New here. Searching for some people with similar goals!

Hi! My name is Jennifer. I used to be pretty healthy. My daily routine was to go to the gym 1-2 times a day 5-6 days a week. I would ride my bicycle on a bike path at least once a week, weather permitting (I'm from New England (Enough Said)). About a year and a half ago I got into a relationship with someone who I had been friends with for about 9 years. Once we moved in together, my habits changed, and not for the better! Last week I was tipping the scale at about 204 lbs. That's 54 lb. gain in a year and a half! When I was at my initial 150 lbs. I still felt that I had about 10-15 lbs. to lose. I have just begun using Herbalife on Tuesday. I'm not expecting it to be some miracle diet. I'm basically utilizing it for 2-3 months to get myself back on track with portion sizes with a balanced nutrition. I'm looking to maybe make some friends who have similar goals. Receiving as well as giving support can be helpful. I'm in a wedding party in November. Hopefully, I'll see some slimming results by that time but a total loss of 65-70 lbs. over time. My first weigh in will be Tuesday morning. I welcome anyone who would like to add me to friends on the My Fitness Pal app. Also, any tips and suggestions that someone might have would also be great. I don't really track my exercise, but I'm also just going back to the gym today (actually right after I post this) in hopes of creating a routine once again. Good luck to all. :)


  • lovie721
    lovie721 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Jennifer.. Hope you doing good? Bdw I'm Neel and I love to be fit.. So working hard in gym and in kitchen.. Looking for someone with same interest so that can share the diet routine variety of methods to be in shape and bla bla
  • mmmx392076
    mmmx392076 Posts: 25 Member
    My name is mandi and I have been in here for awhile. Feel free to add me. I have lost almost 20 lbs in 3 months and starting to feel good about it. The only thing you have to remember is be true to your self. Count all your calories no matter how bad your day is. You can lose the weight just keep at it and don't look back.