realistic goals

ok so i just started about a month ago and I can see myself toning up and my clothes are starting to fit better...and this past week just started seeing the scale go down. I weigh 163lbs. My birthday is Valentines Day and I set a goal for myself to weigh 155 by then. Does anyone think this is a realistic goal?


  • heathero24
    ok so i just started about a month ago and I can see myself toning up and my clothes are starting to fit better...and this past week just started seeing the scale go down. I weigh 163lbs. My birthday is Valentines Day and I set a goal for myself to weigh 155 by then. Does anyone think this is a realistic goal?
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    ok so i just started about a month ago and I can see myself toning up and my clothes are starting to fit better...and this past week just started seeing the scale go down. I weigh 163lbs. My birthday is Valentines Day and I set a goal for myself to weigh 155 by then. Does anyone think this is a realistic goal?

    I believe this is a realistic goal, but keep in mind that numbers are just that...numbers. Yes, we all use them to determine our "goal", but also keep track of inches, and how clothing fits, which can be big motivators even when the scale isn't being so friendly!

    Good luck in your success :flowerforyou:
  • heathero24
    Thanks :happy: I try to keep in mine that physically im getting in better shape but for some reason that stupid number on the scale always seems more important. booo
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    :flowerforyou: u can do that no worries...........see u ther
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    Thanks :happy: I try to keep in mine that physically im getting in better shape but for some reason that stupid number on the scale always seems more important. booo

    And, as I was telling a friend earlier today, when I first started at the Y, I couldn't do six minutes on the elliptical, easiest setting without the high heartrate monitor going off like I can do sixty minutes at a nice, consistant, lower but fat burning heartrate. My heart is stronger and healthier. We need to think about our insides as much as our outsides. :smile:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    Unless you're already losing 2 lbs per week, I would not expect to start now without really ratcheting up the effort - either cutting more calories or working out like crazy.

    A more realistic goal is probably 1 lb per week.
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    I think its realistic you may have to work a little harder to make it but if you really want to then you can. Good luck!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    it is realistic, but it will take hard work, and remember not to cut calories too much. i wish you the best:flowerforyou: