Very stressed and hopeless.

I'm in a very bad situation that I've been working to climb myself out of. It just seems so hopeless sometimes. I lost my job 2 years ago and went back to school to obtain a degree in a more competitive and demanding field. In the meantime, I can't find full-time work while going to school due to the hours. I work part-time and do private patient care, when I am requested. Debt keeps growing. Fast forward to now, I'm finally done with school. Plan on taking the board exam and getting a full-time job. That all takes time while my home is in danger of being foreclosed on. I try to stay cheerful for my 2 kids, but it's so hard.

I'm reaching out to you guys for some words of encouragement to keep on going. Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did you cope with it?


  • watsonjodanita
    watsonjodanita Posts: 1 Member
    Have been in a similiar situation. We did end up losing our home, but bought a little trailer to live in on some friends land. It was a good experience for us, learned we didn't need a home to be happy. We did have one daughter still at home so I was hardest on her. Do you have anyone that would help you if worst came to worst? I do remember being very scared not knowing where we were going to live.
  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Turn this around starting today. Tell yourself that 1. I finished school and almost have my degree... yay me! 2. I have happy, healthy children. 3. Life never lets us get away with retiring really early....a full time job will come and I will work again.... ain't no getting out of that! 4. Listen to's the people in your life and achievements that matter... you have both! If your home is lost no one is going to stop you from dusting off your pants and getting back on track. I had to do this at 40....and let me tell ya' I am SO glad I had my struggles, it brought me to a better life that I'm so much happier with. Hang in and turn it around... both you and your kids deserve to be happy most days, make today one of them! Much luck! :)
  • SaskDad
    SaskDad Posts: 8 Member
    Been in a similar situation, too. Took advice from friends and looked at debt consolidation. That helped. Brought payments down and got back on track. I m by no means an expert, I'm a Dad. Some may not believe, but I got to the end of my abilities and prayed. It helps. He listens. All the best and hang in there. You're going to do good!