Giving up alcohol

Okay, so I wouldn't say I have a drinking problem or anything like that. I have about 1 or 2 drinks when I get home, I have more on the weekends. I know that this is the main thing that's holding me back. I have a reasonable diet other than that. Ive seen results before when I've stopped drinking. I've been really struggling with this lately, I need to cut down my alcohol intake to once a week again. Does anyone have any tips to help me with this..


  • KathrynCummings1
    KathrynCummings1 Posts: 21 Member
    me to have a can or two of cider every night . Im having few nights off in week and switched to gin and slimline tonic half the calories but know i should give up completely
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Quit completely. Otherwise you'll spend several days each drink regaining lost ground. Not worth it!
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    I quit by not starting every night.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Okay, so I wouldn't say I have a drinking problem or anything like that. I have about 1 or 2 drinks when I get home, I have more on the weekends. I know that this is the main thing that's holding me back. I have a reasonable diet other than that. Ive seen results before when I've stopped drinking. I've been really struggling with this lately, I need to cut down my alcohol intake to once a week again. Does anyone have any tips to help me with this..

    Not being able to stop without discomfort like that would make me drop it cold turkey and never look back.
  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Find something else to help you relax. Go for a walk when you get home. Find some teas or diet sodas you like and drink those instead. It's a hard habit to break even if it is just a habit.
  • Alauran23
    Alauran23 Posts: 11 Member
    Just start your exercise routine before u have a drink then on day 2 have a drink and then exercise youll notice without drinking youll last longer and feel good after your workout instead of sluggish
  • Alauran23
    Alauran23 Posts: 11 Member
    The more you exercise the better youll get and less likely to want to drink and thw more likely youll want to exercise
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    If you go into Google or Bing and search for: "how to cut down on drinking" there are a lot of tips out there. Here's one site from the UK that has a lot of resources for those trying to cut down:

    If you can't do it on your own, there's plenty of help out there. I had to quit entirely 23 years ago, and I must say, my life's better without the booze.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Can you fit in 1 drink a night? I've been losing while keeping my drinking habits by cutting the amount of alcohol I drink.
    I know I would lose weight faster if I didn't drink, but I would rather lose weight slowly and be happy than to lose weight fast and end up murdering someone.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    I drink often and I actually lose better when I drink. It keeps me from eating. The nights I don't have a drink I snack instead. But I'm needing to cut back as well because it's not good for my overall health. I'm actually afraid I'll start losing slower though.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.

    This. If you find you CANT stop, even if it's "one or two", you need to seek out help/resources before it gets worse. Alcoholism is more than just how much you drink, but rather the behaviors and feeling surrounding the drinking. If you find you "need" and drink or two to "cope" there is already an issue. Please seek out resources before it gets any worse.

    *Speaking from experience. My drinking started as one drink every night and progressed to drinking everyday to the point it played a hand in me losing my job. I wish someone would have said something when it was just starting to become a problem, but society seems to look down upon intervening quickly because "it's not THAT serious yet..."
  • MelZweightlossjourney
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
    Dude, I'm not an alcoholic. Me drinking 1-2 drinks a night doesn't affect me going to work or school everyday and it doesn't affect any of my relationships. It's just something I enjoy, like soda or junk food... Jesus.
  • Artist54DL
    Artist54DL Posts: 2 Member
    Yup. 1-2 drinks daily is not alcoholism. I have a fatty liver, but not from drinking too much. I had 1 to 2 drinks a day, too.
    So its no drinking for me for awhile and a slow slow decrease in weight so as to not stress out my liver. This can happen at any age. Fatty liver even affects children!
    Good for you for thinking about your overall health, Melissa!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
    Dude, I'm not an alcoholic. Me drinking 1-2 drinks a night doesn't affect me going to work or school everyday and it doesn't affect any of my relationships. It's just something I enjoy, like soda or junk food... Jesus.

    Just because it doesn't impact your daily living doesn't mean it isn't a problem. The fact that you need help stopping suggests it is a problem.

  • RWClary
    RWClary Posts: 192 Member
    Okay, so I wouldn't say I have a drinking problem or anything like that. I have about 1 or 2 drinks when I get home, I have more on the weekends. I know that this is the main thing that's holding me back. I have a reasonable diet other than that. Ive seen results before when I've stopped drinking. I've been really struggling with this lately, I need to cut down my alcohol intake to once a week again. Does anyone have any tips to help me with this..
    I gave up alcohol except for a glass of wine with a fine meal or a beer out grilling.
    I found that my daily consumption of alcohol stifled my goals, so one day, ADIOS!
    I don't miss it one bit.

  • sunnybeaches105
    sunnybeaches105 Posts: 2,831 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
    Dude, I'm not an alcoholic. Me drinking 1-2 drinks a night doesn't affect me going to work or school everyday and it doesn't affect any of my relationships. It's just something I enjoy, like soda or junk food... Jesus.

    Just because it doesn't impact your daily living doesn't mean it isn't a problem. The fact that you need help stopping suggests it is a problem.


    Yes, you've just diagnosed this person on the internet. Congratulations, you're now a board certified internet doctor.
  • MelZweightlossjourney
    elphie754 wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
    Dude, I'm not an alcoholic. Me drinking 1-2 drinks a night doesn't affect me going to work or school everyday and it doesn't affect any of my relationships. It's just something I enjoy, like soda or junk food... Jesus.

    Just because it doesn't impact your daily living doesn't mean it isn't a problem. The fact that you need help stopping suggests it is a problem.


    Yes, you've just diagnosed this person on the internet. Congratulations, you're now a board certified internet doctor.

    Lol I'm laughing at some of these comments, like yep I'm a huge alchoholic, please send me to AA.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, but if you need tips to cut down on alcohol, you have a drinking problem. I suggest you seek help and address the reason you have to drink every night. Seriously, do it before it becomes a bigger issue. I have a couple relatives that have struggled with alcohol and I have seen the devastation is can bring.
    Dude, I'm not an alcoholic. Me drinking 1-2 drinks a night doesn't affect me going to work or school everyday and it doesn't affect any of my relationships. It's just something I enjoy, like soda or junk food... Jesus.

    Just because it doesn't impact your daily living doesn't mean it isn't a problem. The fact that you need help stopping suggests it is a problem.


    Yes, you've just diagnosed this person on the internet. Congratulations, you're now a board certified internet doctor.

    Lol I'm laughing at some of these comments, like yep I'm a huge alchoholic, please send me to AA.

    Go ahead, laugh. I was in the same boat 5 years ago and if anyone told me it would be a problem I likely would have laughed in their face. I kept saying-oh I can't stop, I just don't want too, and had every excuse in the book. Then 2 drinks a night became 4, became 6, became drinking earlier in the day, became drinking in the morning etc. it's a slippery slope. We are just trying to say that is CAN happen and to seek help before it gets that bad, if you truly feel like you can't stop your drinks at night.
  • CraigontheCoast
    CraigontheCoast Posts: 21 Member
    One thing I've found that helps me with cutting down is scheduling two workouts in the day, one in the morning and one in the evening. I love my workouts, and if I am even slightly hungover, it makes it a much less enjoyable experience. Having the two workouts makes sure I don't drink in the evening because: 1. I'm busy working out or enjoying the endorphin rush afterwards and 2. because I don't want to feel crappy for my morning workout. Not talking about huge workouts, just a moderate one does the trick for me.

    I hope that helps! Feel free to message or add me if you need some encouragement from someone who's fighting that battle too.