P90X Starting Monday, 6/27. Anyone else?



  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I did, and continue to do, running prior to all days I do P90X. It is really important to have a HRM for all exercises so you know how many calories you need to eat back.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm on day 29 but wanted to say that I too was super intimidated. I feared quitting. It looked hard and come to find out it is hard, it's work but I love it!!! Sometimes I have more energy than other days but overall I'm motivated even more today than I was on day 1.
    I would definately keep up with your worksheets. Don't forget to do measurements and before pics. I even ended up making a binder for my p90x with my worksheets, daily food logs, calendar/schedule, stats spreadsheet,etc. I find that if I'm organized I don't feel overwhelmed.
  • evelyn602
    evelyn602 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in too!! I am also very intimitaded Im hoping its just me lol me and my hubby will be starting Monday 6/27 as well! Add me if you would like! Let's do this!
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I'm on day 29 but wanted to say that I too was super intimidated. I feared quitting. It looked hard and come to find out it is hard, it's work but I love it!!! Sometimes I have more energy than other days but overall I'm motivated even more today than I was on day 1.
    I would definately keep up with your worksheets. Don't forget to do measurements and before pics. I even ended up making a binder for my p90x with my worksheets, daily food logs, calendar/schedule, stats spreadsheet,etc. I find that if I'm organized I don't feel overwhelmed.

    Were we separated at birth!? I literally just searched the house for an extra binder or folde I could dedicate to P90x haha! Glad Im not the only girlw ho brings organization to EVERY aspect of her life! haha

    I have a HRM that I am addicted to. I wouldnt know what to do without it! How have you veteran P90x-ers adjusted your calories during the 90 days? I currently eat my BMR (1550) plus my exercise calories (well, as many as I can without stuffing myself.) I have a history of not eating enough when I workout, and then I end up gaining weight back when I stop whatever regimen or routine I was doing.

    Have yall seen this link? http://www.getfitwithgrav.com/downloads I printed the calendar and worksheets (to add to my binder!) and it already has me pumped up to start on Monday!

    I am a stay-at-home-mom to a 2 year old daughter who still naps (hallelujah!) but Im tired of wasting her 2 hour nap on the couch or surfing the internet. Im excited tospend an hour working out, showering, and re-energizing to match her afternoon energy burst!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Yeppers thats the schedule I have. I also have a list of the p90x foods I can have along with a daily log that tells me how much of each I can have. :bigsmile:


    My binder is preetttty with flowers and funny pictures I printed out in it! haha I have a picture of all these bad foods like pizza, burgers, donuts that says NO MORE with a sad face on it.. then a pic of healthy foods with a smiley face.

    I have to keep it interesting!!!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I dont have a pull-up bar yet. Any suggestions/recommendations for where to buy a good one? Or will any brand do?

    BeachBody sells a version of the door frame pullup bar.

    Or, if you are using resistance bands, you can also create a set up to loop them through a ceiling or door attachment to simulate the same movement. The bands are a good way to keep up with the workouts if you can't physically do pull ups.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I don't have a bar but my hub does. They have the iron gym ones for like $15-$20.

    What we did was screw hooks on the ceiling and thats how I use my bands.
  • morgan511
    morgan511 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in! I was planning on starting on Monday also! I am happy to see I am not the only one. I made it through the first 5 weeks of P90X last time but it became hard to keep up with my wedding being in the middle of it. But this time I have no distractions. Can't wait to start!
  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    I just started and I am on day 3... I am very sore right now, but i'm loving it!
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    I have had it on a shelf for over a year now. Wife gave it to me for Valentines day present in 2010. What was she trying to say? lol
    I cannot start on Monday but will join in on Tuesday. It does look intimidating. Definately will be modifyng the moves to start.
    How do you calculate the calories burned so you can add to your diary? Just using ellipticle and treadmill is easy to add.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    The best way is to get a heart rate monitor that calculates the calories that you burn during your workout. Other than that you'll have to guess. Usually each day is 400-600 calories depending on the effort that you put in.
    How do you calculate the calories burned so you can add to your diary? Just using ellipticle and treadmill is easy to add.
  • ljd0693
    ljd0693 Posts: 289 Member
    I'll be doing P90X Classic. What is everyone else doing (Classic, Lean, Double, Hybrid)?
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I am pretty sure Im doing Classic. I read somewhere that women tend to go for the Lean version since they typically dont want to bulk up, but the author also said that Classic is the best workout for women. Interested to hear others' opinions and thoughts.
  • VBtim180
    VBtim180 Posts: 43 Member
    Love the calendar. Not sure about the meal tracking charts. Already tracking here Every Day. I do have the p90x nutrition guide so i better dust that off and get some ideas there. Cant wait to get started. Going out of town for a few days but will start Tuesday the 28th. Going to the beach for a few days so I will get plenty of exercise while in Ocean City. ( try to keep it real on the Meals too)

    I find the calorie counter here to be easy to use as a guide. Is there alot of adjustment to follow the p90x nutrition plan?
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I am pretty sure Im doing Classic. I read somewhere that women tend to go for the Lean version since they typically dont want to bulk up, but the author also said that Classic is the best workout for women. Interested to hear others' opinions and thoughts.

    Classic is what I recommend to everyone for their first time simply as a foundation. P90x is not a bulking program. It takes a calorie surplus and focused strength training to truly bulk up. P90x will tone and strengthen while cutting fat. If you want to do lean I would suggest doing it after a round of classic. Just my opinion.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Im really getting excited to start on Monday! Im trying to plan and organize it all since Im borrowing the DVDs from my cousin. I dont have all the literature. I own Power90 and have that meal plan/guide, and Ive typically focused solely on calories in vs calories out. So macronutrients scare me since Im completely in the dark.
    Im also reading the P90X thread that started earlier this month to try to get helpful hints and ideas of what to expect. I keep hearing "modify the workouts until you can do the whole workout" and that worries me a little. I tend to say "if i cant do the whole thing (or at least 90%), then why bother?" I feel like Im "failing" at it if I am not doing it ALL. (Have I mentioned Im an "all or nothing" kinda girl? :tongue: Im glad I read up on the modifications ahead of time so I am aware that i WILL have to modify at first and try to still work hard, not giv eup, and not get too discouraged.

    I think Im going to stick to my BMR (1550) and eat my exercise calories back. (I wear a HRM so I can pretty accurately judge my exercise calories.) What is everyone else going to do? I have read the 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat rule, but dont know WHY they recommend that.

    Also, can someone tell me the difference between the plans? Is Lean for someone like me who has more fat to lose WHILE building muscle? Classic for people who are already in shape and just want to gain muscle/trim up?
    My cousin might be bringing me the literature, but I wont get it til this weekend so Im trying to get ahead :)
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Im really getting excited to start on Monday! Im trying to plan and organize it all since Im borrowing the DVDs from my cousin. I dont have all the literature. I own Power90 and have that meal plan/guide, and Ive typically focused solely on calories in vs calories out. So macronutrients scare me since Im completely in the dark.
    Im also reading the P90X thread that started earlier this month to try to get helpful hints and ideas of what to expect. I keep hearing "modify the workouts until you can do the whole workout" and that worries me a little. I tend to say "if i cant do the whole thing (or at least 90%), then why bother?" I feel like Im "failing" at it if I am not doing it ALL. (Have I mentioned Im an "all or nothing" kinda girl? :tongue: Im glad I read up on the modifications ahead of time so I am aware that i WILL have to modify at first and try to still work hard, not giv eup, and not get too discouraged.

    I think Im going to stick to my BMR (1550) and eat my exercise calories back. (I wear a HRM so I can pretty accurately judge my exercise calories.) What is everyone else going to do? I have read the 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat rule, but dont know WHY they recommend that.

    Also, can someone tell me the difference between the plans? Is Lean for someone like me who has more fat to lose WHILE building muscle? Classic for people who are already in shape and just want to gain muscle/trim up?
    My cousin might be bringing me the literature, but I wont get it til this weekend so Im trying to get ahead :)

    I started low carb the first phase. 50/20/30 protein/carbs/fat. That's hard to maintain for long. Then I moved to 40/40/20 for the final two phases.

    Lean simply puts more focus on cardio and less on strength training. I would say it's more a matter of personal preference. Some people love cardio and hate resistance training. Others, like myself, can't stand cardio. You can make great progress on either plan.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    I printed out the Classic and Lean schedules. I might stick to Classic since Lean doesnt have plyometrics. But then again, I like Cardio, and the Classic schedule doesnt have it scheduled. Hmmm. Im seeing myself rearranging these workouts in an excel sheet before Monday. Especially since I still want to run a few days a week, and wouldnt have time for both running and a 60 minute workout (let alone the energy.) And how long is the Stretch DVD? Doesnt each DVD have a stretch and warmup/cool down?

    Disappointed my cousin might not be able to get the DVDs to me til Monday night, but at least she's still letting me borrow them! I bought Power90 in college (back before DVDs were even an option!), and I liked it but couldnt justify purchasing again until I KNOW I like it as much or more than Power90.

    Im also thinking about getting back to blogging through this process....anyone else plan to blog it?
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Boo for getting them till Monday night!

    I was soo tempted to do lean but I kept reading and hearing that you'll get more results from the classic version. I even had some folks tell me that they did the lean version only to do the classic because they wanted more and if they could do it all over, they would had stuck to just the classic all along.

    The stretch dvd is like an hour long. I do classic and my stretch or rest day falls on tuesday. I haven't done the stretch dvd thus far. Our tradition has been to go swimming that night to burn some extra calories.

    The cool downs in each section are like 5 minutes long.

    I had planned to do the c25k along with p90x but haha, yah there's not enough time in the world. But every now and then I'll go for a random jog, walk, swim, or do some cardio x just for the heck of it.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I'm doing the Classic version and I think I might blog as well. I'm taking my measurements tonight!!