Weight not reducing but inches lost and down a dress size?? Wth?

Hi anyone else experiencing this and know why? I'm 5ft 8 female 40 year old I started using mfp 5 weeks ago. I'm on 1350 calorie allowance a day my job is physical and I started running in the last fortnight 3.5 km a day as it takes 25 mins out of my busy life and I enjoy it as well as burn calories. I often have a 300 calorie deficit left each day but I'm full and finding the calorie reduction absolutely fine, no hunger pangs or cravings. BUT I lost 4lb in the first fortnight I went from 12 stone 2lb to 11 stone 12lb but for the last 3 weeks I have stayed this weight (weigh myself same day once a week) but I have dropped dress size from a big 12 almost 14 in some clothes to a big 10 just a few 12s now and I have lost 8 inches over all some from waist hips and thighs and look better naked!!


  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    The introduction of running may be causing fluid retention for muscle repair given its a new exercise. This will be temporary but I am not sure how long it may last for. Are you still sore the next day after running? If the answer is yes then I would think its due to muscle repair fluid retention.
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh not heard of that. Thanks . I suffered aches in my knees during first week and thighs the next day but wasn't painful just a dull ache I just thought it was a good sign as using muscles again. The last few days it's diminished however so maybe I will soon see the scales changing I guess. When I'm disheartened I try to remember it took 2 years to get to this horrible weight I guess it's going to take a while to get rid of too!! Tried so many diets in my life I thought it was more to do with my damaged metabolism. Think its gone to sleep it's so slow!!! Lol
  • b7mapile
    b7mapile Posts: 9 Member
    What could also be happening as well is your body composition is changing. You're losing fat weight and building muscle weight in your legs. Personally for me I only lost 2 pounds in two months, however I lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of lean muscle mass.
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you. So that theory means I may never weigh under 11 stone like I have in the past but I will be healthier and look toned instead of when I was a size 8/10 and weighed 10 stone 8lb I was prob still more fat and not healthy? I like that theory. Maybe I should throw the scales away and concentrate on fitness and health?
  • b7mapile
    b7mapile Posts: 9 Member
    Well, for me personally I weighed 185 lbs a little less than a year ago. The first 10 pounds melted away like butter, but for the past two months I've kind of been doing what you have been doing, staying at about a constant weight within 5 pounds. However in that time I've dropped my body fat percentage. Another thing you could look at is your diet. You need to recalibrate your macros to accommodate your fitness goals. Recently I've switched my diet around where my calorie intake break down looks like this: 40% proteins, 40% carbohydrates, 20% fats. It's been about a week since I started my cut, and I've lost a pound already.

    On a side note, I got a lot of this information from an audiobook I downloaded by Michael Matthews called "Bigger, Leaner, Stronger." I believe he also has a female friendly version called "Thinner, Leaner, Stronger." I recommend you check it out. Hope this helps! Keep up the great work.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Do you weigh your food for complete logging accuracy?

    And the water retention will settle down as your body gets used to the new challenge. Drink lots of water daily, 2 -3 liters is my personal goal.
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2016
    Thank you. Will try that at moment it's 60 protein 30 carbs 10 fat. I have the book lean in 15 that I have been following. Will look at the book you have advised @b7mapile. @chandanista yes I'm very anal about everything I eat and I pretty much have the same breakfast everyday and lunch is always similar a few tweeks so I don't get bored. My most calorie consumption is always eve meal. Maybe I should swap lunch and dinner? Buy it's hard as I'm on the go at work and often lunch is prepared the night before and has to be cold as my own business means I'm out all day and lunch is usually in my car. Thanks both for the help. X
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    P.s I only drink water or green tea. Treat myself now and again to a proper cuppa!! But at 49 calories instead of 0 or 2 I tend to get scared to indulge!! That's why I'm so frustrated with the weight scenario as I'm being honest and almost too strict with myself. I've had an eating disorder before on the Atkins diet and don't want to slip into that again I got sceptacimia from being blocked up and was 20 mins from death. That's why I like this app as there is no pressure and great advise. :)
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Is there any truth to the "I'm not eating enough"? Seems illogical to me but I keep getting told that. I don't feel hungry though and I can't be physically as I run every day and my work involves lifting and stretching etc as I own a cleaning company.!!!
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    b7mapile wrote: »
    What could also be happening as well is your body composition is changing. You're losing fat weight and building muscle weight in your legs. Personally for me I only lost 2 pounds in two months, however I lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of lean muscle mass.

    Only have a second....but this is my thought too. That's the holy grail that many (including myself) are trying to achieve. Who cares about the scale! You're losing inches (and fat!). That's awesome!

  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you.
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    Ignore the number on the scale.f7dpxwaewfwe.png
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow. @faeriesue1 You look great and obviously healthy and fit. I think alot of people are not honest about their weight and if most fitness instructors went on bmi they would be obese when they obviously are not. I'm not that toned yet but my arms are defined and legs with muscle definition . Thank you for that and tonight the scales are being binned. Goals!!
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I agree with who cares about the scales. If you are losing inches then you are losing. Keep it up! You are likely either retaining water or building muscle, both of which will cause the scale not to move.
  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    @Anasthasia1976 I wish that was me. Alas it's a girl I follow on Instagram. She looks incredible!!!
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes she is off emmerdale. I realised after but it still showed me forget the scales and concentrate on health and fitness. So was appreciated. I'm sure if you follow the same mantra you are great as well. X
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    b7mapile wrote: »
    What could also be happening as well is your body composition is changing. You're losing fat weight and building muscle weight in your legs. Personally for me I only lost 2 pounds in two months, however I lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 6 pounds of lean muscle mass.

    Gaining muscle mass during a deficit is a very slow process that is mostly observed in people just starting out training or coming back to it after a long break (muscle training, not just running), and is diminished the bigger your deficit is. Gaining 6 pounds of muscle mass in 2 months would be an amazing progress if you were trying to gain weight, and is probably near impossible when you're losing.
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm running 5km a day now, and 3 times a week swimming I still struggle to meet my 1350 goal often a small deficit due to the calories burned swimming. I threw the scales away and started just looking at how my body is changing for the better, toned and definition and secretly jumped on my friends scales (couldn't resist) and actually was surprised that since being stuck at 11 stone 12 and thinking all negative. Not bothering about the scale side of things has probably made me relax a bit and I now weigh 11st 4lb slipping back into my size 10's. Yay!! I must have just needed a kick start and was being impatient. So glad I didn't give in like I normally do. :)
  • thunder1982
    thunder1982 Posts: 280 Member
    Great job!
  • Anasthasia1976
    Anasthasia1976 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you. :)