Trying to get back on track!

Hi Everyone! Just started dental school last fall and feel like I've been stress eating my way towards obesity LOL Trying to get back on track with things and would love some friends to follow to exchange motivation! :)


  • emily90291
    emily90291 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm about done with my nursing program and school has had me on a roller-coaster with weight! I feel your pain :'(
  • Lindsey72991
    Lindsey72991 Posts: 2 Member
    Girl yes! But it's never too late to make a change and reverse all this additional school weight! We got this!
  • intheskinimin
    intheskinimin Posts: 13 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. Take everything one day at a time. Feel free to add me. Good luck.