Started lifting and feeling SO PUFFY.

bmj2015 Posts: 31 Member
edited April 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I started high intensity strength training (low rep, heavy weight "work to failure" approach) with a trainer about 10 days ago. I've had 2 sessions so far, and I LOVE the intensity of it but oh man, I have been so sore and feeling/looking PUFFY for days afterward.

I've heard people mention that this is normal when you are just getting started. My question is... when does it shift? How long until I'm feeling lean and mean after workouts and not just swollen!?

Also, any tips for dealing with DOMS while I'm in my super-sore-beginner-phase? I love feeling like I worked hard, but dang... never really been quite this sore before.

Thanks guys!

Oh, and FWIW, I'm not currently trying to lose weight. I'm trying to re-comp. (Although I've been FAMISHED after these workouts too, and eating more... so slightly worried about regaining. oy.)


  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    i always feel puffy after a hard workout, but we call it swole. the big pump lasts an hour or so, but the puffy feeling lasts a day or so as my body processes the healing nutrients through my tore up muscles. Learn to love it, its what heavy lifting and ripping up fibers is all about.

    As far as doms, i only get them if i do some kinda movement i haven't done in a while or if i miss more than a week or of lifting it will hurt the next time i lift. drink lots of water, active recovery, keep moving , keep stretching, keep the blood flowing to your muscles. the newbie doms goes away after a few weeks of consistant training

    heavy lifting will make you hungry, eat up. steak and eggs. I always drink a protein shake or have some solid protein after i lift. If you wanna build strength you are gonna have to feed those muscles and take the little bit of fat that goes with it. you can leave your whole workout on the floor of the gym if you dont feed your muscles properly.
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I went through a super-sore-after-every-workout phase for 3 months or so when I started weight training, but I'm weird. My body doesn't tend to get with the program as fast as everyone else's. Maybe it's residual from growing up overweight and sedentary.

    I've been lifting consistently for over 10 months now, and I still get puffy after a really heavy workout, especially if I incorporated some new moves. I agree with SonyaCele that the big pump lasts an hour-ish and the puffy feelings disperse after a day. I do love them now. Sonya's advice about the water and active recovery is spot on.

    I gained 10 lbs within ~8 months of picking up the weights, so I'm now cutting calories to decrease my body fat %. It's working- I've lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks with what feels like a mild deficit and my body fat % is dropping. I'm still improving in strength gains even with the calorie deficit.

    Going back, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm glad I gained that 10 lbs because my muscle strength, recovery, and overall health & well being are exponentially better.

    I hope my experience helps you in some way!
  • WilsonFilson
    WilsonFilson Posts: 83 Member
    Post-workout be sure you are eating your carbs and protein, together with creatine and l-carnitine.

    I was doing that but not taking the l-carnitine and getting terrible doms after leg day (which is not abnormal). But once I added l-carnitine to the mix the doms went away. Still some residual soreness, but nothing like it was before. High recommended. I take 2g a day.
  • bmj2015
    bmj2015 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the replies so far — this is very helpful!

    I'm totally ignorant when it comes to protein shakes, etc. and kind of intimidated by that kind of stuff. Can anyone steer me in the right direction there?
  • richln
    richln Posts: 809 Member
    I have been in deficit so long that I almost forget how awesome it feels to be swole. :/
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Puffy after lifting? I have NEVER experienced this. I only feel puffy after eating too much. I always feel great after lifting (until the soreness starts of course). I don't think the soreness ever goes away if you are lifting heavy until failure, at least not at my age. Drinking lots of water and eating an anti-inflammatory diet may help, but giving your body repair breaks is most important. During a break I mix it up with cardio.