Working out too much and not eating enough?



  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited March 2016
    jax_006 wrote: »
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I try to do my official weigh in every 4 weeks, but I do sneak on the scale between those 4 week. I know I shouldn't and I probably will ditch doing that b/c it can be discouraging even though it's not always about the number. But for me it kind of is right now since I have gained weight the past 2 years. What would you suggest in terms of weighing yourself?

    I weigh every day and chart this in Excel. When I hit a new low I log this into MFP. Daily weighing helps me not be bothered by normal fluctuations. I also learned I gain weight at ovulation as well as premenstrually.

  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    jax_006 wrote: »
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I try to do my official weigh in every 4 weeks, but I do sneak on the scale between those 4 week. I know I shouldn't and I probably will ditch doing that b/c it can be discouraging even though it's not always about the number. But for me it kind of is right now since I have gained weight the past 2 years. What would you suggest in terms of weighing yourself?

    I weigh every day and chart this in Excel. When I hit a new low I log this into MFP. Daily weighing helps me not be bothered by normal fluctuations.


    What is the benefit of weighing yourself everyday? I feel like I would be discouraged not seeing the weight loss. :neutral:
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I also weigh every day and use the Happy Scale app to log weight. I only record my weight on MFP when it's lower. I'm about your size, 5'2", 138 and I don't lose weight steadily. I usually go 2-3 weeks where the scale is up above my lowest weight. Then suddenly it will drop a bit for a few consecutive days.

    Also, I average 1400-1500 calories and I'm losing at a rate of a little over a half pound a week. I didn't want to cut right down to 1200 because then I'd have no where to go as I get closer to my goal of 120.

    Log everything accurately and be patient.
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    1. Sore muscle can make you retain water
    2. You can be building muscle while losing fat
    3. Water weight can mask fat loss. Lyle Mcdonald has an article stating that he believes water can replace fat triglycerides in fat cells masking weight loss. Eventually you will get a "woosh" and lose the excess overnight.

    I am currently in a local weight loss challenge. Despite huge deficits I got hung up at 190 and then again at 185 for 20 plus days. I am now 178. The last 7 lbs. were lost very rapidly. Just keep going and you will see the results.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    Question: Am I working out too much and eating too little?

    You're logging too little, too inaccurately and drinking/eating too much. You aren't doing yourself any favours not acknowledging this fact.

    And yes, recently I do have 1 cheat day/ week that consists of a few alcoholic drinks or a dinner when I am socializing with friends. But usually I get so sick I end up throwing it up that same night

    Yes I do weigh my foodthe majority of the time I am logging my alcohol Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake I do not think they are large enough to be putting a dent I usually will go and grab a hamburger when we are headed home at 12am-1am

    I looked through your diary starting from January. I didn't see a single alcoholic drink or hamburger logged. Most of your weekends (Friday through Sunday) were unlogged. January had 13 unlogged days, February had 10 and March had 14 plus two days that looked incomplete to me.

    Your entries look very generic to me and I can count on one hand the entries that look like they were weighed. Jax's salad macros don't add up. For a salad with cheese and romaine in it there should be fat and carbs in addition to the 20g of protein. Another salad entry had zero macros listed for the calories. Your chicken is *always* 3oz or 4oz on the nose? You're that precise when you weigh it out each time?

    Use your food scale for *all* caloric solids. Save your measuring cups and tablespoons for caloric liquids only. Log everything every day. Do that and you should see the scale begin to move down again.

  • jax_006
    jax_006 Posts: 87 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    Question: Am I working out too much and eating too little?

    You're logging too little, too inaccurately and drinking/eating too much. You aren't doing yourself any favours not acknowledging this fact.

    And yes, recently I do have 1 cheat day/ week that consists of a few alcoholic drinks or a dinner when I am socializing with friends. But usually I get so sick I end up throwing it up that same night

    Yes I do weigh my foodthe majority of the time I am logging my alcohol Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake I do not think they are large enough to be putting a dent I usually will go and grab a hamburger when we are headed home at 12am-1am

    I looked through your diary starting from January. I didn't see a single alcoholic drink or hamburger logged. Most of your weekends (Friday through Sunday) were unlogged. January had 13 unlogged days, February had 10 and March had 14 plus two days that looked incomplete to me.

    Your entries look very generic to me and I can count on one hand the entries that look like they were weighed. Jax's salad macros don't add up. For a salad with cheese and romaine in it there should be fat and carbs in addition to the 20g of protein. Another salad entry had zero macros listed for the calories. Your chicken is *always* 3oz or 4oz on the nose? You're that precise when you weigh it out each time?

    Use your food scale for *all* caloric solids. Save your measuring cups and tablespoons for caloric liquids only. Log everything every day. Do that and you should see the scale begin to move down again.

    I find myself not logging on the weekends, whether that has to do with my cheat day or what not. I am still getting used to this, just started in January. I think you are right that I am logging too little, too inaccurately, especially since the beginning of March when I derailed to due illness. January and February I went all month without alcohol. Maybe I will try that again. Thanks for your input :)
  • Dvdgzz
    Dvdgzz Posts: 437 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    cavia wrote: »
    Question: Am I working out too much and eating too little?

    You're logging too little, too inaccurately and drinking/eating too much. You aren't doing yourself any favours not acknowledging this fact.

    And yes, recently I do have 1 cheat day/ week that consists of a few alcoholic drinks or a dinner when I am socializing with friends. But usually I get so sick I end up throwing it up that same night

    Yes I do weigh my foodthe majority of the time I am logging my alcohol Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake I do not think they are large enough to be putting a dent I usually will go and grab a hamburger when we are headed home at 12am-1am

    I looked through your diary starting from January. I didn't see a single alcoholic drink or hamburger logged. Most of your weekends (Friday through Sunday) were unlogged. January had 13 unlogged days, February had 10 and March had 14 plus two days that looked incomplete to me.

    Your entries look very generic to me and I can count on one hand the entries that look like they were weighed. Jax's salad macros don't add up. For a salad with cheese and romaine in it there should be fat and carbs in addition to the 20g of protein. Another salad entry had zero macros listed for the calories. Your chicken is *always* 3oz or 4oz on the nose? You're that precise when you weigh it out each time?

    Use your food scale for *all* caloric solids. Save your measuring cups and tablespoons for caloric liquids only. Log everything every day. Do that and you should see the scale begin to move down again.

    I find myself not logging on the weekends

    Annd there it is....

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Nothing wrong with alcohol but if you're not logging it you don't know how much you've consumed. A bottle of wine is about 500 calories for example, boom my daily deficit is gone all other things equal. Add in some calorie dense foods like fries/chips and burgers with buns and who knows where your intake could be at.

    So we've solved the not very mysterious mystery. Log. Log accurately. Log absolutely everything that passes your lips as best you can. And make sure to use the most accurate entry, if you're making the salad, no generic user made entries, add a recipe with the builder or each ingredient to your log.

    As for the question about daily weighing. It takes the power away from the scales for many people because it just becomes data and not the be all and end all to our week/month. I can see my fluctuations and know that the 4lbs I "gained" overnight wasn't an actual gain, it's just water/muscle repair. For others it's too obsessive and that's okay but either way, you need to be patient and using other means by which to rack progress (tape measure. clothing fit, fitness goals).
    Dvdgzz wrote: »
    1. Sore muscle can make you retain water
    2. You can be building muscle while losing fat
    3. Water weight can mask fat loss. Lyle Mcdonald has an article stating that he believes water can replace fat triglycerides in fat cells masking weight loss. Eventually you will get a "woosh" and lose the excess overnight.

    I am currently in a local weight loss challenge. Despite huge deficits I got hung up at 190 and then again at 185 for 20 plus days. I am now 178. The last 7 lbs. were lost very rapidly. Just keep going and you will see the results.

    The bolded isn't true. Aside from some minimal possible newbie gains, no-one is eating a deficit and gaining muscle. And certainly not enough to equal fat loss, building muscle, especially for women, is dang hard.
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    cavia wrote: »
    Question: Am I working out too much and eating too little?

    You're logging too little, too inaccurately and drinking/eating too much. You aren't doing yourself any favours not acknowledging this fact.

    And yes, recently I do have 1 cheat day/ week that consists of a few alcoholic drinks or a dinner when I am socializing with friends. But usually I get so sick I end up throwing it up that same night

    Yes I do weigh my foodthe majority of the time I am logging my alcohol Yes, I am logging my cheat meals 99% of the time. Even logging my alcohol intake I do not think they are large enough to be putting a dent I usually will go and grab a hamburger when we are headed home at 12am-1am

    I looked through your diary starting from January. I didn't see a single alcoholic drink or hamburger logged. Most of your weekends (Friday through Sunday) were unlogged. January had 13 unlogged days, February had 10 and March had 14 plus two days that looked incomplete to me.

    Your entries look very generic to me and I can count on one hand the entries that look like they were weighed. Jax's salad macros don't add up. For a salad with cheese and romaine in it there should be fat and carbs in addition to the 20g of protein. Another salad entry had zero macros listed for the calories. Your chicken is *always* 3oz or 4oz on the nose? You're that precise when you weigh it out each time?

    Use your food scale for *all* caloric solids. Save your measuring cups and tablespoons for caloric liquids only. Log everything every day. Do that and you should see the scale begin to move down again.

    Here is your answer. That and the fact that you are VASTLY overestimating your burn. Your bodyweight exercises will burn next to nothing, which leaves you with a half hour bike ride broken up into 5 mins another 5 mins and 20 mins. That does not add up to 600 calories!
  • veliia
    veliia Posts: 70 Member
    They say the smaller you are the slower you lose weight
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Does anyone see an issue with "a few drinks" "like five" and "I usually get sick and throw up"??
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I try to do my official weigh in every 4 weeks, but I do sneak on the scale between those 4 week. I know I shouldn't and I probably will ditch doing that b/c it can be discouraging even though it's not always about the number. But for me it kind of is right now since I have gained weight the past 2 years. What would you suggest in terms of weighing yourself?

    I would download an app (I use Happy Scale) and weigh yourself every day. Same time, under the same conditions. I weigh myself every morning when I first wake up, with no clothes on, after I pee. Be consistent with it. There will be ups and downs, but if the trend is downward, you know you're doing it right. Once you start doing this for awhile, you'll see why for some people, weighing once a week or once a month is not always a good idea.

    Your weekends could very well be holding you back, if you aren't logging and don't know how much you're consuming. I'm currently not trying to lose weight, I'm maintaining. I eat at a decent size deficit all week, and then go over on the weekends. I go over enough to completely wipe out my deficit from the week and maintain my current weight. So you may want to try logging those weekends for awhile to see if that helps.
  • LC107
    LC107 Posts: 41 Member
    Does anyone see an issue with "a few drinks" "like five" and "I usually get sick and throw up"??

    Saw that too. The throwing up thing is what struck me as odd. Im not suggesting anything other than has the OP been to see her physician about that? Unless someone is doing like a major binge or something I would think one cheat meal/day wouldn't cause someone to get sick and throw up.

    Op, do you have acid reflux? Have you been to the doctor about getting sick like that after having a cheat day? That just sounds like there might be an underlying issue here, like acid reflux or something.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    If you're doing that much exercise and not losing weight, then it's likely that you're overestimating your burn and you're eating more than you think.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    "LC107 wrote: »
    Op, do you have acid reflux? Have you been to the doctor about getting sick like that after having a cheat day? That just sounds like there might be an underlying issue here, like acid reflux or something.

    I took it as the alcohol was making her throw up.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    If you're doing that much exercise and not losing weight, then it's likely that you're overestimating your burn and you're eating more than you think.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



    And you already seem to be losing at a reasonable rate...
  • LC107
    LC107 Posts: 41 Member
    "LC107 wrote: »
    Op, do you have acid reflux? Have you been to the doctor about getting sick like that after having a cheat day? That just sounds like there might be an underlying issue here, like acid reflux or something.

    I took it as the alcohol was making her throw up.
    Ah yeah, that could definitely do it.
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    Oh my...please dont take this wrong, we're all young once and make mistakes...BUT
    If you're intentionally not eating much on the days you drink, and then you're vomiting, you are hurting yourself. If you need to "catch a buzz" to let loose with your friends, you are really hurting yourself. Please take care of your body, it's the only one you have. I drink every weekend, quite a bit...but I make SURE to consume loads of food that day, to absorb all that booze. Because you puke, doesn't mean you'll lose weight, only that you're hurting something inside you. Losing weight is only one small part of living a healthy lifestyle xo
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    I'm unable to quote posts today, but as someone said earlier, your best bet is to test the situation...cut out the booze and after booze cheats for one month...and see what changes....if you start dropping again, you know that those two things are affecting your rate of loss. One cheat meal combined with a nite of drinking can EASILY wipe out your hard work all week. Another poster mentioned watching your weekly deficit instead of daily, I do this too...
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    jax_006 wrote: »
    maasha81 wrote: »
    As long as you're weighing your food and logging everything accurately, you will eventually see a loss. You can also be retaining water from your workout especially if you're doing heavy lifting (you didn't give details on your strength training)

    I personally thing you're over estimating on cals burnt from your workout. A heart rate monitor is really only accurate for steady state cardio.

    Even for a Polar watch? I heard those are the most accurate and why I stuck with that instead of keeping the fitbit I returned. Good to know. Do you log your weight training. I just do simple strength training with my own body weight and dumbbells.

    How long have you had the Polar watch? Have you lost weight since you've had it? If so have you entered in your new stats. BIG BIG mistake I made with mine. It makes a difference. Last night I was spinning hard. I mean sustaining 15miles an hour at an 8 resistance for 55 minutes, 5 min warm up then 5 min cool down @ 12 mil p/hr and a 2 resistance. Bike said 652, my watch said 472. I think you're overestimating cals burned
    BTW I'm 5'2 156lbs, so I have almost 15lbs on you.