Can I count my Diet Coke that I drank as one of the glasses of water



  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Lol Some of you crack me up... you realize bottled water also has some sodium in it, right?
  • klund13
    klund13 Posts: 98 Member
    Drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper as I read this.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I would not track it with the water cup, unless you use that for everything you drink, but I would put it in the food diary for the other things it has (sodium, sugar, etc.). Diet Coke counts towards your hydration.

    I drink diet A&W root beer and diet Mountain Dew and I log them as food.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    People like to make things to complicated. The water tracking feature is to make sure you stay adequately hydrated. Diet coke hydrates you just as water does. Go ahead and track it.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    OP, it depends on why you are tracking water. There is a myth that water is needed for weight loss. Water is needed for life but not directly for weight loss. That being said, water can give you sense of fullness. Drinking some through out the day may help with hunger. Also, water and adequate fiber keep the pipes working.

    I don't track water, artificially sweetened drinks nor do I log them in my diary.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Although Diet Coke or coffee or tea are 99% water, I log them in the food diary section and not as glasses of water at the bottom--I only log plain old water there... And while drinking water is important to hydration status, many of the foods we eat contain plenty of water, too--I don't track that as glasses of water, either. But to each her own!
  • karenoneill94
    karenoneill94 Posts: 12 Member
    Bottled water tastes like plastic, so I don't drink it myself :-) That's because the plasticizers that keep the plastic pliable leach out into the water (I'm an engineer and studied plastics - plus nursed a cancer/bone marrow transplant patient back to health). Studies on water quality show that the cleanest water is filtered tap (as long as your municipality doesn't add anything to it), followed by filtered bottled waters like Nestle Pure Life and a couple of other common brands. Brita is one of the best filters, best used on your sink. There are some nice quality alternatives to plastic drinking containers, but if you like the convenience of plastic, in general, the less soft the plastic is the less leachates they are going to have in them to transfer to your drink. If you use one of the Brita pitchers, they tend to collect molds and bacteria unless cleaned frequently and meticulously. The expensive bottled waters (like Fiji) and ultra cheap store brands are very polluted. My husband and one of his friends have gotten themselves into some serious medical problems by a couple of decades of drinking lots of soda (diet and non-diet, 2 liters per day!), and are pretty convinced it's just not good for your body and not a good substitute for some decent-quality water. But of course, everything in moderation and one can of diet Coke a couple times a week isn't going to kill anyone - it's just not likely to do you much good, either.
  • SweetNina81
    SweetNina81 Posts: 22 Member
    well I am tracking water coz to be honest before MFP I would probably go the whole day with just a cup of water thats all and end up after a while with dry eyes (smack in the face sign of dehydration) so I am trying to keep myself on track to a healthier me not only lose weight (though yeah I need to lose 100 LB, never thought I would reach this point in a million years, but it happened the good thing is I am doing something about it instead of whining as usual)
  • saylorkw
    saylorkw Posts: 69 Member
    Beverages such as diet soda are composed primarily of water, they do count towards your daily water requirement. However, you must take into consideration diet soda additives such as sodium and caffeine may actually remove water from your body. Because of this, it's crucial that you avoid relying solely on diet soda to meet your daily recommended water intake.
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    Despite diet soda being mostly water, caffeine with cause a slight diuretic effect with if consumed in large quantities or if you already have fluid balance issues, can cause or exacerbate fluid imbalances. I don't count soda as water, but unless you are drinking a lot of caffeine, I don't see a reason that you can't count it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I wouldn't. Water consumption is needed during weight loss and the water tracking is for water only. Soda of any kind is not nutritional at all.
    Water is ESSENTIAL for life whether one is trying to lose weight or not. State the nutrients in water. Diet soda is more water than anything else.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Diet coke has no calories but it does have sodium. I would put it in as a regular food in case I need to look at my sodium intake more carefully (you would be surprised by what you find when you run reports on nutrition, especially when your weight gets "stuck.") That being said, a drink with sodium isn't exactly water, even if it contain a lot; it also contains a lot of bad stuff not tracked here, like phosphorus and artificial sweetener. Diet soda is "junk food" and you should be drinking water to help flush your body of the icky chemicals.

    Regular old water contains sodium and about half a dozen other micronutrients..
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    saylorkw wrote: »
    Beverages such as diet soda are composed primarily of water, they do count towards your daily water requirement. However, you must take into consideration diet soda additives such as sodium and caffeine may actually remove water from your body. Because of this, it's crucial that you avoid relying solely on diet soda to meet your daily recommended water intake.

    Sodium is not added to soda.
    Sodium is naturally in water.
  • songbird13291
    songbird13291 Posts: 120 Member
    The word from the nutritionists at Weight Watchers was to allow coffee, tea, diet soda etc. to count towards water consumption. There are reasons to avoid diet soda, but yes, you can count it.
  • another_chelle
    another_chelle Posts: 42 Member
    I would track the soda because it is something you are consuming during your weight loss journey. I would track it as soda and not water because I would want to know exactly what I consumed that day. You could have weeks where you are consuming diet soda every day and then the next week you only drink water. If you log correctly you can look back and find a pattern of this week I was bloated and this week I felt fine. I'm not saying the consuming of soda beverages will effect how you feel one way or the other; if your gonna track then why not track accurately?
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    perkymommy wrote: »
    Mentali wrote: »
    perkymommy wrote: »
    I wouldn't. Water consumption is needed during weight loss and the water tracking is for water only. Soda of any kind is not nutritional at all.

    This confuses me a little bit - water is nutritional because it is water. Diet Coke is 99% water. You are consuming water when you consume soda.

    Soda isn't the same as water. I do weight watchers and track water there. Water is water.

    Directly from the WW website: "Now all liquids can count toward your daily intake. But while it's not required that your 48 ounces must be water, water is still the best choice."
  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    No it's filled with chemicals lol
  • ladytsprts
    ladytsprts Posts: 2 Member
    I don't count soda, coffee, tea, juices or any other type of drinks as my water intake since I was told years ago it is best not too! I include them on my daily intake sections based on when or if I drink something other than water. I put them in my meal or snack section but keep water separate. I drink 6-8 glasses of water daily and rarely drink sweetened drinks since I had a bladder infection over 30 yrs ago. It was painful and basically shut my digestive system down. I went to the doctor for treatment, mainly drank kool-aid or tea growing up, and he told me I had to cut back. The doctor advised me to drink 6-8 glasses of water, less sweet drinks, to avoid another episode! I have been drinking water ever since! I keep water separate from those other drinks. I agree with a few other posts above about the diuretic and chemical imbalance that those drinks cause since they run right thru your system and flush your system of vital minerals and nutrients! I can tell from the sound of the original post, you are not drinking soda all the time. I do treat myself every once and while, when I am feeling a crave for something different. I would definitely log the other drink in the daily intake section to get the true calorie count. I prefer to keep my water separate so I know for sure what my true daily water intake is! I feel how each person log is their preference as long as you are drinking water too! Good luck SweetNina81! I need to lose about 100 too, and share your sentiment! I keep losing and putting some back on so I should have had this off years ago!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    No it's filled with chemicals lol

    True. It's mostly dihydrogen monoxide. Literally everyone who consumes that will die.
  • DrusiliaDD
    DrusiliaDD Posts: 71 Member
    I never log my water consumption. I tend to drink water from either pint glasses or 500ml bottles and don't see the point in translating that to cups to meet some arbitrary goal.

    I still log diet sodas in my diary since some of them aren't as low calorie as they seem. For example, a 330ml diet coke is a single calorie which doesn't really matter, a 500ml irn bru sugar free is 4 calories which also isn't a big deal but 7up free or similar is around 15 calories for a 500ml bottle which I'd argue is significant to log. I also still log the really low ones just to build a good logging habit.