I'm trying this again...

I have used MFP in the past and it helped to keep me accountable and show my progress. Then, something happened, and I got discouraged and just stopped. I ended up gaining 20 lbs and I didn't even realize it. Since January, I have lost about 13 pounds but I have plateaued and rather than falling into the ugly pit of discouragement, I came back here. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea and I will be turning 40 so I desperately need to lose at least 20% of my weight (60 pounds). My Doctor is pressuring me to get bariatric surgery and keeps telling me that people cannot lose weight on thier own. I refuse to believe him and I am committed to doing it on my own, I'm stubborn and when someone tells me I can't, I work my butt off to show them I will. I appreciate reading everyone's story and having a safe place to share. Is there a way to add friends on here to follow and support? Thank you for reading :)


  • spangel76
    spangel76 Posts: 3 Member
    Oh I figured out how to add people B) I'm a dork too,did I mention that?
  • bigcountry0430
    bigcountry0430 Posts: 108 Member
    Don't get discouraged! We are here for you. Thank you for sharing your story. We'll get you over that hill!!
  • noneedforspeed
    noneedforspeed Posts: 13 Member
    Don't give up. Keep fighting!