Any Trim Healthy Mama'ers here?? (THM)



  • stephrsteph
    stephrsteph Posts: 1 Member
    I am restarting the plan now... I was doing really well with it & then 3 weeks of business travel TOTALLY derailed me! ;) Will send you a friend request.
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Stephkrum. I just sent you a note and also connected w you! Let's travel together :)
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Davis713 wrote: »
    I just bought the new "shorter" book and I am looking forward to learning how to do all this!
    I will need lots of help, I hope to get the cookbook this weekend!

    Davis713 welcome !!! I've sent you a request. Let's journey together :) Lori
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Me :)

    Hello! Let's journey together ! Lori
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    misadele wrote: »
    Just started on Jan. 4th. I log my food sometimes because I get confused what the meal ends up being. Anybody want to buddy up?

    Yes, I'm happy to travel together! Lori
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    HunnieB0 wrote: »
    I've been on plan since November, hoping to improve my health but the weight dropping off is a huge bonus!

    Indeed! Congrats on your loss! Lori
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    mkakids wrote: »
    I'm sorry if this sounds ignorant, but what is a "Mama'er"? This is a new term for me on the forums and I'm all confuzzled.

    There is a plan called trim healthy mama...she just means someone who follows that plan (mama'er)

    Ah, thanks for the explaination.

  • FitAstrophysicist
    FitAstrophysicist Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a Trim Healthy Mama and would love to have fellow THMs to follow!
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I'm Lori \o/ I'm doing "a not so strict" THM. But would love to connect with anyone about a shared journey with health and weight. I've been on a long health journey but am happy with my goals, results and focus! I'm all about living it, not depriving myself of it. It's LIFE! I love THM books, esp cookbook. Even though they are a bit overwhelming. Love all the low carb options now. So better than they used to be! Anyway, enough chattering... I'm a homeschool mom of an 11th grader, married almost 30 years, have diabetes, fibromyalgia, autoimmune issues and therefore I struggle with exercising. I love to scrapbook, quilt and craft cards, love to fellowship, volunteer in women's ministry and love the Lord. I hope you are encouraged by MFP! Glad to meet you! How long have you been on MFP? How do you like it? Any fav recipes?
  • joannrhughes
    joannrhughes Posts: 1 Member
    I am on the THM plan and I love it. I have lost 16 lbs so far. I have lost 12 inches overall. I have been on the plan since mid February and I consider myself a drive thru Sue. I just turned 60 and have about 50 more lbs To lose. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, osteoarthritis, and I have had two knee replacements and a hip replacement. I have raised 3 children, two of my own and a grandson who is 19 and living at home and going to college. My favorite breakfast is Eggs and Av's, my favorite dinner is the Fakertot Casserole. I have made several recipes and I have enjoyed most from the cookbook. I like to play Mahjong, do water aerobics, color my coloring books, swim, play with my dogs and grandsons. I have been married for 34 years and we love to go explore our State (Florida), travel , movies and fish the intercoastal waterways. I am also the new leader of a local TOPS (take off pounds sensibly). I like TOPS because you can use any plan. I am looking for support and friendship.
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! Glad to share this journey with likeminded friends. I am similar with autoimmune issues, need 50 + more pounds to go, have fibromyalgia and am diabetic, have had lumbar fusion and facet fusions so my exercise is limited. Journey of ups and downs indeed but I believe in living life and not a deprivation lifestyle. So that means I'm a turtle but at least I'm losing! 61+ since 2011 :)
  • VanenaRodz85
    VanenaRodz85 Posts: 3 Member
    I've kind of started on the THM journey, but it is, as it has been mentioned, a bit of a learning curve. My goal is to do THM without crazy extras. I'm also lurking on all the THM facebook pages, but I would love to have some actual support! Feel free to add me, this invitation is towards anyone on plan that wants to connect. Would love to chat about how you make it work.
  • klpell
    klpell Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join you im a 54 year old withabout 20 lbs to loose and have a hard time sticking to the rules
  • Steadmn
    Steadmn Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I'd love to journey with you. My name is Lori. I've lost 60+ but I still have another 60 to go, turtle as I am. I don't really follow the THM well but I absolutely love their recipes. I try to get healthier carbs in or no carb but I'm not built that way. I love carbs! Unfortunately I'm diabetic so I trying to make mine a comfortsble lifestyle and I'm a turtle loser because of that. But yes, let's share our days! Thanks for connecting with me, L
  • tress29
    tress29 Posts: 614 Member
    A friend recommended THM to me, for the sippers and "in a mug" items! I got the new book from the library and I'm just trying to digest all the information. The cook book is on hold...

    I'm an almost 50 divorced mom of 17 yo twin boys. Senior year is upon us! I have a recent Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis, and the low carb/good carb lifestyle sure helps with that.