teach kindergarten. I am trying to keep myself motivated and eat healthier during the summer and hopefully keep it going during the school year. I am 26, from Missouri, been married for 2 years, we don't have any kids - but we have a little dog who might as well be the baby. I am excited to see how this site will help me!
  • chelle2u
    chelle2u Posts: 23 Member
    Hi - I am a primary school teacher in the UK! I can totally empathise with how difficult it can be to juggle work and diet and fitness!! But in a job that is sooooo difficult and time consuming it is important that we take a little time for ourselves for our own happiness and well being!! After all a miserable teacher is not going to inspire a class full of children!!!

    Good luck with it all
  • dont_give_up
    dont_give_up Posts: 312 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP! My name is also Rachel. I work as a substitute teacher at an elementary school. They keep me on my toes everyday, and treat me as a full time staff member, which unfortunately includes all of the luncheons and goodies! I thought that if I started working on eating healthier this summer, it would be easier when school started. :D
    Feel to free to add me!
  • krfederico
    krfederico Posts: 26 Member
    Welcome. Our middle school is developing a fitness team with parents, students and staff. We are all going to get healthier together. I applaud you for taking steps to improve your health and for being a teacher. It is a great profession and needs amazing strong people to ensure our children get the best we can possibly give them. Feel free to add me to your friends list as a fellow educator and a believer in the multiple benefits of improved fitness.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Welcome to MFP Rachel!:happy:

    I’m a 5th grade teacher and understand how hard it is to find time to work out and eat well with all the obligations of teaching.

    Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!