21 day fix vs p90x3??? Looking for the quickest results

I am looking for the most effective program with the fastest results. I am currently doing t25, it is killing my knees but I am trying to muscle through. Trying to figure out if the 21day fix diet plan is worth it, or if it is better to eat healthy and do the p90x3. Or something totally different. Would love stories of success from people who have done any of these programs successfully (I know a handful of BB coaches already, would love other people's insight).



  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    edited March 2016
    Fastest results? All those programs are designed to elevate your HR and to burn calories, for weightloss it's really irrelevant as long as u have a deficit from maintenance
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    If t25 is killing your knees, I don't think P90x is the program for you.
  • KorvapuustiPossu
    KorvapuustiPossu Posts: 434 Member
    Weight is lost at the kitchen, not at the gym ;) (80%-20%) Calorie deficit for weight loss, exercise for health :) Also, quick fixes don't work because they teach you nothing so soon enough you are right back where you started...or couple lbs up ;)
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    lisasc0721 wrote: »
    I am looking for the most effective program with the fastest results. I am currently doing t25, it is killing my knees but I am trying to muscle through. Trying to figure out if the 21day fix diet plan is worth it, or if it is better to eat healthy and do the p90x3. Or something totally different. Would love stories of success from people who have done any of these programs successfully (I know a handful of BB coaches already, would love other people's insight).


    Eat at a deficit.
    Exercise isnt what makes you lose weight. It can offer you a bigger deficit for a bigger loss or more calories to eat.
    But its primary goal is fitness/health improvement.
  • ReaderGirl3
    ReaderGirl3 Posts: 868 Member
    Just skip all of it and simply eat within your calorie parameters. No need to do extreme exercise programs (especially when they cause you pain), or gimmicky diets. And you didn't gain the extra weight in a week or a month, you're not going to lose it that fast either. A realistic expectation is .5lb-1lb a week.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    There are no fast results!
  • lisasc0721
    lisasc0721 Posts: 17 Member
    Yes, I realize weight loss, to be effective, is a slow process and a lifelong commitment. However, I do believe that some programs can jumpstart your goals. I am asking about these programs because they both offer diets along with the exercise. The 21 day fix is all about portion control. I was just wondering about people that have had experiences with any of these programs. THanks!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I have not done any of the 21 day fix workouts, but I did have the same experience with T25 killing my knees. I did p90x3 and that is by far my favorite of the programs I've done. There are three levels of intensity offered for exercises, there are actual breaks between exercises which either give you moment to rest or work a different area (which is different from Shaun T's "let's take a break by slowing down a little while hitting the exact same body part!"), and the workouts do vary from day to day. I found that most of T25 was the same thing with a slightly different name, so I appreciated that p90x3 provided actual recovery time in between workouts.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Sleeper1968's first law of weight loss: The shorter the timescale you set yourself the more likely you will fail your goal.

    I agree.

    And for me, I can lose weight just by eating the right proportions of foods (measuring and weighing everything) and not even exercising at all. I do cardio on the treadmill every other day for less than an hour and that's pretty much it so far for activity for me and I've managed to lose 20 lbs in 8 weeks.
  • lisasc0721
    lisasc0721 Posts: 17 Member
    If you don't mind me asking, if you have lost 20 in 8 weeks how much more do you hope to lose? Did you have a lot to lose to begin with? (just asking because I know the more you weigh the quicker the initial weight comes off). Have you eliminated anything from your diet completely?
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Sleeper1968's first law of weight loss: The shorter the timescale you set yourself the more likely you will fail your goal.


    Op. The 21 day fix is a bunch of expensive bright colored containers. Mfp is free.

  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I'm going to quote an eHarmony commercial: "do you want fast or forever?"

    From personal experience, doing something for 'fast' weight loss means that when it is all said and done the weight comes back.

    I found the 21 day fix a waste of time and money (and a little crack in a friendship since a friend convinced me to do it)--MFP has plenty of tools (for free) that can help you in your journey. A lot of people here also have great suggestions on workouts too if that is what you are after. I do have a co-worker that does P90x and has lost weight, but it has been steady weight loss, not 'fast'.

    But yeah, just because the commercial just came on again: "do you want fast or forever?"
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    Sleeper1968's first law of weight loss: The shorter the timescale you set yourself the more likely you will fail your goal.

    i like that - and i agree 1000%!
  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    I did P90X3 two years ago, and I lost 40 pounds while doing it. I had a vacation coming up, and it worked great for me. After vacation, I got pregnant, quit exercising and ate a ton and gained a bunch of weight. I started up again last week, and I love it. Last time I did it, I think I ate around 1800 calories per day. I didn't use their calorie suggestions because they seemed really off, but I did use the suggested macros. The reason why P90X3 works well for me is because it's only 30 minutes, it incorporates a lot of resistance training (I generally hate cardio), the workouts change often (I get bored easily), and it's time bound (90 days is easier to conceptualize than "rest of my life"). I do plan on setting new fitness goals after P90X3 is over (Stronglifts or ICF, Crossfit, etc), so I do have a long-term plan in place this time. I have a friend who did 21 Day Fix and got great results, but I have no idea what she's doing now that she's done. The whole container thing doesn't make a lot of sense to me. You can find the measurements for all of the containers with a Google search, plus tons of recipes on Pinterest. I don't know that there's anything special to the workouts.
    Anyhow, P90X3 works well for me because it fits my personality (limited time, loves resistance training, generally hates cardio, gets bored easily, likes having a finish date). I'll probably do another 90 days when this one is over because I enjoy it.
    And, no, I have no affiliation with Beachbody and I hate drinking my calories.
  • dacarve
    dacarve Posts: 9 Member
    I too have done p90x3, with much results. Lately have been doing 21 day fix and absolutely love it. I've been sore after workouts and am feeling like it's really helping me tone up!