60 lbs in 20 weeks

I have 190 total lbs to lose so I am wondering if it is doable to keep up a 3 lb weight loss/week for the next 20 weeks. Has anyone done this and if so, did you do anything special? a 1500 calorie a day deficit is doable for me if I eat back a few hundred exercise calories. I am buying my wedding dress in 20 weeks and I really want to drop 60 lbs by then. As I said, I have 190 to lose so 60 may seem like a drop in the bucket to some but it's an important milestone for me to feel good in dresses. Thoughts?


  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Normally I would say no and I think you'd find a lot of people saying there's no way. However, if you have a lot of weight to lose then losing above the general upper limit of 2lbs per week is both doable and sustainable. If you're starting north of 350lbs (I can't see any pics so just a guess based on the amount you want to lose) then you will probably be able to maintain a 3lb per week weight loss if you're accurate with your logging for the first 50lbs at least. The only notes of caution I would put in are:
    - be careful about cutting your calories too low as it can make it hard to maintain and increases the likelihood of binging
    - Be wary of fixating on a number by a specific date (been there, done that)- if for any reason you don't get there it can be a real head spinner and derail any progress you have made.

    Good luck!
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you so much - I knew I needed to hear all of that. I know logically I cannot be fixated on this number. The problem is that I thought I would be able to wait until October to order my dress and I just found out that it's August. So I am just taken aback. I am starting at 330.
  • stephinator92
    stephinator92 Posts: 162 Member
    I think you will be gorgeous regardless of the size of your dress. That being said I agree with the other poster that it may be possible if you log correctly
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Wanting to be x weight by y date is a recipe for failure. I never put timelines on my weight loss and am grateful that I didn't put that kind of pressure on myself. Do your best and you'll look fabulous by then, even if you don't hit your target weight.
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you both for the kind words!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Wanting to be x weight by y date is a recipe for failure. I never put timelines on my weight loss and am grateful that I didn't put that kind of pressure on myself. Do your best and you'll look fabulous by then, even if you don't hit your target weight.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Wanting to be x weight by y date is a recipe for failure. I never put timelines on my weight loss and am grateful that I didn't put that kind of pressure on myself. Do your best and you'll look fabulous by then, even if you don't hit your target weight.


  • smit7633
    smit7633 Posts: 182 Member
    I say go for it, push as hard as you can and lose as much as you can by then. Just make sure you listen to your body and slow down if you strt to have negative effects
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    smit7633 wrote: »
    I say go for it, push as hard as you can and lose as much as you can by then. Just make sure you listen to your body and slow down if you strt to have negative effects

    OP don't do that, I don't think you want to be feeling terrible and/or passing out at your wedding. Just get started, exercise and drink plenty of water and whatever weight you get to you will look awesome at your wedding!!

    Good luck. :)
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    It is doable. I lost my first 100 pounds in 29 weeks.
    SW was 290#
    @ 1 year I was down 141 pounds.
    I have been on maintenance for a little over 2 years at around 130 pounds.
    My calories were 1200 while losing.
    I am 5 foot 2 3/4 inches, 64 years old. If I can do it, most anyone can with no health issues.

    Keep your eye on the prize. Log everything you eat and drink.

    When is your wedding? Remember, you can always have your dress altered smaller too! Congratulations and best of luck to you!
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    I definitely plan on losing AFTER I buy the dress - wedding is April 2017 so I have a lot more time after I buy the dress. I do plan to buy it in a smaller size (just 1 size as long as I am making progress) and keep losing. But there is just something about that event of trying on dresses with friends and family that makes me really want to get to a certain weight so I can enjoy it. I know ultimately the weight I am in April is more important. And ultimately of course my health is MOST important. The big picture is not lost on me - but I am a girl and I want to feel good pickin' a dress : )
  • BeinLoved
    BeinLoved Posts: 33 Member
    Wanting to be x weight by y date is a recipe for failure. I never put timelines on my weight loss and am grateful that I didn't put that kind of pressure on myself. Do your best and you'll look fabulous by then, even if you don't hit your target weight.

    I agree 100%! Even making small changes such as drinking more water, adding a few extra minutes to your workouts, making healthier food choices, etc. will add up in the end. I know having a target date/weight adds pressure and it's easy to become obsessed with the scale and not your health. You want your changes and weight loss to be long lasting. You'll look fabulous no matter what! :smile:
  • mrsloganlife
    mrsloganlife Posts: 158 Member
    I definitely plan on losing AFTER I buy the dress - wedding is April 2017 so I have a lot more time after I buy the dress. I do plan to buy it in a smaller size (just 1 size as long as I am making progress) and keep losing. But there is just something about that event of trying on dresses with friends and family that makes me really want to get to a certain weight so I can enjoy it. I know ultimately the weight I am in April is more important. And ultimately of course my health is MOST important. The big picture is not lost on me - but I am a girl and I want to feel good pickin' a dress : )

    OK former/recent bride here...DO NOT buy your dress 1 size down. No. No. No.

    It is easier for them to tailor the dress down then size it out--these dresses can only be let out only so much. This is not a stress that you want--besides you will feel better when they have to tailor it in then realizing they will have to let it out. Sure you may feel that you will be one size down by your wedding, but you never know what could come up, or you are losing weight but inches aren't coming off like they should. Order the dress in the size that you are the day you find it. Bridal seamstresses are good, and they will adjust the dress to fit your body at your fittings--however, again, they can only let out a dress so much, and you don't want to pay to order the same dress again (that may not be available) in a larger size.

    I was in your shoes when I was finding a dress "oh I will definitely be smaller by my wedding so I should order a size down." The angel that was my bridal consultant encouraged me to order in the size that I was. And yes I was skinnier by my wedding, but my hips fit the current size of the dress and the seamstresses were able to tailor the bust and waist to my smaller size--if I ordered a size down there was no way my hips would have worked in the dress.

    I wish you luck on your weight loss journey--but don't get discouraged if the weight doesn't come off as expected. Your fiance proposed to you and loves you as you are, and at the end of the day, it's about you and him...not the dress (although it seems a big part--I gave 2 rats about my dress on my wedding day. I was ready to march down the aisle and marry my husband).
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    Great Advice!
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    BeinLoved wrote: »
    Wanting to be x weight by y date is a recipe for failure. I never put timelines on my weight loss and am grateful that I didn't put that kind of pressure on myself. Do your best and you'll look fabulous by then, even if you don't hit your target weight.

    I agree 100%! Even making small changes such as drinking more water, adding a few extra minutes to your workouts, making healthier food choices, etc. will add up in the end. I know having a target date/weight adds pressure and it's easy to become obsessed with the scale and not your health. You want your changes and weight loss to be long lasting. You'll look fabulous no matter what! :smile:

    You are right, it would not work for a lot of people, but we are all different. Some people are very goal oriented, and this would be a very strong incentive to succeed. It was for me. I had a health assessment coming up in October 2012 at work. Joined MFP 3/12/12 and was bound and determined to be down 100 pounds by then. I was down 110 by the date of our screening. I do recommend working with your physician or health care professional on achieving your goals, but it definitely can be done.

    There are no guarantees for long lasting weight loss, no matter how it is achieved. For weight loss, you have to eat less calories than your body is burning. The key for permanent changes is in not eating more calories than you are burning, that is the only way you can sustain weight loss. Find a way to move more that you enjoy, and move more.

    Look at the OP, she is a beautiful young woman, who will be a beautiful bride, no matter if she marries today or a year from now. Her goal is achievable, many here have done this and many have even lost more.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Yeah this is insanity. There was a bride on here recently moaning about how she has gained all the weight she lost for her wedding back + more. Jeeze! THIS IS JUST ONE DAY. You would be better off enjoying your wedding day in a dress that fits comfortably and then Photoshopping all your photos down a few sizes. You could at least control the outcome with that! Try this: Order a dress that fits wearing spanx now. Have it altered in to accommodate a sane rate of weight loss, whatever that turns out to be, closer to your wedding. Begin eating at a deficit, moving more and sleeping enough without any artificial time limits or constraints right this very moment this very day. That's your real 'happily ever after' right there.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Nobody, and I mean nobody, loses 3 lbs a week like clockwork over 4-5 months.
  • JayRuby84
    JayRuby84 Posts: 557 Member
    I think you will be gorgeous regardless of the size of your dress. That being said I agree with the other poster that it may be possible if you log correctly

    I agree with this complete. You are beautiful now and will be then, no matter what weight-loss you achieve.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I lost 52 lbs in 12 weeks and didnt have any effect on me at all......just exercised and walked alot........just eat healthy, exercise and you will be fine...........your results may differ, Im older and am a male, but good luck..........
  • KristenNagle1
    KristenNagle1 Posts: 83 Member
    Awwwww was def not fishing for compliments with this post, but you all have me feeling fantastic! :smiley: