Can't even make 1 day without evening snacks....



  • rosekon0326
    rosekon0326 Posts: 2 Member
    I would eat only the healthy items that are already in my refrigerator, but my husband has the ice ream treats, cake or other sweetened snacks in the house for himself. If I do not buy anything for the week, he is asking "did you buy the .....". I wish he was on board, but he is not. Don't get me wrong, he is a good man-great husband-great father and friend, but he likes his evening snacks. He on the other hand can have a serving. I am an addict when it comes to sweets. The apple and nuts or the ice cream, or streudel. I can't seem to avoid what is in the house. That is why am to noon is so controlled. I know what is right....I don't have the ability to walk away from it. What is wrong with me? I just meditated 10 minutes; 30 minutes on the treadmill. I feel empowered to start the day. I will absorb all that was written. Thank you for your suggestions. I have never stepped out on a message board and was overwelmed by the number of responses. I will post each day my challenges and successes. If you follow or respond, thank you. If you just read or not, that is ok too. I feel now that I am not only writing this in my journal of calorie counts, but will be accountable to this board. I do not want to fail this time around. I want to overcome this horrible habit of sugar at night-even when it is here for my husband. I have to be responsible for my own actions. So off to start a beautiful day. Sun is out (for now-probably more rain). Well, the flowers in the garden need them. One less chore tonight. By new friends. Have a great day too!!
  • apeydawn
    apeydawn Posts: 52
    I think we all have that battle at some point. Im addicted to trail mix. I use to just eat a lot of it. As well as Ice cream. So I finally bought some baggies and started portioning my mix into serving sizes. Then i started buying those single cup ice creams. I keep lots of fruits and veggies handy. However I've been learning that Fruit should always be eating on an empty stomach. So i'm trying to always eat my fruit that way.
  • My big problem is I eat for the wrong reasons. Why must you snack? Why is the key to what you can do about it.

    In the meantime, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough. Don't beat yourself up because you didn't follow the plan, congratulate yourself because you did better yesterday than you did the day before.
  • most people will tell you lots of ways to avoid snacking at night. I always snack at night, it is just who I am. I plan for it in my calorie count shaving off a few calories from each meal to save them for snacks. I also try to make most of it healthy and I always count my snacks in my calorie count. If you really want to not snack at night then work towards that but you can make room for snacks as long as you aren't giving them too many calories and they aren't total junkfood.

    *nods* This is what I did. I know a few hours after dinner and stuff is on tv or I'm sitting at the PC....the mini-hunger will hit. To ensure that I had calories for everything, I divide my daily amounts into four, which gives me roughly 400 or so calories per meal with some left over for mini-snacks or drinks that have calories in them (hot chocolate or a cup of milk, etc).
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Same here! I always like a little something sweet at the end of the night. It's like my treat for the day. There's plenty of healthy sweet options- low fat frozen youghurt, Sorbet, mini weis bars, youghurt with pomegranet, passionfruit and agave (honey substitute), cup of tea and piece of chocolate... the options are endless! I have breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks a day. I'm also on 1200 calories. Just factor the snacks into your day. Have them with a herbal tea or tea with skim and sugar alternative which make them feal more like a mini meal. I tend to buy the treats in one serve containers so I'm not tempted to over indulge. If you deprive yourself completelt, you're just setting yourself up for failure. Be prepared and compromise instead!
  • tkdgirl23
    tkdgirl23 Posts: 36
    Its a huge problem!! I had to really sit back one day before going to do my groceries and mentally prepare myself to not pick junk foods. I read up on healthy snacks and some of them may not seem so healthy but are! this is my list of healthy snacks , oh yea..also because its a snack , doesn't mean you can eat more , you need to control your snack with 0 calorie foods. Like water. Window shopping, music, motivational books I make for myself. They really work. ..and of course last but not least keep some weights near in the living room, near the kitchen.. or and exercise ball.. do a 15 minute workout to some cool music.

    My snacks:

    Skinny cows
    Mini bag popcorn
    celery with peanut butter
    apples with peanut butter
    fruit = watermelon

    side salads
    a tiny bit of light shredded cheese
    with a tiny bit of my favorite dressing olive oil & vinegar
    fruit smoothies = just fruit , ice, soy milk vanilla light
    a bowl of cereal like special k or strawberry awake from walmart's great value section - its pretty good.

    whole wheat bread from great value - very low fat , very low calorie , high fiber..
    1 slice of turkey breast

    those are just a few of the things I have been doing.. I was at 302 lbs in the beginning of this healthy journey.. and snacking was just one of those things that I found incredibly hard to get under control. I was dieting on my own back then.. but now I gained 20 lbs.. logging everything again.

    I hope this helps.

    Also I find when I up my protein a little .. I'm less hungry throughout the day.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm a night snacker too. Every night, I have to have something before going to bed.

    I plan it into my calories and I eat something healthy. It's usually a bowl of cereal and milk, or a bowl of fruit and cottage cheese.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I write in my oops the next day. then I know what I should do to make up for it. some people do this by working out ahead of time. but if you are like me you don't want to go over board if you don't have too. this way you can see what you need to do before you do it.
    If you are more organized you will eventually see how much extra you should just add in. Works great for the holiday too.:wink:
  • am a diabetic and overweight. insulin dependent, no help at all for weight. Help, i am on a downer and need someone to give me some encouragement.......
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I always snack at night. I make sure I have numbers left in my goals. I only keep foods in the house that won't distroy everything I have done. Low fat Popcorn, 40 cal fudge pops, Yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, low sugar jelly, graham crackers, Whole wheat crackers, low fat cheesse, Spicy Hummus, Fat free pudding. I don't eat all of it in a sitting. I choose what fits within the goals I have left for the day. Here is what I ate yesterday. Take a look

    Sugars - Granulated (sucrose), 2 tsp 33 8 0 0 0 0
    Milk - Reduced fat, 2% milkfat, 2 fl oz 31 3 1 2 25 5
    Coffee - Black, 20 fl oz 0 0 0 0 0 0

    Pepperidge Farm - Light Style Bread - Oatmeal, 37.62 grams (3 Slices) 92 18 1 5 172 0
    Dietz and Watson - Cheddar With Horseradish Cheese Slice, 1 Slice 110 1 9 6 270 30
    Butterball - Turkey Breast Whole Roasted, 1 oz 28 0 1 5 125 11
    Hellman's - Light Mayo, 0.5 Tbsp 20 1 2 0 58 3
    Tomato - Raw, Red, 0.5 tomato 5 2 0 1 3 0
    Lettuce - Cos or romaine, raw, 1 leaf outer 5 1 0 0 2 0

    Fresh Fruit - Cantalope, 1 cup cubed 54 14 0 1 26 0

    turkey chili, 1.5 serving 248 27 1 32 711 42
    Biggest Loser 's - Roasted Cauliflower, 1 cup cooked 69 7 4 3 81 3
    Sargento - Colby-Jack Reduced Fat Shredded Cheese, 1/8 cup 45 1 3 4 90 8
    Dole - American Blend Lettuce (From Website), 2 cups 20 4 0 1 13 0
    Fresh Gourmet - Cheese & Garlic Premium Croutons, 6 croutons 30 5 1 1 65 0
    Marie's - Yogurt Dressing Parmesan Caesar, 2 Tbsp (28g) 50 2 5 1 200 10

    Sabra - Supremely Spicy Hummus, 1.5 Tbsp. 53 3 5 2 98 0
    Nabisco - Wheat Thins - Crackers - Original, 8 crackers 70 11 3 1 115 0

    Orville Redenbacher's - Popcorn, Smartpop, , 0.5 bg 130 24 2 4 160 0
    Condiments - Peanut Butter - Natural - Crazy Richard's, 0.25 Tbsp (32g) 24 1 2 1 0 0
    America's Choice - Low Fat Honey Graham Crackers, 2 whole crackers 110 22 1 2 130 0
    Smucker's - Low Sugar Concord Grape Jelly, 0.25 Tbsp 6 2 0 0 0 0
    Totals 1,233 157 41 72 2,344 112

    Your Daily Goal 1,570 177 52 97 2,500 300
    Remaining 337 20 11 25 156 188
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Chol
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    I agree with others, simply add in a healthy snack for your evennings. There is no point in denying yourself if it will lead to eating anyways. Allow yourself the snack, just make better choices.
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    At first when I starting really focusing on weight loss I couldnt have any of that stuff in the house. After about 2 months doing this, I can actually say no. Last night took a pizza over for my daughter and her boys and I didnt have any. Had a salad gets easier if you can fight through it, the cravings will lessen.

    best of luck...
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    At first when I starting really focusing on weight loss I couldnt have any of that stuff in the house. After about 2 months doing this, I can actually say no. Last night took a pizza over for my daughter and her boys and I didnt have any. Had a salad gets easier if you can fight through it, the cravings will lessen.

    best of luck...
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    At first when I starting really focusing on weight loss I couldnt have any of that stuff in the house. After about 2 months doing this, I can actually say no. Last night took a pizza over for my daughter and her boys and I didnt have any. Had a salad gets easier if you can fight through it, the cravings will lessen.

    best of luck...
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    At first when I starting really focusing on weight loss I couldnt have any of that stuff in the house. After about 2 months doing this, I can actually say no. Last night took a pizza over for my daughter and her boys and I didnt have any. Had a salad gets easier if you can fight through it, the cravings will lessen.

    best of luck...
  • HisBeloved65
    HisBeloved65 Posts: 186
    At first when I starting really focusing on weight loss I couldnt have any of that stuff in the house. After about 2 months doing this, I can actually say no. Last night took a pizza over for my daughter and her boys and I didnt have any. Had a salad gets easier if you can fight through it, the cravings will lessen.

    best of luck...
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    easier said than done, but stop buying the junk and buy some watermelon and other fruits and popcorn. I used to love to snack at night but now I don't. I used to enjoy ice cream or a big bowl of sugary cereal while watching tv late into the evening/night. I got myself out of this rut by exercising in the evening around 7 or 8 for an hour or so then shower grab a fruit snack if hungry and go to bed early.
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Easy answer.... GET RID OF THE BAD SNACKS!!!! Its almost like an alcoholic with a pantry full of brand new vodka bottles and they are trying to quit...

    Change up things. I dont keep that crap in my house because I WOULD EAT IT!!! I know I am not that strong so I dont surround myself with chips/cookies/etc.
  • If it isn't in the house you can't eat it.