Why have I gained??

LaceyBeauty Posts: 14 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I'll be the first to admit that my food choices aren't always the greatest, this is all relatively new to me... but I've not been over my caloric allowance for days. I weighed on Monday and out of curiosity weighed myself again this morning only to see 3 pounds had crept back on. I'm so confused! I've been getting my water, I've been exercising, I've stayed under my calories.... is it really because I'm not eating salad for every meal???

Side note: I'm not letting this discourage me... just seeking explanation...


  • melissa56
    melissa56 Posts: 2
    The only thing i can think of is that you couldve gained muscle and thats what caused the scale to go up.
  • kranstar
    kranstar Posts: 10
    If you're getting more activity now than you were before, you could be building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, it's normal to see the scale go up a few pounds at first when you start a new exercise program. The good news is that muscle burns more calories than fat... so if you keep it up, the pounds will start melting away eventually.
  • healthykae
    healthykae Posts: 190 Member
    I'm gaining to. Go with it for another week or so before you make any decision to stop. Make sure to weigh in the morning and really move as much as you can during the day.
  • If you just started a new program you'll have fluctuations. Especially when you first start an exercise program you might even put on pounds. There is also a normal range of weight where you might fluctuate at different times of the day due to a variety of factors including water retention. Just stick with it or get more aggressive on the goals and you'll get results. You just have to burn more than you take in and you will lose it. Just keep in mind it takes a lot of calorie deficit to equal just one pound so you have to give it time for the results.
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    If your muscles are sore, you retain some water. Check your sodium intake, if that's on the high side, could be retaining as well.
  • If you're getting a lot of sodium then you will retain more fluids. And you'd be amazed how much sodium is in pre-packaged foods.

    Also, if you're exercising a lot and it's new to you, your muscles can be retaining fluids to help repair themselves.

    Or, if it's your TOM, too....
  • you said you jsut started? first off, STOP ... no more weighin...once a week only and at the same time!! second off, if you just started this then i'd say its your body adjusting and the "gain" isnt a real gain anyways....it takes our bodies time to adjust to the wacked out way we treat it...its struggling to break free from the gunk :)
  • Have you had your Typhoid checked? That's what is wrong with me. I have to take medication for it. I'm not losing but I'm not gaining now even if I worked out and watched what I ate for over a year.
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    My scale can fluctuate 3-4 lbs in a day. :( I am a habitual weigher every morning, but I only record the reading on Friday or Saturday morning.... which has still made me very mad lately.
  • awtakontrl
    awtakontrl Posts: 31
    another thing that it may be:

    you're staying under your goal, but are chosing foods higher in sugar, perhaps, or carbs? if you're staying under your goal, maybe you're eating fewer times throughout the day (to allow these meals you're chosing) as opposed to eating several small meals throughout the day with meals that are a "better choice?" idk if this could be your case, but i know it sure makes a difference for me.

    good luck!
  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    You will save yourself a huge headache if you only weigh in once a week, in the morning right away... trust me. I been there done that. If i have 2 cups of coffee and breakfast I'll weigh 2lbs more than I did b4.
  • If you eat too much salt it will make you retain water.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    It's also not about staying under calories. How are you doing on your sodium and sugar? If you are eating a burger for 500 calories, it's not the same as eating 500 calories of fresh veggies (although that is a LOT of veggies :P)
  • omnisis
    omnisis Posts: 85 Member
    try to weight yourself no more than once a week and use the same scale, same time of day, empty stomach, etc.

    also, just be patient You didn't gain weight overnight, you won't lose it overnight. Do the right things (eat right and stay active) and over time things will fall into place. too many people take a short-term view about this and get way too discouraged. don't do that!
  • Jjames1978
    Jjames1978 Posts: 39 Member
    My weight can change up to 5 lbs throughout the day, I agree once a week at the same time. I even go as far as line my scale up on the tiles in the bathroom so it is always in the same spot. I don't know if you have to go that far but I get a little OCD every now and then.
  • LaceyBeauty
    LaceyBeauty Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all so much for your replies! I've just reviewed some of the nutritional things (sodium, carbs, etc.) you suggested could be the culprit(s) and low and behold... yesterday was the highest intake of both sodium and carbs I've had since I started. You guys are geniuses! Thanks for helping me out!
  • yami88
    yami88 Posts: 4
    I've had similar, in the sense that, in only two or three weeks I've lost 3 pounds (I know that's not a lot but it's still somethin, right), and then the next day all of a sudden, the scale creeps back by a pound or so.
    Definitely agree with posters, that your fluid retention (if you weigh yourself after drinking water, even during workout, you'll likely have a little bit more than you would because of the water weight), as well as your body still getting used to it and building new muscle could be the culprits.

    I do notice that you just focused on the calorie count in your original post. That was my mistake, too, and in my first two weeks I could not for the life of me udnerstand why I was like 500 under my calorie coutn per day or more, yet still not losing an ounce at weigh-in
    That's until I went to my accoutn settings and made my food tracker record my sodium, fat, and ESPECIALLY sugar intake. Now, I've been a big soda drinker for years so it's a miracle I don't have diabetes. But once I checked that box and went back over the past couple of days, in which I did not abstain from my regular can or two of Pepsi, I was mortified that my sugar intake was almost triple what it should have been... excess sugar winds up stored in your body as fat... fat, you want to lose.
    So, take a look at especially sugar and fat levels because they really might also be hampering you, in addition to the sodium and carb intakes.

    Good luck, stay strong!

    EDIT: And yes, weight yourself at the same time of your general daily routine, but try to do it only once a week! Otherwise you might drive yourself nuts! ;)
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