How did you choose final weight?

I have a goal of 180 pounds but i am thinking about losing to 175 so that I will have a 5 pound difference to work with. If i lose to my goal of 180 I would be over goal with any gain i have. Have any of you chosen to do this? If not what did you do?


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate, you are never going to be a certain weight.

    Get to 180 and keep your eye on how your clothes fit. You may find that 175-180 gives you the best fit, but you may find that 180-185 is best.
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate, you are never going to be a certain weight.

    Get to 180 and keep your eye on how your clothes fit. You may find that 175-180 gives you the best fit, but you may find that 180-185 is best.

    Thanks for that. You are correct 180-185 may be a better fit. I will wait to see when i get to 180.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    When I first started losing weight at 220lbs I figured getting to 150, which was around my college weight (20yrs ago) would be good but now at 156 I decided to shoot for what would be considered "healthy" for my height which is 136. Mainly because my body isn't the same as 20yrs ago before children. As I get to 145 & 140 I'll re-evaluate.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have a range - 148-152. That's where I'm comfortable. I see a higher number than that, I'll start cracking down.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I originally thought I would look great at 180 and 5'5". Yeah, no. So I kept adjusting my goal weight 5-10lbs downward until I looked the way wanted to look. It turned out that I look the best at my current maintenance range of 120-129lbs. I would have told you I would have looked like a spooky skeleton at that weight back when I was fat, but the reality is, I really don't. I'm still 9-19lbs away from being underweight depending on where I am in the maintenance range.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    I started with a goal of 130. Now that I'm there, I feel like I could stand to lose a little more, so I'm going to try for 120 and see what happens (I'm short!). But there is a chance that once I get there, it will be hard to maintain on the lower calorie level. So I guess I'll find out once I get there! The good thing to remember is that your weight will always fluctuate a little, and you can always change your mind if you want. I might get to 120 and decide I was happier at 130 and eat my way right back there LOL :smiley:
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    My ideal weight as a teenager used to be around 64-65 kg (141-143 lbs), but it's almost 9 years later now and I've built considerable muscle since then, so who knows what weight I'll feel comfortable at. I'm aiming for 150 lbs for now and will continue to lose fat after that if I still see any excesses.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited March 2016
    I never made some number on the scale my goal...that number is made up of so many things. I lost weight until I was at a BF% I was happy with (about 12%) and a composition that I was happy with knowing that I would continue to ride and lift and that my body composition would continue to change.

    I stopped at 180 Lbs...3 years later I'm heavier at 185 Lbs but still around 12%. I'm trying to get down to around 10% right now which will probably have me somewhere in the neighborhood of 180...but again, I don't put a ton of stock into some number.

    Also keep in mind that body weight isn't a static fluctuates...maintenance really isn't a number, it's a range. I arrive at 185 being my weight because it's my average trending weight...on average I can fluctuate up or down about 2 Lbs from that number...more if I do something like a really long bike ride (drop a bunch of water weight) or if I eat high sodium for a couple of days or fly...flying alone can add 5 Lbs to my weight.
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    I am 6 feet tall. 184 to 136 is healthy weight for me.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    I've been overweight or obese since I was a kid, and for the first time in my life I can remember (other than a brief period in my 30s where I took off a bunch of weight doing Atkins - which came right back), I now have a BMI that's in the normal range. I'm six foot two and weigh 185 pounds (BMI of 23.8), probably around 10-15 percent body fat (according to my fitbit aria scale - which is probably inaccurate).

    At first when I hit normal BMI-land, I thought "OK, it's time to stop, and it's probably healthy to be at the top of the BMI range. But now I kind of feel like I want to go lower. So, I've been doing that, literally forcing the needle down further. My goal weight is now 180 (I always weigh in the mornings right when I wake up). When I get there, I may want to set it down even further....
  • bkstein40
    bkstein40 Posts: 41 Member
    I think my weight chose me, my first goal was to get to 150, once I hit that I chose another goal of 140 once I got there a few more pounds came off and thought what am I doing wrong that I keep loosing weight, now for the past month I have been holding steady between 135-140 depending on the time of day I weigh myself. I am 5'7 and says I am at a healthy weight for my age & height. I also agree as long as you are comfortable with where you are at that is all that really matters.
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    The weight I choose is a rough guess based on a goal of a particular body composition. Specifically, I am aiming to be less than 10% body fat. So, if I'm 158 lbs now, and maybe 14% fat, that means I might have 139 pounds of lean mass (139 x 1.14 = 158.46).

    So if I'm 14% now, and I want 10%, that means I want to end up at 139 x 1.10 = 152.9. So, I'll set my goal to 152 and see how I look and feel when I get there. My original goal was 165, but I wasn't satisfied so I'm still going.
  • Dreysander
    Dreysander Posts: 294 Member
    My sister is the same height as me and stopped having periods at 115, so I knew I didn't want to go that low. I took the whole 100 pounds + 5 for each inch of height, giving me 120. I maintain at 120 - 125.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I went MyBodyGallery, and looked at images of women at my current weight and my goal weight, who seemed to have similar body types to mine. Weight loss has been 90% vanity for me, and I wanted to see if I felt I would like how I looked at my specific weight.

    I also calculated my estimated TDEE at various weights, from my "ultimate goal weight" to what I've eventually set as my goal weight, to see how much I'd be able to eat and how active I'd have to be to maintain certain weights. I like to eat; I know I could lose at get way, way down if I wanted, but I would never be able to maintain that. I instead aimed at something that allows me to eat in the way I prefer.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I originally wanted to drop down to 125 lbs, but ended up going as low as 116 and then hovered between 118 and 121 until I decided to bulk. Your weight will fluctuate daily, so don't get hung up on a number. Get to 180 and reevaluate. I like to go by how I look/feel rather than what number the scale says.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    DrEnalg wrote: »
    At first when I hit normal BMI-land, I thought "OK, it's time to stop, and it's probably healthy to be at the top of the BMI range. But now I kind of feel like I want to go lower. So, I've been doing that, literally forcing the needle down further. My goal weight is now 180 (I always weigh in the mornings right when I wake up). When I get there, I may want to set it down even further....

    Yep, I was surprised too when I still felt I had further to go once I reached the top end of my normal BMI range. But there it was. I just wasn't that satisfied at how I looked with a 23-25 BMI. Once I got to 20-22, then it seemed a lot closer to where I wanted to be at.
  • hotasfire36
    hotasfire36 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm excited about getting to my goal eventhough I have quite a ways to go. I have 19.8 pounds to go to get to 180. The closer I get the more excited. :)
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    I started at about 240 lbs. and have a goal set for myself of 150 lbs. That being said, this is would still put me at an overweight BMI and depending on how I feel and what my doctor and I decide I may change that goal as I get closer.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    My goal weight is 160, which is in the middle of the "healthy" BMI for my height. I understand that BMI is a crock, and I understand that I may never reach it, but as long as I am successfully losing weight I see no reason to change it.
  • Shalynlink
    Shalynlink Posts: 45 Member
    i hit my initial goal weight and realized I still had a high fat % as well as more lbs of fat to I tacked on 5 lbs to lose.